Release Notes
– Beta Release Notes
Initial Release notes during beta include August 31st, 2016 – October 21st, 2019.
Released: October 21st, 2019
Fixed depth shader render queue for cloud shadow type
Added correct vertical movement on player and tiles using mover tile type
Fixed speed multiplier for tile type mover objects
Changed the depth value of terrain collider to not push in between other layers
Added tile type mover – moving platform
Updated some labels on platform tile
Fixed collider method for platform on start/end states
Fixed rotation for platform on moveToStart.none
Added mover to tileType and filter
Added new velocity check to playerMovement for mover
Added rt_line to slide option for distance check on player
Fixed: camera controller smooth time for follow x,y max value sets correctly
Added: terrain translate, parent to, and waypoint follow options
Fixed: terrain offset on depth to tileImage
Updated player slide controls for tile guy
Added slider_die_moveTo to tiles
Added event jump pound no hit event btn image
Updated TileData.xml
Added event state for player jump pound no hit (effect, audio, cameraShake, event)
Lock state on tiles switched the scale and parenting times
Added kuzee no hat and effect
Fixed issue with Shader on hurt state to effect state mat copy with player
Fixed snapToCollider left/right directions
Added support for enable snapToCollider and hotkey holding on move (ctrl l/r)
Fixed terrain layer on game mode with any layer set
Editor Snap to collider pos/rot/moveUpdate complete
Implemented snapToColliderOnMove on TBM – use ctrl left/right to auto snap or set option to true for constant snapping
Finished implementation of snap to collider for editor create tile options
Added snap to collider btn and system for tbm in edit create mode
Added auto snap for collider based tiles to TBM
Terrain now adds collider while building for snapping
Fixed playerEffect animation issue – changed from time to frame count
Fixed offset position for weapon muzzleflash
Changed multiplier to muzzleflash position from 0.1 to 0.01 for better positioning
Fixed player effect pos in rt_mode. Lines up with game mode pos.
Updated TileData.xml with player moveIdle random options
Added tile guy animations to player ugi
Added player moveIdle random animations (a,b,c) option and percentage (0-100) base
Added terrain renderer settings (turning off default values added to component)
Fixed weapon bullet hit on terrain lookup
Added weapon bullet end scale on hit
Fixed nullref on terrain custom when switching back/forth between others
Fixed terrain nodes saving/loading on create when nothing changed
Finished Terrain custom shape swap with pointTypes correctly setting
Updated version of terrain is complete (except one item)
Added terrain nodes – curve, sharp, edge
Added to default tileset for player jumpPound
Added to tileguy cartoon set for tile guy volume jump states and effects
Fixed nullref on water shader on create first time
Fixed water colorRGB rt_mode updating water distort color change
Fixed rotation issue with hitSpark on weapon, correctly rotates now based on item direction
Added water distortion to TileData for use
Added SwitchToBrushOnMultiTilesSelected to TileManager
Fixed volume enter/stay/exit on PlayerState changes when volumeJumpApex and volumeJumpDown were set
Fixed fillscale and edgescale on rt_mode
Updated default and tileguy projects
Separated out terrain texture scale for both edge and fill
Changed Ferr2DT_PathTerrain to work with both scales
Updated TileData.xml
Added edge and fill color correctly in groups
Added renderQueue to edit mode for terrain
Updated terrain tile for tile guy cartoon
Added renderQueue for terrain edge and fill
Added art ugi npc character to tile guy set
Added cubeExample edges on line mode for terrain collider sides
Added _color tint for wavy unlit shader on terrain
Polishing the collider system connection with terrain
Added collider multi edge support for terrain
Fixed setColor on terrain edge in override
Added terrain eyedrop support
Cleaned up terrain fill/edge settings and systems
Updated TileData.xml
Removed Terrain material external – now only uses textures that it came with
Refactored TileManager eyedropper on subtile check for unparenting – skips terrain nodes
Fixed isDragTile value not setting on TB
Added Drag Begin/End checking on tile for controller/multicontroller to check for feed back on subtile (ie. terrain nodes)
Added material/texture setup for terrain fill and edge parts
Updating Terrain Tile
Added art for tileguy (effects)
Refactored TerrainNodes
Updated Ferr2D package
Removed tile guy cartoon actors from tileset list
Fixed lookat on hide (evade states) for playerAi
Changed playerAi range label ‘far’ to ‘lookAt’
Fixed nullref on aiTarget not set but used on atSteerState check
Added a check for waypoint pathing on player ai if cant get to spot, then go to next available point
Added tile guy short kuzee
Changed label for effect on player
Fixed scale issues on hitDecal
Added decal scale size to user options
Added decal scale btns
Fixed up player jumpPound to work correctly in height situations
Fixed weapon 1,2 charging and charged states for animations and override on player state hide anim
Added animations for charging attack on kuzee
Fixed jumppound on player
Fixed fx tile creation with anim on player
Added playerEffect fade for single effect and disable
Added events for player hide / unhide states
Changed text for die properties
Updated TileData.xml
Addded effect images for tile guy
Added: subtile btn for die move to
Added btn to player for now but can be used for all tiles
Added Die move to position for players on final life (and to base)
Updated tile guy gubol player for attacking and moving
Fixed some issues with player jump pound
Added distance check option for user on jump pound
Added visual line for distances in rt_mode
Updated TileData.xml
Adding OnDieMoveTo (pos) for player to move to a location after die
Added player and weapon setup for hiding and charging weapon
Updated sprite editor with latest version
Added hide enter,idle,exit states to default player tileset
Added burst particle to user controller on create and erase mode
Changed spritesheet for player controller and refined particle settings
Updated user controller prefab with new particle type
Updated to Unity 2018.4 and fixed build process on Android.
Added changes from laptop (hide states for player and subtile,etc)
Added volume water shader
Refactored weapon bullet for bounce states and reflect
Added lookAt trigger enter/exit animation options for ai
Adding hide state for player system
Added animations to support new options
Fixed nullref on SetIdlePatrolPath checking for searchGrid
Turned Debug off with ai player
Added: player ai check for target lost: decides between idle, idleAtStart, patrol, patrolAtStart, random
Added: player ai patrol range
Updated AStar pathing system for player and playerAi
Fixed: player distance to waypoints and nodes increased accuracy on end distance
Added: ai idle random direction to pathing (was already in waypoints)
Added: ai can remove target if out of range and then go about previous operation/state
Fixed: ai first time path selection (now closest verses at 0 node)
Fixed: ai transitions between near, follow and lookat correctly in all cases
Added: ai moves to follow even if rnd node is off
Fixed: camera onExit state if exitState.none then checks to turn off correctly but not exit
Fixed: label on player for end time on nodes
Changed: endEarlyDistance to 0 min so that it can be exact on movement for player
Reflection tile type supports both mirror and reflec and water, but only water available at the moment
Fixed Camera start position checking so the others check correctly
Fixed triggerExit in some tiles that needed trigger enum for disable
Added mirror shaders for reflection additions
Fixed camera start position type – new system changed and needed to be init in post
Fixed hang jump apex reset on hang land again for player
Fixed hang jump gravity speed
Made teleporter event triggers easier to use – start, porting, and end – transition screen can attach and be used
Added: pause all tiles and all player tiles on die then respawn
Fixed: nullref on render on disable of seethrough
Fixed shader for see-through – if ‘see through me’ is in front moved (its shader number corrects now for any depth
Added seethrough fill amount and spacer (pad) amount – allows for changing horizontal bars (and full fill mode)
Fixed image effects glow btn text
Updated: tileset with the changes to it (camera and default set)
TileMode is commented out till officially supporting with all tiles
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed gui at start with text shader on fade
Added explosion position to onDieExplode option with torque on die (similar to objects rotating)
Added reset on transition screen ping pong for triggerevent on player die
Refactored explosion system for tile behaviors and included position for explode
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed update (visual counter) on watcher gui for player volume hold breath
Added main support for the tilemode check
Setup starter for static/dynamic tiles (doubles performance when using)
Fixed spelling on labels in HP settings
Added distance options for jump dash attack and move dash attack
Added visual helper for rt mode with dashes
Added grass type to tile guy platformer
Fixed jumpLand on hang jump
Saved bag scene with rewired update
Fixed: multi joystick issue – cleared playerprefs
Added enemy player to tile guy
Fixed wavy tile on turning it on/off
Added triggering for the wavy tile
Updated the Steam SDK tools.
Added additional tiles for tile guy set
Updated the check for the verse reward if the user had already received it.
Changed the verse reward over to use the ASP server.
Fixed a data formatting bug.
Added the ability to save Vector2 and Vector3 arrays.
Re-ordered tile guy project tiles
Fixed player raycast distance below for angle match and gravity faux
Added a reset value for player angle on 0 raycast hit
Added check for render of terrain when switching layers in tbm
Added icon parameter for hiding tileimage or using it on default layer
Synced library code.
Added jumppoundbounceupward to player check on terrain type
Added rotation to playereffect on check when creating
Fixed renderQueue for terrain materials
Fixed slider brushes for camera focus and peek sizes
Added two bush type to tile guy project
Added cameraboderlock to get() for resetting values on triggering
Fixed heightoffset with lookaround positioning on camera system
Fixed issue with camera values if Resume type is used before Stop
Fixed lookaround on reset camera option to store current value
Added bush to tile guy project
Added terrain tile for tileguy project
Fixed issue with eyedropper tool on selecting different tiles from tilesets
Corrected camera glow values to equal the property ones
Added check on terrain with player jump pound effect from jump state
Added 2 thumbnails to tile guy
Added background tile images to tile guy project
Fixed glow image effect init
Added camera blur auto switching when changing values between min/max
Commented out mid value for blur till later
Updated TileData.xml
Added bkg tiles for tileguy
Added camera type – blur
Added glow options to image effects
Changed two settings for grid and ui size in SettingsData
Adding Camera Blur to Camera Tile options
Moved all user settings into a class called SettingsData
Added alpha change for layer fading in editor (hotkey 7)
Added render queue for weapon parts and bullets to render correctly
Added additional art for tile guy set
Added support on rewired for layer fading hotkey
Added layers 0 and 4 now update with ‘extra’ spacing between their offset values to create truer perspective effects
Fixed most of the renderQueue issues with the tiles
Added flower
Adding a control to shader setup renderQueue based on transform depth
Added camera allowMSAA to false
Fixed particle tile scale from .1 to 1
Added more tile guy images
Changed seethrough shader to Opaque (but does check full shape) needs fixed
Fixed editor camera on tile camera fg and bg being set (and then disabled)
Added more to tile guy tiles -> tree and landscape changes
Added tree leaves and trunk
Updated TileData.xml
Added tiles to tile guy cartoon set for testing
Added x,y options for bkg tile scale amount
Fixed multiuser control during edit mode that allowed main user to turn on all control ui
Set .Net Standard 2.0 as the API compatibility mode for the Review App.
Removed obsolete .Net compatibility.
Removed a log file from the history.
Set .Net Standard 2.0 as the API compatibility mode for Tile Builder.
Updated the shared library code for Tile Builder.
Fixed an issue with data being overwritten in local mode (and cleaned up some code).
Adding different images to tileguy cartoon set
Added option to choose camera for effects with tile type image effects
Removed RewindTools – No longer supported in 2018 Unity (Unity won’t allow it to be used)
Fixe update (tween amount)
Updated projects (tile default and fighter plane)
Set Vulkan as the default API for Linux and a fallback of OpenGL.
Updated how account and user profile data is retrieved and updated.
Synced shared code.
TIle guy images update
Buoyancy now uses a discard instead of an unused hit variable.
Switched the .Net API profile to .Net Standard 2.0 since it’s smaller and more compatible with all platforms.
Removed some test code from the login controller.
Possible fix for lockup bug in Tile Builder.
Updated rpg adventure set for seethrough option on player
Fixed a possible null reference exception.
Fixed value for seethrough intensity 0.01f
Fixed coroutine issue with tooltip inactive
Finalized rpg tileset
Cleaned up the external code updating scripts.
Added an ignore rule for log files.
Updated to Unity 2018+
Updated Rewired 2018+
Fixed the jump issue with the player (multi-jump)
Added seethrough slider to tiles
Updated TileData.xml
Finished adding the new authentication to the rest of the web calls.
Initial server authorization conversion.
Synced up the external assemblies code with the bag project.
Updated some code formatting.
Moved SharedCode in ExternalAssemblies folder into a NetStandard project.
Fixed a null ref is calling send/sort in >run event with props
Replaced the scene texture images in resource for story mode
Updated story mode dialog, ids, and tool
Working on api for story timeline
Added a disputes section to the product page.
Cleaned up some code formatting.
Began adding the dispute system to the product page.
Updated Steam SDK tools.
Made it a requirement to input info into the flag dialog. Enhanced the sizing and functionality as well.
Updated the font and edit field sizes for the flag content dialog.
Made the flag report box larger.
Cleaned up some code formatting.
Fixed ui scale on inputfields (vertical layout group – child force expand width true)
Fixed incorrect checking on tfm in storydialog
Added tree and leaves for tileguy
Fixed nullref in storydialog when calling <icon=>
Added images for timeline prop
Fixed timeline clip imgaes
Tile Builder – Disabled bag logo video and goes straight to agreement screen
Turned off loading (bag logo video) and goes straight to game scene – making it quicker to play
Fixed mirror uv on Tile Wavy option – override mirror
First pass on seethrough option – in block and player for now
Added seethrough shader option (wip testing)
Completed wavy system for tile wavy
Updated decal tile with motion (moving) options
Added TileTypeWavy
Updated TileData.xml
Added Shaders
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed an issue where tilesets weren’t getting a new ID.
Publishing a game now requires there be at least one tile and an icon.
Non published game tile counts now show in the details section.
Tileset tile count is now displayed in the details section.
A game’s tile count is now displayed in the details section.
Added gui, imageeffects, particle to timeline options
Cleaned up some code
Renamed ProductSection to ProductPageSection.
Cleaned up the formatting for Tile and TileBehavior.
Began breaking out the product page into individual sections for encapsulated development.
Set line endings in the editorconfig to be lf.
Removed the VSCode plugin since VSCode support is now built into Unity 2017.4 and later.
Added an editorconfig file for consistent formatting accross all code.
Fixed a bug where triggers were going back to default in play mode when this should only happen in edit mode.
Updated default tileset (Still need to tweek some values for timeline default tiles)
Enabled 8 player mode on tbm and rewired for current build
Added eventtriggers for timeline (clip complete all, single, trigger 1-5, end)
Fixed some bugs in story dialog for autoexit checking
Fixed some more possible issues with using store id instead of item id, and added a permanent solution for it to no longer be an issue.
Fixed tileset organizer group tilesets not showing up.
Fixed item id not being set properly when using the search bar.
Fixed a bug where a store item was getting the store index instead of the item index.
Set GWLWebUtility to use coroutines instead of async and await.
Added events to timeline for story mode (1-5)
Commented out other timeline triggerevents (start/end/etc)
Added story command option -> /trigger, wait, id
layer on camera depth – need to be able to say move all behind (movie bars) or in front
player – issue with item toss – try using Physics.OverlapBox
use camera stop and resume to get this effect
player – on die – option to stop tracking with cameras
use gui tile and make it however you want – add: player – and volume – both need color option for text on holdbreath
Fixed ui intialization on timeline quads
Changed 2 scene images 1,2 with useable images
Updated the ProjectSettings file.
Updated Steam SDK for Windows.
Removed the DLC test GUI from the main scene. Destroy the reward button in the built player.
Updated youtube player files and connections
Commented out timeline slider btns not currently implemented
Added pause option for timeline – pause all tiles, pause all players
Removed unrelease status on timeline
Updated TileData.xml with changes
Added timeline story tool settings font shadow and outline
Fixed issues with StoryTool not init first
Commented out some debug in story dialog
Added auto /exit line ending for all stories if it doesn’t exist prior
Connected Rewired controls for Reinput and mouse input
Added story color connection with font, caret and highlighter
Added a generic daily rewards button.
Added some code files to the MarketCenter project.
Updated Tile Builder from external code. Moved one call to the ASP server.
Updated external library code from modified project code.
Timeline story implemented
Files load correctly for timeline images (prop to story)
Fixed a lockup bug when replacing tile images.
Added in first connection to timeline prop from timeline story
Cleaned up code
Added support in timeline with subtile and enable/disable tools
Working timeline dialog in to all the systems
Added timeline dialog toolbar (top right)
Added dialog layout options and padding
Fixed bug with hotkey for enabling text in subtile mode during edit and dialog system
Bag timeline clip dialog connect(ing) with story system
Added resource files for bag story
Added bag story system to external
Added LivelyTextGlyphs to External
Updated Bag Scene with StoryManager
Updated LeanTween
Updated a variable name to be more descriptive.
Ignore file ignores mono crash files.
Godot compat now has some UnityWebRequest functionality. (Login works)
Updated some UnityEngine to Godot compatability code.
Icons now load in search mode. Cleaned up some code.
Merge with ASP_StoreUpdate
Browsing the store now works with the ASP server.
Began moving the store over to be integrated with ASP.
Fixed some lockup bugs in TileBuilder.
Ensured all UnityWebRequest objects call SendWebRequest
Web request errors are now detected via response code instead of whether the error message is empty.
Updated UnityWebRequest calls to use the isDone property to detect when it finishes instead of yielding the class via ‘yield return webRequest’
Converted the last WWW calls in the Review App to use UnityWebRequest.
Updated the web code in the Review App.
Converted more WWW to UnityWebRequest.
Removed a dependency on the ICleanable interface.
Updated the ignore file to only ignore certain directories at the root of the repo.
Removed an unused utility.
Updated some more previews to use clamp as the wrap mode.
Fixed the aspect ratio on tileset previews.
Fixed a bug with screenshots not saving.
Fixed the wrap mode in the market center.
Removed the review status button for non-tilesets.
Synced up some library code.
Fixed a texture wrap mode for tileset preview images.
Fixed some bugs, warnings, and cleaned up some code.
Fixed the collider detector.
TB: Members now get updated labels.
Removed obsolete code.
TB: Cleaned up the TileXmlUpdater.
Ordered the rating to be aligned with the cells.
Cleaned up the UserSettings code tabs.
Fixed settings not being saved.
Removed a default parameter since it made the code confusing.
Fixed persistent data saving.
Fixed a saving bug where floats were truncated too much, causing tiles to not snap to grid properly.
TB: Audio now stops when playing it from the Tile Type view.
Added the port for testing the local ASP server on Windows.
Removed some testing debug statements.
Tile Builder now cleans up additional items that are automatically generated for helper and other views.
Added open project title to Tile Builder.
Added a DLC system.
Removed some non-existant files from a csproj.
Updated the login controller to use UnityWebRequest instead of WWW.
Fixed a bug with logging in through Steam.
Fixed a possible bug with getting profile stats.
Fixed some formatting of a code file.
Stats now uses actual stats instead of test stats.
Added stats to the profile page in the market center.
Moved the ProductPage into a new MarketCenter sub folder.
Updated the PauseController due to deprecated code.
Prepared for updating stats in the account page.
Added some stats references to the product page.
Set ignore file to ignore old project folders.
Removed old Tile_Builder folder.
Updated the editor settings with asmdef.
Web error codes are now exposed to the user in the login screen.
Updated TileData.xml
Added option for base gui receiver states to message when holster, pickup, switch, drop
Cleaned up some code
Added flight ani to default tile set player
Working over ActivateItemGuiReceiver and DeactivateItemGuiReceiver for item gui receiver pickup and show/hide
Added front/back peek for rt_ bars with timeline camera
Tile Builder file updates
Fixed tileText on gui with receiver on item pickup to show if enabled
Fixed possibly ignoring new files in sub directories instead of just old unused folders.
Cleaned up the ignore file a bit.
Removed a file that was probably accidentally committed.
Updated the build system in Tile Builder to build to the correct location.
Added hit image effects to weapon – core complete. but needs filled out.
Fixed issue with tooltips showing bounding box outline when not used in edit scene
Fixed currentScaleOnLoad setting correct size when created (using value set, not scale)
Fixed Enable/DisableNavigatorRenderer so that parenting and toggle on/off of navObj works correctly
Fixed gui collider enable state on receiver call when hold state is used and object moves off while input is down
Fixed all gui btn display states in get,set,rt modes – resets correctly after as well
Saved bag scene with tooltip updates
Fixed readability issue with ReceiverAction to show enter/exit and make sense where one is going and coming from
Added SetColliderByGuiVisibleState so that invisible buttons and gui are not able to be clicked on
Fixed: gui – image turn on/off based on all the states
Added RT_ for nav dir, ids, to, for values on ‘not used’
Added GameCondition checking to player FixedUpdate methods
Updated TileData.xml
Changed flightSpeedMove to call from TileTypePlayer so Watcher list could use the changed value on gui tile text
Added flightSpeedMove to watcher list
Added ability for trigger by any tile to work with tiles of non rb states (adds to the trigger rb for checking)
Reworked CheckGoalTilesForCompletion on SDH. Should have fixed all level loading issues based on goal settings and manager tiles
Added auto rb assignment to trigger set for anyTile (only) – makes sure ‘any tile’ can trigger it despite its own state
Fixed an escape out bug between level exiting and gwl
Fixed an escape but with stop and play button between loading in editor mode between goal switching with timer enabled
Commented out bullet reset position to zero so that the last position can be current for items that need to react ‘after the end’
Fixed nullref in screen transition with sdh for editor side dev only on pushing stop
Fixed: weapon – steer bullet – on hit – if ‘time’ is still going, bullet keeps going based on hit state and view type
Fixed: weapon – onscreen check for steering separate of hit type
Fixed camera SetTriggerObject to work correctly with player id and onstart trigger setup
Fixed issues with splitscreen camera
Tile builder now uses the ASP server.
Cleaned up some of the review app auto check code.
Updated from external libraries in Review app.
Updated some server code in the external libraries.
Updated Tile Builder code from external libraries.
Changed labeling on weapon bullet hit type to read better
Changed rb lookups on bullet to already assigned one
Added hitObject == OnHitObject.disable check for bulletReset after hit – removes if hit and not staying onscreen
Added spawn options to Auto tile
Added character state control for the flight system in character and audio
Pickup audio timer parents inside game instead of sdh
Added flight to characterStates
Updated TileData.xml
Added text tile to default tileset for easier use of text
Added tiles to fighter plane set
Fixed bug in item on die, respawn, item type hideOnPickup, now works correct for it and isVisible cases
Polishing player flight
Updated TileData.xml
Updated: TileData.xml
Added in landing and takeoff options for flight mode
Flight bounce checking correctly for all flight states
Fixed trail on player for reset on die and spawn
Character flight system ready for testing
Added images for flight tileset
Updated TileData.xml
Updated build to use the correct folder with the new project layout.
Cleaned up some formatting.
Player flight system is in and supported
Add Flight plane tileset to project
Cleaned up code
Added animations for player flight anim
Added test plane for flight type on player
Added key setup for flight toggle through player
Added flip and turn to flight mode for player
Fixed missing trailRenderer
Added images for flight example flip, turn
Updated TileData.xml
Merge with NathansBranch
Tilesets for review are now submitted through the ASP server.
VScode plugin updated.
Updated the URIs to have a compiler flag for LOCAL_ASP mode.
Updated the login controller in Tile Builder.
Cleaned up some code.
Removed a workaround from a previous Unity editor bug.
Added some initial ground work for prefab system.
Added trail to player (for flight mode and others)
Added full support for core flight system in player controller
Updated icons
Now logs in from ASP instead of PHP.
Added flight system to player tile
Added property groups to timeline tile
Added trigger counter to tileTrigger – count before using to activate eventTriggers
Added counter system for Trigger tile triggerEvent
Updated tilesets with pickup settings
Updated TileData.xml
Updated Tileset Projects
TB ProjectSettings
Fixed time issue on bullet fuel
Added hotkey KeyCode.Quote (next to enter key)
Updated weapon multi input for properties on tileBuilder
Cleaned up weapon code with new additions
Updated TileData.xml
Major update on weapon tile for multi input system and hit behaviors – Includes the following:
– Multi input – can shoot and activate based on primary, secondary and combo of each
– Multi on hit – based on hit can detonate, gravity gun, gravity enable, change direction, and steer
– Multi activate – can mid-air activate the detonator, gravity, direction and steer
– On steer, can have camera (if active) follow bullet and back
– Updated Rewired with new keys on weapon for steering
– Item switching, holster, dropping works with each state of multi input
– Added option in controllerCamera to get the current target obj
Added ability to choose multi input type and by key(s) setup. Currently used in gravity gun and detonator
Fixed a bug (from the old Xml conversion) where user save data wasn’t being saved for levels.
Added a few more avatars and setting a style prefix to separate groups to name
Updated spawn icons
Fixed player ani by direction if non-ai and no pathing. User can mouse, click and player updates accordingly
Added weapon – cycle/holster/putdown – drops anything (ie.gravity obj)
Fixed issue with parent trigger system – ie. weapon gravity on, can connect, put on parent trigger, pickup, putdown with player
Added ability to use charge#1,2 with gravity gun release force
Updated TileData.xml
Updated texture settings for some slider texture images
Changed image settings (mips off) for timeline buttons
Finished off weapons OnHitHurtWhen and MultiInputType – works within all weapon type setups as an addition to
Added new icons for sub tiles and events
Updated Rewired
Added materials for slider weapon multi input buttons and prefabs
Added support for onHit states – detonator, gravity gun, and stubbed in the others
Added subtile btns and images for multiInput options in weapon
Cleaned up Weapon and Bullet OnHit and OnHitFollowType
Setup for detonator system and OnHitHurtType system
Added weapon onHit effect follow, pause, physics, scale 1,2
Added (not on user side yet) weapon hurtObject – onHit, btnPressedActivate, afterTimeDelay, distance
Added (not on user side yet) weapon bullet detonator
Updated font meta files with font size 100
Added new fonts and meta files to the project
Disabled new bullet OnHit effects for default
Added 250+ fonts
Updated banner psd
Working through a set of bullet onHit effects
Added note about player forced to move up but looses ability to jump regular (rare)
Setting up for player ai jump and weapon bullet additions
Possible fix for level only loading for first goal when multiple goals are present.
Corrected property group in player
Fixed up start position tile and supporting systems for player, gui, goal and saving for id
Cleaned up slider btn layout some in player
Fixed nullref on passthrough if able to start 2 players in same place with one having passthrough enabled
Added exclude list back to timeline
Updated default tileset project
Added slider btn images for character start
Added score point registry by hurt, die, and trigger
Added checking to EnableDie for attacker on score points
Working through gui tile for visibility checks in all circumstances
Moved score checking in pickup to when the pickup actually happens (doesn’t need any triggers to activate)
Fixed gui text visibility based on editor layerFade
Fixed gui text parenting between modes
Fixed gui text rt_mode updates
Added scorePointCountMultiplier to score for option to go from .1 to .001 speed on counter
Fixed nullref moviebars on disable from sdh
Updated camera bars to work between editor and game when long times set for delay and move
Back button now works properly when going to the product page from the featured page.
Featured page scrollers now load again.
Added ui highlight ripple effect on select (circle and box) and supporting classes, images
Added subtile btn to timeline for bob and change one btn name
Cleaned up some code in camera tile
Remove coin sound from bag project weapon primary fire on itemUse
Added camera bob to timeline for use – still need to finish disable option for director on complete
Removed System.Linq from Controller Camera
Fixed rigidbody on drop item if physics drag/mass not 0n but is disabled
Added bobbing to base since multiple things use it
Added (and commented out) Editor: Create Tile list of options
Relabeled some text in base
Removed project folder
Added Timeline Actor to subtile btn list for all tiles
Added weapon shooting triggerevents option for external events to trigger (ie. player jump causing ‘shoot’)
Added camera bob on idle and move
Added tighter sway control to the bob in camera tile – great for handheld camera feel
Updated TileData.xml
Added audio action to timeline (tiletypeaudio currently)
Made VirtualAudioSource_PanByListenerIndex AudioOneShot available external of method call in base
Changed default AudioClip falloff to 0 so that it is 2d sound by default
Added additional check on follow cam for zoom in timeline to allow both
Added timeline multi-director and nextDirector ability
Fixed some issues with moviebar. Should be working solid now.
Added easeType for move and zoom options
Added camera movie bars in to timeline camera
Added camera shake to timeline
Added camera zoom to timeline
Removed atlas from bag – unity atlas was causing the ui tearing
Cleaned up subtile brushes and subtile tacking (counters, limits, etc) in Tile and Prefab subtile brushes
Timeline setup for clips and ready for clipActions
Cleaned up and updated some code between SharedCode and BAG.
Cleaned up and updated some code between SharedCode and Tile Builder.
Cleaned up timeline clip loop
Timeline clips loop is working. Testing different ways next.
Changed slider brush material to unlit with fade
Added slider btns and images, materials for Timeline tile
Put method calls in block tile to have as ‘starter’ reference for new tiles (will comment out soon)
Added Timeline tiletype to the list
Setting up the core for timelines as tiles in tb,sdh and btns
Implementing Timeline system
Updated the BAG_Export project.
Updated the package manifest for the review app.
Added a copy of the Build_a_Game project to the projects folder.
Moved Assets folder to Bag project folder and removed old project
Fixed tilesets not loading locally in the file structure.
Working on Timeline tile
Added main btns and setup for timeline tile type
Moved remaining code into the Projects folder.
Added ability to drag trigger brush in edit mode (and subtile)
Added correct toggling for layers on subtiles (image and colliders)
Background parallax – make it so backgrounds have ‘extra poly space’ and can move up/down (like infinite uv)
Autotile – needs self id check so that it can be used multiple places
Autotile – put two corner pieces together (triangle shape slope) image yes, collider was square
Autotile – if disabled (for the override id), it doesn’t set there, just goes to thumbnail – need to be sure it goes through and plays animation
Base – missing enum tween list from die scale
Base – missing move and scale options for front/back slider
Base – trigger unlimited and number – on number only didn’t work on chest opening
Base – mirror – when flipped it also flips the highlighter connected. be sure it checks for that
Camera type focus not seeing players to connect with if onStart trigger.
Gui camera – checks its enabletools #, first options dont save when changing (ie. show in editor)
Teleporter – swap front to back – to portTO
Teleporter – portTO – port position To Toggles doesn’t allow you to change the bools – slider sticks on ‘off’
Teleporter – base(main one) – the Teleporter position to’ – end position l/r is opposite value. flip
Teleporter – just weird on enter/exit, pos movements, overriding direction doesnt work, etc
Builder tile tool – can build on top not in options
Autotile – raycast needs to check based on objects rotation direction incase it rotates,etc
Player – audio – multi-jump – does it have a spot and plays from what?
Player – audio issue on ninja dodge plays once (fx and audio) fix to play each time
Transitionscreen – load color (etc) dont show inputbars for type in amount – they are behind it need to be infront
Spawn force on die and the other 3 dont show up anymore subtilesliders (?) fix
Spawn tile – change spawn border range – > to be *0.1 for smaller movement checking
Base tile – triggerEnter state based on DEPTH – allow trigger from one layer to move to another layer and trigger background objects! 😀
Base – mirror – x and y – only have on x. add y.
Changed label to offset pos
Added TileTypeTimeline
Updated TileData.xml
Updated Tileset projects to work with pickup tile as ‘item’
Working over tileset tileguy cartoon pack
Fixed: enter key causes player to JUMP ROUND when bullet shot from weapon but not joystick
Fixed: weapon – total temp – shootWithGui in weapon. should be in it’s own slider with other properties for the other button controls it has
Fixed: weapon – muzzleflash example – on other machines crashes
Fixed: weapon – muzzleflash NOT on tile – says it crashes in edit mode (primary one)
Fixed: LineConnector
Fixed a few tiles in default tileset
Cleaned up spacing.
Increased the Android bundle version code.
Fixed a bug where the play button would show up even though a game wasn’t purchased.
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed spelling on item id:race list
Updated fighter pack with health, coin and speedBoost pickups
Added extra bounce force option for bullet bounce
Potential garbage collection improvement when exporting TileData.
Cleaned up a lot of overrides that only had a call to their base.
Fixed the character getting stuck in the teleporter bug.
Fixed a potential issue when it becomes time to upgrade the project.
Fixed bullet pickupAgain and only adding once
Fixed default tileset background parallax tiles for 0 on offsetting vertical
Added a multiplier to tile background parallax for movement to have optional speed variable based on user side
Added: background tile type now has separate color option for actual background image and tileimage for fade in/out on bkg
Changed pickFromGroupList in Settings to true
Fixed spelling error on debug in tile
Changed pickFromGroupList to default on
Changed out the debug to debugger in teleporter
Added check for meshcollider isTrigger option on tilePassThrough
Weapon bullet works correctly with all disable options (time,distance,stayOnScreen) and stickTo
Weapon bullet pickup on shoot checks for player ‘more’ correctly after initial throw
About to update back to previous to check on teleporter with controllerPlayer
Fixed nullref on tile instantiating at runtime with ITile
Added animations to pickup items for fighter pack
Updated fighter pack characters and item pickups
Fixed nullref on bullet collider
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: bullet should now work correctly being made each time
Fixed initializing bullets (visibility) on weapon
Added smoke puffs to players
TileBehavior now fully uses ITile for its tile reference instead of Tile.
Moved SubTileType into its own enumeration. Added more properties to ITile.
Added more properties to ITile.
Added an ITileSlider interface.
Moved TileType into its own enumeration.
Updated the Tile Builder project version file to match the BAG one.
Fixed a null reference exception with Settings tiles.
Moved more code out of the plugins folder and into the general code folder.
Moved HSBColor into the General code folder.
TileBuilderManger fully moved to using an interface.
Moved more code into using the ITileBuilderManager interface.
Set BAG Export project from .Net 4.7.1 to the more generic 4.7
Fixed weapon bullet ani at start and then show enabled
Added animations for fighter pack
Working over the fighter pack samurai
Fixed rememberMe (and possibly persistent) save data.
Added a plugin extensions folder.
Added an assembly def for FingerGestures.
Added more code to the ITileBuilderManager interface.
Added gradient for weapon trail (needs public variables for amount on start/end)
Finished weapon 2 for player 2 in fighter pack 1
Duplicated Tile_Builder into the Projects folder to prepare for moving it.
Removed some old test assets.
Fixed audio clips not loading when tilesets not loaded in organizer.
Cleaned up some audio loading code.
Fixed bullet collider center position based on offset
Fixed muzzleflash in default project for weapon 2 secondary fire
Changed out thumbnail for fighter pack 1, background and removed the static ones
Removed hitObjectSecondaryBounce on weapon. Not used.
Increased the Android build code.
Added .x86_86 to the Linux builds.
Fixed an encoding related compression bug.
Possible fix for WeaponBullet when loading without the tileset.
Updated an enum that got changed.
Updating Fighter Pack 1 with namka character attack 2
Fixed defaultAnim for weapon on reset in RT mode for projectile states
Fixed vertical offset for weapon muzzleflash – need to update tilesets
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed collider temp (editor mode visual) so that weapon bullet and shell colliders would show only cube (not mesh from weapon)
Fixed muzzleflash pos and offset values for RT mode and game mode
Finished bounce for bullet
Added stopMultiHit if hpHit enabled on defender
Cleaned up bullet code
Attempted to fix the bounce collider state of bullet
Godot scene got auto-updated.
Updated to a newer version of the Zip library.
Added projectile bounce system to weapon tile type
Added check for canMultiHit on bullet
Finished weapon bullet reflect bounce
Cleaning up reflec bounce for bullet system
Adding reflective bullet hit to weapon
Worked through radius explosion on bullet testing to see that it still works correctly
Updated default tileset single and squad
Updated tileset projects (chads test set, default single, fighter pack)
Added tileset The Squad
Updating fighter tileset pack
Fixed shader AlphaSelfIllumDoubleSided to work correctly with fade
Fixed a saving issue.
Updated external code in Tile Builder.
Unit tests all pass once again.
Made zip compression to not be dependent on SteamUtils.
Updated the BAG_Export project.
Updated the external assembly paths.
Moved projects to new location
Market center items now show both modified and created dates.
Added animations for weapon 2, fighter pack 1 tileset
Fixed weapon recoil and added a force duration rate (both 1,2)
Updated TileData.xml
Added weapon 2 to fighter pack (punches)
Changed player default invincible during spawn to false
Fixed player dash controls from continuing speeding in the slowDown during a die to respawn and after
Updated TileData.xml
Added player jumpDash hp system and btn support
Added spawn invincible options to player (settings, color, flash) and btns for sliders
Added images to player in default tileset (dodge, spawnFromDie)
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed convex update on collider for tb and tile damage
Added player moveDash hitpoint system
Added: player move dodge to the full character system
Changed player camera labels to make more sense
Added player moveDodge event and btn elements
Updated Tile Pickup with dodge options
Fixed weapon boomer-rang pooling assignment before projectile setup (enable) happens
Added weapon move on attack options for both primary and secondary fire states and checks with playerStates
Fixed weapon playerShootOnIdle checking for correct states from player to shoot or not
Updated default single tileset, indie jones and fighter pack
Updated the shared code project file and ITileBuilderManager.
Decoupled more code by using the TileBehavior interface.
Added: Player dodge move (8 direction, new animations, slider btns, etc)
Updated: Default tileset with player animation image
Updated: TileData.xml
Setup default dinohunter player controls and autotile to work with the main things
Fixed collider (trigger) timer on bullet delay and start to work again
Some arbitrary data was updated.
Fixed bullet issues on depth and angle
Cleaned up weapon code
Removed a redundant line in the ignore file.
Simplified ignoring hidden directories in the ignore file.
Made login controller immediately read only when logging in as a different user.
Cleaned up some code and decoupled some code.
Added hidden folders to the ignore list.
Added fighter pack tileset
Refactored bullet create (was loading from resources, now created in code only)
Fixed: brushLine parenting to TBM correctly
Fixed and refactored: bullet size, collider, image separated and used for scaling in edit and game mode
Fixed: bullet render visible on camera/disable off, timer and reset
Added sub panel divider in damage tile on damage collider
Changed label on Pound option for player
Removed old bullet prefabs from project
Cleaned up a lot of mismatched tabs. Began adding an interface for TileBuilderManager.
The tileset background hash should now also sync from the server.
Fixed a bug where tilesets would sometimes not get updated server data due to an unassigned project id.
Fixed some tileset uploading bugs when using special characters in descriptions.
Added the AssetDownloader assembly to Tile Builder.
Updated Slide Deck
Added Dino Hunter Tileset
Added breakable block and set all names and descriptions
Fine-tuning Ink Line tileset, and added zoom camera and new bkg tile
Finished off tileset Ink Line Platformer
Added Adventurer Tileset
Updated Backgrounds 1 with 2 cameras
Removed new object being made in edit mode on hpTrigger
Fixed the display box in rt mode for hp range
MeshCollider on tileCollider and base check for physics on/off and trigger event to make convex update correctly
Missing tilesets now load in local mode if the hash changed.
Updated the stats viewer app.
Began adding a stats viewer.
Changed hitpoint trigger box to use meshCollider (option) or box
Fixed issue with collider convex on base
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed a bug where tiles would be destroyed when selecting a background.
Deleted some unused code.
Updated the Unity to Godot compatability layer.
Began moving base and general tile classes into a TilesGeneral class.
Added new tileset backgrounds pixel set 2
Updated Indie Jones project
Added dissolver to filter
Fixed weapon bullet if invisible and disableAfterTime now disable bullet in game mode
Updated jones tileset project
General code is now in its own assembly def.
The Tile event system is now in its own assembly def.
Made slight modifications to the Godot_BAG project.
Possible fix for a benign missing reference exception.
Added dissolver tiletype to put in to filter
Updated notes file.
Changed the remaining delegates from Delegates.cs to System.Action(s).
Cleaned up some project files.
Replaced VoidDelegate with System.Action.
The exception catcher stores exceptions. Will be used to send them to the server.
Cleaned up some level loading code in TileBuilderManager.
Fixed a bug where empty levels wouldn’t load in the editor.
Added a ScreenCapture class to the Unity compatability project.
Fixed an issue where the TilesetOrganizerButton was trying to delete a sprite asset.
Updated my notes file.
Fixed an issue where a bug report couldn’t be viewed if imageBytes was null.
Cleaned up some inconsistent tabs in TileBuilderManager.
The exception catcher now only crashes the entire game if an exception occurs during saving or loading.
Updated tileset projects (background, blue mist, single player, camera default, brickland)
Added drag support for the brushType and eraserType
Commented out some debugs
Fixed compiler flag placement.
Fixed a possible crash in the avatar selector.
Cleaned up jump checking for constantJumping and firstTimeJumpFromGround
Added adventurer player to Chads test set
Fixed player jump constant while in crouch disablejump
Fixed jumpStart on delay (or animation clip) where player stays ground – lock jump checking till off ground jumpUp
Bag scene saved
Renamed BAGProject namespace to BAGEventSystem since it was only used for the event system.
Added eraser brushType support
Added @Nathan spots for tying in actual system for brush and eraser tile creations
Fixed some bugs
Added drag/tap checking for brush tool to work with the correct brush type
Fixed bug in brush cycle
Implemented hotkey and btn icon image switching for toolbar brush
Brush type only cycles in Unity editor
Added brush cycle option for hotkey and by clicking on the brush icon (if not selected->standard select, then next click cycles)
Getting icons in the GwlGui should now be much snappier.
Reset brushType on editMode enter
Removed BrushMode.tile and being consistent with just BrushMode.brush
Added BrushType drag, line, boxFill, boxOutline, ovalFill, ovalOutline
Refactored code to support changes
Updated the Teleportation Icons
Added a Windows export option for Godot_BAG.
Godot_BAG now loads a scene successfully.
Updated the UnityEngine Godot compatability code.
Ignore the packages folder in all cs projects.
Possible fix for icons not always loading properly.
Added reset for brush tool
Added joystick (gamepad) support for brush tool
Added brush tool types – line, box, outline to tbm
Added ease type for dissolve fader
Fixed icons not showing in product page and disappearing from market pages.
Fixed some more visual loading issues to the market center cells…
– Added a white background to icon location during the loading sprite animation.
Changed labels for trigger depth sliders
Fixed layer depth labeling in settings to be consistent with hotkeys and tab panel info
Added layer depth triggering
Updated sprite editor prefabs
Updated my to do list.
Icons now all pre-load in the store item lists.
Tiles now load in the Godot project.
Godot_BAG now syncs gwl data.
Updated some external code and projects.
Fixed a couple bugs with tile dissolver
Finished TileTypeDissolver (v1)
Added tile type dissolver for fade solution (ie. fade in/out when entering rooms, etc)
Updated the encryption validator to be more optimized and assume the received string is incorrect past the string length.
Fixed a compile error and cleaned some code.
Cleaned up some code formatting.
Adding TileTypeDissolver for faders and tile dissolve images
Added disable after pickup for offscreen indicator for pickup tile
Added translate offsetter for player
Updated my notes file.
Removed an unneeded debug statement.
Fixed a bug with product page backgrounds being removed when hitting cancel on the tile selection panel.
Added device orientation check for tilesetorganizer to show/hide the text (title) in the panels – needs checked on devices
Added special case for imageeffects tile on runtimeplatform option (need to check on others that work outside of just the tile itself
All Build a Game assemblies now compile in Godot.
Increased Android build number.
Updated TB project settings and my notes file.
Added runtimeplatform options to all tiles
Changed toss position (0,10) on player default tileset
Added checks on pull/push objs
Fixed another Xml issue in Tile Builder.
Asset downloading now compiles against Godot.
Fixed product page – aspectRatio float for image scaling
Removed some debugs in carouselcontroller
Removed the gwl prefab as it was causing conflicts with the runtime version.
Fixed Copy/Paste with gwl containers.
Fixed gallery images not scaling correctly (was divding int values not floats) works now
Added the Unity compatability library.
Removed unused files.
Fixed a bug where XElement.Descendants was failing. Going in reverse fixes it.
Increased the Android bundle version.
Update from shared libraries.
Added tiles for screenshot example video
Made some more code compatible with Godot.
Added: runtime platform option to gui tile for testing as well
Added: editor – slider bar – tap anywhere on slider bar and background to move slider bar to that position
Added: runtime platform option for tiles (currently in block tile for testing)
Fixed a few issues on tiles checking for gameobject when off and attempting to run a coroutine
Updated some Godot assemblies.
Added a tool for checking for private save fields.
Cleaned up quite a bit of code and added some unit tests.
Updated the external code for the review app and removed some example code.
Updated gui control type icon
Set the scripting backend to .Net 4.6 since Rewired no longer freezes the game on quit.
Some code cleanup.
Removed XmlGuiSkin from external assemblies since it’s Tile Builder specific.
Moved a lot of code out of the Shared Code assembly that was Tile Builder specific.
Fixed visible issue with gui on camera gui if receiver is checking for image state at start
Updated runtime platform in base
Added first pass on runtime platform option per tile (testing)
Refactored controllerPlayer.joystick – using joystickPlayer (base) so that it’s same for all tiles
More gui tile / player / joystick connection / cleanup
Updated default tilset
Added a comment. Disabled some screenshot code until that system is more fleshed out.
Fixed the GWL syncing.
Added some memory safety to the decompression.
Player works with gui tile moveAnalog and move8Directional
Cleaned up ControllerJoystick
Fixed player move direction for gui controllers
Added to default tileset – goal and goalDelayTime
Added chadTesting tileset (unity side)
Updated the Tile Builder project settings file.
Updated the review app code.
Updated the VSCode plugin in Tile Builder.
Updated some more file save extensions.
Updated TileData.xml
Setup generic gui joystick for play tiles (player, numberGrow)
Reordered sliders for numberGrow on playerController
Cleaned up code
Made data extensions match the data type instead of using lz4 for everything.
Added checks for empty product page description, update and url text – disables placeholder text if none in cellviewmode
Product item settings (dots) disables btn if not unity editor
Moved and updated compression code.
Updated compression and added some tests.
Checking for 0 on youtube text input and “” if is
Updated ControllerJoystick – removed comments, removed fg drag setup (based in guiTile only)
Cleaned up ControllerJoystick default system in base and effected classes
Updated TileData.xml
Developer’s items that they’ve removed should no longer show up in their collection.
Added some gui buttons for player default tileset
Adding joystick and buttons for player in default tileset
Tile Builder – meta – 2017.4.12f1 (was 18, can switch to it if needed?)
Fixed player multi-jump with gui tile button to lock on click (not hold)
Updated TileData.xml
Increased Android build code.
Disabled the remove button from collection. Store now has ‘Test’ functionality for Tilesets everywhere.
Turned the refresh button back on as it seems to be working properly now.
– Updated my notes file.
Fixed a bug where a tileset could be added to a group more than once.
Fixed the editor exit button on settings when switching between the options
Updated Tile Builder project settings.
Fixed a bug in Tile Builder when setting the scaling mode on reordered tiles.
The filter mode for tiles is now recognized.
Fixed stopbtn from showing up at the beginning of a game session
Fully automated Android builds.
Tileset backgrounds now save, load and should be publishable to the store.
Updated icons for trigger and line connector
Updated Slides
Fixed/Added player gui tile support for interact, jump jumppound, run
Fixed most of tile dialogbubble for gui tile (except for one – noted)
Added some distribution files for Android.
Updated project settings to have auto graphics API and expansion files for Android.
Set Android builds to use APK expansion files since there’s a 100 MB limit on Google Play.
Added a way to easily add data to the product data.
Product page now refreshes upon purchase.
Fixed star rating GUI functionality.
Updated my to do list.
Tilesets again immediately added to the tileset organizer upon purchase.
Fixed the tileset testing feature.
GuiTile works with player move, jump, moveDash, jumpDash, action1, action2
Added support for guiTile btn interact and joystick
Still working through particulars of btn onUp states with guiTile and playerTile
Guitile joystick should be working with item and player correctly now
Updated Tile Builder’s external code.
Fixed the market item names not being truncated.
Updated the login system to return json, and also the developer name.
Added support to gui tile for player move, jump, action 1,2
Starting to work on gui tile for joystick updates
Turned off “Related Items” in the build.
Re-enabled developer and category UI.
Fixed a bug where playing a game in the development tab would load the first one instead of the game that was chosen.
Fixed a bug where a game or world scene would load if it had a data file, but no tiles.
Fixed local tileset loading.
Updated bag scene and tutorials prefab
Fixed the cache loading in local mode.
Added the cache system into multiple places where images are loaded.
Fixed the avatar selection null reference selection bug.
Fix for a possible null reference exception.
Added an option to build to Android without running.
Made tileset data manipulation much more rigid. Possible fix for tileset loading bugs.
Updated the item retrieval code to use the cached ratings.
Added and Updated Pitch Deck
Updated Slides
Turned off release build on my side
Simplified the empty folder remover code.
Fixed some bugs with the empty folder remover.
Fixed a bug with loading both approved tilesets and review tilesets.
Temporarily disabling screenshot selector since users can’t access screenshots yet.
Updated the review app with the latest external code.
Fixed review tilesets not showing up.
VSync is now forced on for 1920×1080 or lower res screens, but forced off for higher res screens.
Removed custom compression code. It now works in it’s out-of-box mode.
Updated Tile Builder from external code.
Minor code cleanup.
Fixed a bug with loading store items.
Restructured where files are saved to be cleaner.
Added another null value check.
Added some null value checks.
Faded the gold coin image more to make it more obvious that it’s disabled.
Temporarily turned off the tileset preview in the organizer.
Made code buttons non interactable.
Turned off only stars for ratings for now. Re-enabled public private toggles.
GWL data now defaults to silver coins.
Fixed a possible missing reference exception.
Fixed a bug where missing tilesets wouldn’t load.
Turned off the refresh and ratings gui.
Temporarily turned off developer name and category.
Fixed learn btn lock to prevent multi clicking till finished
Updated background tileset
Removed a debug statement.
Fixed a breakage due to a Unity API change.
Turned off the gold coin button.
Simplified some code when loading from the GWL screen.
Fixed some bugs preventing a scene with all of its tiles missing from loading.
Removed some debug code from the tile submitter. Turned on auto graphics API for Linux.
Fixed the legal screen.
Fixed a null reference and index out of range exception.
Updated the Linux Steam SDK.
Updated the build script to use the non http version.
Updated the build path.
Fixed tilesets not showing in the market center.
Fixed a bug on screenshots when in game developer mode – they need to stay on for user to assign screenshots
Removed comments
Increased the TB project version.
Fixed a bug where non-existent screenshots would display.
Updated: Youtube system for videoplayers (crisp quality now). 🙂
Updated: TileData.xml with changes to TileReleaseStatus on music, vehicle, and educator tiletypes
Made Vulkan the default graphics API on Linux.
Tile Builder now disallows selecting unreleased tile types in the release build.
Added a TileStatus attribute that will be used to determine if a class should be released to the public or not.
Updated Reviewer Title
Setup screenshot images and gallery to work with bag systems
Polished off gallery and screenshot flow
Added TEMP point/bilinear option based on texture size (tileselection, screenshot, gallery)
Added ‘ready for publish’ agreement box for temp approval until QA is released
Disabling product private/public id btns in release mode
Cleaned up bag scene project
Fixed bugs
Video screenshots should now work.
Updated settings and meta files for TileBuilder.
Fixed tile selection when clearing the icon or background.
Fixed ui drop shadow position
Added ui drop shadow
Added Publishing Agreement message before Games can be published (private and public)
Video IDs are now stored and published to the server.
Screenshots are now loaded to all store pages and populate the carousel.
Screenshots should now appear in all store pages.
Background images will now show up in web loaded store items. Disabled QA.
Updated lots of store stuff.
Screenshots can now be saved and loaded in the developer page. (Uses tiles only for now)
Using the Shader constructor in newer versions of Unity isn’t allowed.
Replaced the ‘missingIcon’ with the a version.
Backgrounds can now be saved with GWL data. Still needs to be saved to database.
Added the empty folder and .orig file remover.
Thumbnails can now be removed from games in the product and the GWL screens.
Updated tileset downloader by fixing some bugs and cancelling downloads when another tileset is selected.
Update the main BAG scene.
Screenshots can now be placed in the screenshot button image. No uploading or carousel yet.
Temporarily set the wishlist string to empty.
Removed a TODO comment.
Fixed the game world level selection and moving to another scene.
Updated the UserSaveDataUtility external code.
Updated a meta file.
Fixed a bug with message box not getting disabled.
Fixed some screen resolution issues on mobile.
Updated Tile Builder project settings.
Finished updating the loading system to use tile value attributes.
Implemented some code for the new save system.
Audio clips now save properly.
Added some data to my testing tileset.
Cleaned up some more code.
Updated external library code.
Updated the ProjectVersion.txt file.
Updated graphics settings on Android to use Vulkan or GLES3. GLES2 no longer compiles due to a shader feature not being available.
Fixed the VSCode crash bug.
Refactoring the save system to save per attribute instead of separate saving classes.
Finishing off on music notes tile
Working on Play system for all play tiles
Added offscreenindicator option for disable after time onscreen
Added loadoffscreenindicator to spawn setup for runtime adding
Cleaned up offscreenindicator tile code
Added slider btns for offscreenindicatorstate
Added image clip option to indicators on/off screen
Added transition between arrow effects if different sizes
Cleaned up offscreenindicator code
Stubbed in distance checking notes for indicators
Added testing images for tileset icon/bkg product
Updated TileData.xml
Updated tiles with offscreen indicator
Added checks for indicator on die, pickup/putdown of items to show/hide if enabled
Finished off main components for offscreen indication system
Added initial option to block for testing
Implemented setup and cleanup in sdh
Changed image to rawimage for tiles
Added offscreen indicator tile type and systems
gui tile update
Fixed ordering on slider btn with gui tile – watcher
Removed popup and image option on gui tile – not needed
Fixed reset for gui tile after an input has been verified correctly
Fixed gui position on reseting backToEnterPos when moving back
Fixed camera gui finder on cleanup
Fixed gui receiver on enter/exit state change
– checks for correct enter/exit condition before moving
– sets correct position for re-entry and exit
– sets depth correctly before/after move
Added updateStartPosAfterDrag to allow option for toggle and move state to update onscreen position if gui dragged around
Changed labels for screenTransition for readability
Updated Default Single tileset project – fixed dragon waypoint connection to be instant
Added screentransition text fade out and flashing options
Debugs commented out on waypointfollow
Updated TileData.xml
Removed auto close path option – same node placement works really smooth now for it to be used
Disabled debug in waypointfollow
Refactoring the node system on waypoint (and fixing bugs on flow)
Fixed issue with waypoint follower not looping on last node if first node in same spot
Corrected door lever label (was level)
Fixed tile selection panel – subtileTiles with parent and subtile labels shows correctly
Added subtile labels on waypoint node, weapon pickup, door key
Fixed: waypoint base option of controlling the atStart,overide controller option on nodes
Fixed: waypoint now checks correctly for traversing 0-1 and checking on start/end
Fixed: waypoint various bugs
Fixed rendering cullmask layer on camera for reflection tile type in game mode
Added protected virtual void Start to base and tile classes
Fixed camera box for triggering check
Cleaned up gui tile
Fixed SDH pausing conflicts with transition screen, gui, pause game, and ineditorpause – consolidated to two checks
Removed ineditorpause from settings option and save xml
Fixed transition screen alignment on text save/load/init
Reordered transition screen slider btns for text on load/start
Added ‘T’ image to sliders with text input options (bubble 1,2, screen load,start)
Updated TileData.xml
Added rt_mode for load and start screen text in tile transition
Fixed: gui text updates while typing in editor
Cleaned up gui receiver code for scale and fade on actions
Fixed gui receiver offset pos after scaling occurs
Commented out buttonActionOnClick – not needed for now
Added option to pause game through tile gui button state
Changed int to enum Direction for spawn dir, start dir on player, teleporter and port
Cleaned up code
Fixed: settings from bag editor added check for slider bar onTap inputfield check on text
Fixed: gui receiver image – pos value +- both directions
Fixed: gui reciever labels for enter/exit directions -> “From Enter”, “To Exit”
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed issue with organizer group box inputfield to button select on navigation and control
Fixed: menu / settings / hightlight color – fix ‘x’ should be color label
Fixed: account – status – disable – just default to profile only
Fixed: dob – rt justified – fix on profile page
Fixed: remove version left corner in settings
Fixed bugs in gui and teleportation tiles
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed tile search list add/remove correctly on some tiles
Made some tiles consistent in method calls
Fixed slider image for gui text (show text icon in corner)
Cleaned up level selection for gui, goal and base
Removed show cursor from gui option – current default is on across the board
Fixed gui tile gwl loading – correctly sets ids on load
Removed (commented out) options from TRIGGER tile gravity on player – just use player directly
Fixed screen icons with load tags and color
Fixed tileslider close callback from btn listener
Added: tileSlider – click drag on any of it and move it
Added: tileSlider – click tap – opens textbox
Added: tileSlider – slider bar bkg checks for tap
Fixed tileslider on tap value – checks for left/right side slider values for assigning correctly
Cleaned up some code
Added min/max value check for subtile sliders on disable of text inputfield
Added vehicle images for testing
Added first part of subtile slider inputfield text option to adjust number values (click on circle number part)
Saved bag scene
Temp fix on nullref for UserSaveData
Updated bag scene with horizontal layout group update
Added center and right positioning for scroll view content panel
Added highlighter options to settings main menu
Fixed: escape / back btn in carousel checks correctly
Fixed: onscreen keyboard auto selects spacebar key first now
Updated prefabs
Updated scene
Added sliderOnClick for slider video player and carousel player
Fixed navigation issues with controller on video players
Added product page screenshot video link and button system
Added image for video link screenshot and button input states
Added save variable for url
Added btn images for public/private code hover, nrm, selected states
Fixed navigation with code btn directions
Updated bag scene with changes
Fixed back button not showing search button going from product page to market center – using joystick/escape key
Added clipboard support for all platforms
Added copy/paste option for product page ids (click buttons to get it)
Added messagebox background show/hide option in show parameter
Added Universal Clipboard to project
Changed up product page info right divider (turned off)
Removed spacing on top (title)
Moved user rating# below star icons
Updated/Saved bag scene
Updated event player interact icon
Added private/public code buttons to product page
Added private code maker button and code method
Added images for each button state
Updated Bag scene, market center, product page
Added toggle for screen size on product screenshot view
Fixed bugs and flow for product to carousel (image, video) and back
Carousel updates OnDragCompleted to productVideoPlayer for videoController ui, pausing, and looping of cells
Updated Todo list in ScreenshotButton
Fixed issues with assignment to player after instantiating
Saved Bag scene with changes
Implemented review status image and color changes
Added in controls separated when video player opens
Finished decoupling video controller and playback
Added review status image for bkg with review status – and color changes between states
Refactored productVideoPlayer to inteface with VideoPlayer system only – passes and plays available video url
Added images for testing product page screenshots and image background
Added videoplayer and carousel controller to screenshot system in productpage
Added videoplayer controls and system to player in carousel
Updated Bag scene with changes
Updated Icons
Getting ui, buttons and setup for product ID location (make code, copy code, code ID panel)
Added blocker to auto close context menu for settings in item products
Added Note to Keyboard check for alreadySelecting
Added scrollRectEx to screenshot panel, ad and qa so that you can scroll up/down on top of it
Fixed navigation on qa panel (right goes to scroll bar)
Updated sprite editor to latest version
Added wishlist
Added check for displaying wishlist if player doesn’t own it
Added Rewire UIInfo button ‘y’ and ‘rt alt’
Cellview settings uses uiInfo for context menu popup
Updated bag scene with the changes
Added support for product item settings (context list) and btn events for each
Cleaned up cellview code and fixed some bugs
Added ad banners to project
Added wishlist icon
Added product context menu btn images
Added method for OnComplete of camera shake
Fixed project settings
Updated the standalone API compatability level.
Removed library files for Mascot Maker.
Fixed a class saving bug.
Disabled .Net 4 on Android.
Fixed nullref in marketing in product page – cleaned up cellview
Added banners – default sizes (images) to project and to default tileset
Cleaned up mascot project
Removed Cellview prefabs (old)
Added ScrollViewExtended class
Turned off msaa option on camera in logo scene
Updated cellview items in bag scene marketcenter areas
Cleaned up ScrollerController cell view layout assignments
Added mascot build folder to build
Added mascot icon
Fixed triggerEvent middle panel highlighter not init position on load first time
Fixed issue with direction for beam when offset used
Fixed: teleportation – on wave disabled it resets correctly
tilesetorganizer enables list OnEnable, but does check for buttonExitToMenu for refresh state
Added – global highlighter to follow UI when enabled
Exported camera project
Rewired ignoreInputWhenAppNotInFocus checks for Editor/Build for focus (disables on final builds)
Added callback for loader to check on refresh complete (main menu)
Added play button check to reassign after refresh
Fixed bug with gwl if scene never started but go to development and try to select a product (should probably be empty there too)
Removed input checking on ‘new tilsets available’ and calls to MessageBox.Instance.SetAsActiveSelectable which takes care of itself
Added option in MessageBox to call exteral for button click and ‘Show()’ has option to pass it through as well
CellView qaScrollerController.InitScrollerController checks if available before init
Cleaned up some code
Added button and trackSelectable to bag scene MessageBox
Fixed compiler flags for the UWP build.
Updated the builds menu to handle and removed http from urls on mobile.
Fixed login scene controller navigation
Changed out keyboard in login with bag scene keyboard
Added audio to buttons in login scene
Fixed nullref with audio in login
Working on setting up cellview between product page, market center and main menu
NETFX CORE changes
Lib files changed on mascot maker
Added a testing version of the single frame tileset.
Changed mascot scene name
Added Bag Mascot Maker to the projects
hg update
Updated bag scene
Cleaned up some code
Changed defaultIcon to missingIcon and updated cells
Added OnGotTileCount for TileSelection to getHeight and populate the correct amount on init
Stubbed in a start to ‘remove’ icon if previously selected in product page
About to work on background icon selection save/load in product page
QAScrollerController keeps cells in product page when going in to each option (screenshot,icon,game) selections.
Removes cellview items on backbutton
Added check for viewLayout so that list1 and list2 work together and list2 is always left justified on layout elements
Added ‘back btn’ escape and joystick support for cellview on qa mode when going back from product page
Added scrollercontroller list 1 and 2 column, and grid
Fixed auto spacing issue for star icon on item in layout list and grid states
Added check for image on rowcellview for defaultconsprite being added
Removed test string
Only selected tilesets load.
Fixed another possible missing reference exception.
Added star icon and system to ratings in product item
Centered tileselection scroller for upperCenter
Added values for GetLayoutValuesFeaturedItems
Changed +- on spinner to arrows
Fixed drag issue with faces
Added bounce physicsMaterial2D to faces (disabled currently)
Changed product info right column button colors
Fixed some possible missing reference exceptions.
Fixed a possible null reference exception.
Updated defaultIcon with just psd file and in scene
Fixed star rating – id passes correct value to visual update
Changed defaultIcon image
Fixing product page info bar
Updated images in product page
Added divider on info bar
Fixed some navigation issues
Move audio slider btn folder back to the right spot
Removed folders
Working on cellview ads
Cleaned up some code.
Reduced GC when generating the tile data Xml.
Updating level saving and loading. All tests passing.
Tileset organizer now loads thumbnails again.
Added drag toss bounce to the tutorial heads
Updated bag scene
Fixed raycast target on faces for drag
Added dragable faces on main menu 🙂
Cleaned up texture memory usage.
Thumbnails are now loaded when running locally.
Thumbnails load again into the product page and the GWL thumbnail selection.
Fixing product page qa cells and overall systems for it
Removed bottom border on images for cells – using drop shadow image for spacers
Fixed issues with timing on loading and unloading of cells
Fixed backbutton – if keyboard escape, in product page to store front now correctly selects active btn for selectable
Finishing scrollerController
Cleaned up scrollerController for market center
Removed some debug statements that are no longer needed.
Updated tileset parsing system since groups are gone and attribute names are shorter.
Stripped a lot of extra data including groups and uses short attribute names.
Stage 1 – Only the list of tilesets downloads on main scene load…
Xml is no longer loaded and parsed.
Cleaned up some code and began refactoring the tileset loading systems.
Thumbnails file now also stores the tileset thumbnail hash.
Local submitter now saves a way to get the thumbnails Xml.
Fixed search panel buttons and navigation issues
Tweeked view images
Saved bag scene
Working over scrollerControllers for all other cellviews
Updated bag scene
Added separate check for cell view size large on grid
Fixed up SetCellViewContent
Cleaned up scrollerController
Fixed: scrollrect on parentScrollRect normalized value for tweening on center and smooth enabled
Cleaned up CellView code
Cleaned up RowCellView code
Cleaned up ScrollerController code
Thumbnails xml now exports to the correct folder.
Began implementing thumbnail only xml files.
Fixed navigation on scroll_view items – item based verses extendedui elements
Separated cellview sizes for grid and list
Updating all of cellview items. Still broke, dont merge
Added system for correct hover state to toggle states on market center
Added images for new hover selected states
Updated todo list.
Fixed a major garbage collection issue.
Refactored attribute parsing.
Added RendererExtensions – checks if ui object in camera view or not
Matched colors for video player and tile search hierarchy
Removed unused images
Added drag and resize-able to the hierarchy panel
Reworking the parsing system.
TileSearch hierarchy is ready for testing
Fixed toggle on tile_selector header bar
Added tileselect-hierarchy toolbar button to editor mode for panel toggle
Finished main part of tile selector
Worked over the first part of the tile search system (hierarchy part)
Fixed teleportation target on item hide/show in triggered spot not breaking out (typical unity)
Added a test for parsing enums.
Fixed a bug with loading SubClass values. There’s still a bug with Enum.
Temporarily turned off caching of tilesets.
Fixed some issues with loading in tilesets with extra data stripped.
Added more values to the white list. Cleaned up some code.
Added a debug.log note for later saving optimization.
Optimized the Tileset output.
Cleaned code
Fixed issue on loading and gwlsync scenes with camera/canvas – 2x + pixel size screens
Added market center listview toggle for grid/list
Fixed blocker id subtile btn issue
Moved UnityAds to External folder
Changed btn hover bar for items to bottom line only
Removed Spacing
Added blocker for tile checking with teleportation
Finished teleportation tile v1
Fixed two bugs in the screenshot system.
Added wave in to teleportation tile
Updated the math for the teleportation beam.
Adding more features to teleportation item
Added animations and support for beam
Slightly refactored the teleportation beam code.
Added Unity Ads.
Removed threading on iOS
Fixed trigger Xml.
TB: Fixed the tile collider not destroying when loading another tileset.
Fixed TB content scrollbar.
Added a check to stop checking if the application is no longer running.
updated and added tiles
Added teleport reeling (rt stick and i,k keys)
Added teleport target lag and snap option
Added teleport auto reset after use
Added teleport target counter for in colliders
Updated: TileData.xml
Added teleportation beam arc half x,y options for bounce
Added beam options to teleportation item
Added beam arc and wave amounts
Added polish to teleportation system
Fixed ui – UI marketing ad – location icon is no longer updating with the selected image (shows highlighter on top)
Fixed ui – UI marketing ad – bounce still happening on horizontal selection
Fixed ui – screen flashed on switching between sync games and loading tilesets – saw menu screen or something there
Fixed ui – product page – downloading screen needs to stay until completed done, then enable play menu mode
Fixed ui – product page – panel hung on top (space) again in ui coming back from game – height didn’t reset
Fixed ui – have that other blocker for editor pop up here (when keyboard comes up, need to be sure user can’t ‘click’ on it) – turn off controls for clicking 🙂
Fixed ui – market center – hangs at the launch screen to select the controller icon or background colors
Added editor – slider bar – type-able input on slider values – for numbers, instead of slider bars
Added hierarchy panel – or something that has a list of what you have in the scene: by name, type, etc
Fixed step through collections organizer – group section – doesnt allow for labeling anymore
Fixed menu / settings / hightlight color – fix ‘x’ should be color or nothing
Changed account – status – disable like community – just default to profile only
Changed dob – rt justified – fix on profile page
Removed version left corner
Fixed settings bag – onclick text input goes away – needs to stay
Fixed settings from bag editor added check for slider bar onTap inputfield check on text
Fixed gui – receiver image – pos value +- both directions
Fixed gui – reciever labels for enter/exit directions -> “From Enter”, “To Exit”
Fixed gui – on Up – btn clicked – with nav on it – froze up..
Fixed gui – gui pos on image(type) sets to 0 everytime when scale is on
Fixed gui – gui reciever if it is up and locked, then it can’t go anywhere else
Fixed gui – bug – double check the reciever – onclick reset
Minor changes and notes
Fixed collider check on teleportation display trigger checking
Added tiletype teleportation system and btns and images
Updated default single tileset project
Added tb properties to teleportation tile type
Added new tiletype – teleporter device (item) for player
Updated: TileData.xml
Cleaned up bag scene and tutorial code
Added longer delay for isOn when opening learn buttons from tutorial
Added: sequence for tutorial note and arrow to come in, learn toggle to open, and check for click to go away
Updated bag scene with carousel and btns
Commented out productpage image make on game (temp)
Added carousel art
Fixed bag scene carousel with btns and bkg
Changed btn on carousel close
Stubbed in carousel controller and screenshot image spots
Setup the carousel in ui
Fixed HorizontalLayoutGroupOffset issues
Added Carousel for screenshots
Fixed: scroll offset for horizontal layout groups (gwl, etc)
Fixed: Menu – Settings top bar icons for center and scroll
Fixed: Player and tile double call on colliderOnDie override
Saved bag scene with changes
Updated the Review App.
Removed old meta files.
Tile Builder meta files updated.
Updated Steam SDK on Linux.
Better memory cleanup after loading tilesets. Improved some log messaging.
Sped up tileset loading a bit more.
Disabled image btn icon 🙂
Added image for tutorial note 1
Fixed: tutorial – step 8/33 define that is it the plus sign on “my tileset” frame because it can be confused with the one in the bottom of middle column
Fixed: tutorial – Unity changed its oop on deltaSize and position messing up where objects are placed and when
Cleaned up changes in tutorial code
Fixed screenshot image scroll move
Added BAGCustomScrollRectSelectable to screenshot and tileseticon
Changed product images label to screenshotImages
Fixed all the issues with Videoplayer after Unity broke it :\
Changed product play reset icon disable color and disable color click
Changed silver and gold image for hover and off states
Changed product icon btn (outline style)
Added background icon and setup for enabling based on mode
Finished off basic setup for Tile Camera Culling
Added tile culling in (unity editor only)
Fixed bug if joystick ‘y’ clicks (longpress) on tile for subtile mode, then use mouse to close (toggle btn) – was messing up
Fixed camera characterController issue on create (console warning)
Replaced blue audio slide in/out
Change selection ‘up/down’ in editor to down audio clip
Changed audio up
Changed audio swipe
Added audio click (down) on fullscreen toggle btn
Added: productPage imageBkg as selection option
WWWLoader now loads faster.
Cleaned up some code.
Fixing translateRotation disable/enable correctly during rt_mode
Decreased load times.
Converted the old Xml code to the Linq version for the review app.
Updated the external code for the Review App.
Fixed a bug where previously approved tiles weren’t allowing the checking to progress.
WSA/Xbox also compresses textures now.
Removed some meta files for empty folders.
Moved slider btn ai triggerOptions for playerAi to 1,2 order
Moved slider btn ai triggerOptions for player to 1,2 order
Fixed: nullref on aitriggerboxes when looping through them on dieRespawn (player and playerAi)
Fixed: outOfRange error on TileTypeWaypoint.GetNodeSettings
Added UNITY_WSA in textureLoader
Removed #if end in MasterAssetsLoader
Updated Tile Builder with updated code.
More progress on getting BAG to work on Xbox.
Fixed an exception when saving user settings.
Fixed a bug where user save data would try to parse empty Xml.
Added two tilesets (mega pixel pack – fence, damage)
Added item_bkg for product page
Added star rating hover state over stars
Removed old wincert
Updated scene 0_Init with deviceConsole (on by default)
Added longer delay on scrollerstartposition – testing
Changed gold/silver hover images
Added DeviceConsole
Updated keyboard and navigation for square pattern
Fixed: tilebehavior – on item pickup anim and audio pass back to item, not tb
Added the shared code reference to the Sky2D asmdef file.
Finished making scripts compatible with UWP for Xbox.
Fixed: saving on control mapper events were broken
Fixed: gui – increased snap amount for drag
Changed gui btn image for input
Fixed fade panel on menu intro
Added icon_paste_disabled for gwl btn
Removed guiBkgFader from colortheme – using it directly in main menu
Fixed fadepanel issue with main menu and colortheme
Removed spacing
Updated the Steam SDK
Updated Tile Builder’s shared code.
Added compatibility code to use .Net 4.6 code with .Net 3.5
Fixed top panel on product page
Added basic layoutsizecontroller for product page elements when needed
Changed organizer group button hover states
Updated market_center.prefab
Unity messed things up on marketcenter and bag scene.
bag scene saved
Fixed a bug with tileset loading. Cleaned up some code.
Turned on compress in testing tileset.
Refactored some tileset loading code. Cleaned up more code.
Cleaned up some code.
Added parse tests.
Added some tests for attribute parsers.
Turned off auto light baking in the Init scene.
Updated Tile Builder with new login and Xml code.
Updated the review app with the new login system.
Fixed some password reset issues.
Fixing product layout elements on top panel
Added sound to product page top left column btns
Changed default settings for ButtonAudio.cs
Updated all audio in bag (audio clips, prefabs, scenes)
Changed text sizes and type for product page
Added EnableGameAudioMute and DisableGameAudioMute options in SDH
Nathan: Working on issue with UserSaveDataUtility and modeLoadedFrom
Changed over scrollRect type to clamp (most of them) to reduce slow downs and jumpiness
Updated all effected prefabs
Saved bag edit scene
Fixed eye tracking on tutorial heads on screen rotation and size change at runtime
Turned on all blockers in Market Center prefab
ProductPage spacing
Fixed camera and ui on bug scene
Cleaned up TogglePanels in ProductPage
Cleaned up productpage code
Started to fix (or did fix) panel issue on SetHeight() for product panel
Setup Verses to work with joystick and button selectables
Updated market_center.prefab
Fixed nullref in gui on application closed (from unity or immediate closing) – when erasing
Checking for thisTfm on autoTile if closed when being made
Changed up label positions for Player and PlayerAi slider char ai triggerOptions
Finished the password reset system.
Updated the Astar2D asmdef file.
Began adding password reset code system.
Fixed the splash video.
Added some to do items.
Added tests for getting the compression mode in the finalization parser.
Removed a debug statement that was spamming the console and moved it into a todo list.
Fixed weapon bullet on edit mode
Added togglePassword to show/hide
Added login reset password panels and buttons
Updated Login scene with new ui
Tile organizer items show/hide text based on screensize (<700) Turned off mipmap from toolbar images – check for quality Updated Canvas and UI elements in Logo scene Fixed Canvas and UI issues on Login Scene Updated Login prefab Testing spriteAtlas Updated and Added Content to the Combat Joe Tileset Updated the SharedCode csproj file. Updated more Xml related code. Added Shared code to the Astar2D asmdef file. Updated more code to be compatible with XBox. Fixed an encryption bug. Added unit tests for encryption. Updated the encryption and login system. updating cj tileset properties Updated the SharedCode csproj. Separated encryption into a partial class for the XBox build. XBox code is broken though. – Also removed a debug statement from TileBuilderManager Updated more code for building to XBox. 🙂 Updated more code for building on XBox. Fixed eventsystem selectable issue – game was conflicting with videoplayer – both had event system components Adding sprite atlas (for the moment) Fixing horizontal layout group offset for different platforms Updated bag scene Trying to fix ui selected Updated prefabs for settings Refactored main menu logo system (now just canvas images) – fits any screen correctly Copied Xml changes into the external assemblies. Fixed Xml bugs. Levels should now load once again. Removed the XmlGuiSkin library from BAG. Changed everything over from System.Xml to System.Xml.Linq Testing atlas maps on ui Adjusting scene ui Began getting code ready for UWP and XBox. Cleaned up some warnings in the build system. Removed intentionally failing tests. Fixed: gizmoTool no longer scales to negative value, but locks to 0.1f Fixed: tileScaleVertical checking for the right correct values Changed: minScale to 0.01f from -300 Added support for TileLockMove – correctly checks for locking tile on move Fixed tile offset (moves and sets back to correctly layer) when selection brush was on a gui tile after dragEnd Added checking to SetLockId for gui tile in tileSubPanelEnable mode Fixed gui textMesh anchor enum directions in rt_mode and init Commented out override for RT_Settings gui tile (may just use base) Fixed gui tile navigator init on sdh when loading from a game level to another one Mover window certificate to folder in bag Project setting scripting runtime v1 Converted the cache system to use Xml Linq Upated to window uwp Fixed navigator issue with gui tile on click to hide/show after time delay Fixed animation clips for tiles. Added -50to50 for gui tile navigator offset Fixed passthrough collision on trigger list state changes Fixed passthrough dropdown – was tracking multiple of the same tiles Fixed teleporter animation end – works correctly now Fixed jumppad on going in to TriggerEnter ani Added Mega Pixel Packs Changed UI on ui_bag to scale with screens size and 1 on height Changed mouse input on finger gestures Updated: TileData.xml Fixed animation skipping if tile moves to quick through a trigger ‘and’ the animation is long (exceeds length of trigger) Added check in tileTrigger for CamaeraTrigger object that is in the scene following the camera (in layer scene) Added particles to indie jones project Changed speed for tile imageeffects myst Fixed issue with particle rotation f/b on init Updated mobile builds. Added the WBS Apple developer team id for iOS builds. Fixed save path for iOS Added a build menu option for iOS iPhone now uses http to connect to the server. Compiling on iOS works again. ferr meta files Updating Indie Jones tile values Fixed subtile brush lookup issue – now checks for subtiletype in case subtiles have tilebehaviors Fixed initalize time for spawnOnDie tiles Fixed audio on spawnOnDie Updated some shared code. Updated Steamworks.NET in Tile Builder. Updated the Steamworks external assembly code. Updated Steamworks.Net to the latest version. Added spawnOnDieController for base objects that spawn and disable active state Added icon references for spawn start, mid, end on setting position and scale Fixed issues with updating in rt_mode on spawn (pos,scale,timer,force) Added transformOutlineObject for prefab (shows box outline and ‘+’) Fixing some bugs in spawner system Added First Pass on Combat Joe Tileset The review app now downloads files much faster. Non standalone textures compress for now, at high quality. Build a Game works on Android (and possibly iOS) again. Facebook buttons now get destroyed in the built version. Added default reminder to user for rotation f/b in particle tile Adjusted tile particle rotation f/b to 270 for default to face forward on screen Added dust particles (2) to Indie Jones tileset Updated TileData.xml Changed Indie Jones trigger size of coin pickup Added: Disabling audio on tiles when play and stop buttons pressed from game and editor modes Fixed: spawn – pickup tile – needs visible ‘+’ spot to know where it’s spawning distance away Fixed: passthrough – collision must be fixed. need a way better solution at this point. Fixed: passthrough – dropdown is broken as well from this collision stuff Fixed: gui – hide navigator on removed – stayed on screen instead of going with it? (2184) Fixed: gui – worked on hiding with ‘joystick’ but not mouse (2184) Fixed: gui – gui text alignment is opposite on text anchor upper, lower Fixed: projectile setting where the bullet is seen, is spraying a lot of bullets and chugging quick Fixed: ai has 1,2 and needs to be together in slider bar Fixed: ui – product – panel hung on top (space) again in ui coming back from game – height didn’t reset -> need callback for onComplete then GetHeight()
Fixed: menu – eyes reset transform on screen resize for turning screen – or keep in update for it
Fixed: click the back button on the bottom of the screen and it leaves the save games level selector popup on the screen (Blockers were turned off)
Fixed: on pause – audio loops are still playing
Fixed: gui – button scaling states – without on guiCamera – shrinks to zero and doesn’t come back
Fixed: gui – ‘click’ to go to navigation wasnt working with mouse. – its based on button state (up,down,hover,tap,etc) – must be set correctly to work – still ‘sticky’
Added: gui – scene selection which if enabled is -> ‘enable goal’ to the button click somewhere so user can select it
Added: gui – pauses all other controls from happening in navigate (toggle)
Fixed: gwl – made text font size on gwl larger on each part
Fixed: gwl – image icon button – change the input bkg highlight to blue tint – match inputfields
Fixed: tutorial – step 8/33 you should define that is it the plus sign on “Build a game” frame because it can be confused with the one in the bottom of middle column
Fixed: tutorial – Unity changed its order on deltaSize and position messing up where objects are placed and when
Fixed: player – 0 live and live is == 0. but 1 doesn’t go to dead, just disappears- check for ‘turnOff’
Fixed: menu – settings – audio first time shows 1 not 100
Fixed: gwl – off-centered horizontal layout ui
Fixed a scrollbar bug when filtering by tiles or audio.
Corrected hangUpHurt states ‘H’ to ‘h’
Added some notes for debugging
Fixed ui art for Indie Jones
Removed particle images for Indie Jones
Added direction text to player options in subtile mode
Updated Indie Jones tileset properties
Changed labels on TB Teleporter Audio clips to include (once) and (loop)
Added: ImageEffects myst 3d option in image fx
Added: ImageEffects myst subtile color and speed options
Added: ImageEffects tile adds new tile correctly based on type and values (if already in scene)
Added: _Color option for 3D myst image effect shader
Fixed: TileTypeImageEffects OnDisable – checks correctly for just the disabled tile not all image effects
Fixed: ImageEffects Lut color checks correctly for Init and Disable type modes
Added Indie Jones tileset to project
Fixed bugs due to tileset special cases in audio, weapon, player, damage
Added speed for CameraFilterPack shader
Commented out the isDead check on player ai trigger exit (for now)
Added delay on collider for weapon (play animation of bullet event first, then check for hit)
Fixed nullref on player.ani for weapon
TileEffect playAudio plays ‘once’ no matter the clip animation setting
Added: Indie Jones tileset to project
Fixed: nullref bug in bullet
Added: bullet delay before hitpoint check option on collider (or whip and punching)
Added checking for nulref in sdh when tooltip goes while clicking on play
Fixed bug
Updated TileData with changes
Added option to offsetter – offset image only, offset image and collider (whole tile)
Excluded offsetter from several tiles that dont need it
Updated: TileData.xml with offsetter
Added Offsetter effect to tiles -> TranslateOffsetter
Added weapon tile auto shoot trigger box follow rotation option (box stays in the same place or rotates with it)
Fixed turret range box in edit mode prs
Added support for mirroruv on bullet attachtoObject from parent on stickTo
Fixed tileIcon direction and shader setting
Added: GetTileShader to check for correct shader based on mirroring in tiles
Fixed: icons flipping on mirror uv
Changed Flash shader to Cull Off
Added player interact option for using interact anim or not (in case you want it to be faster interact)
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed defaultAnim for weapon on rtMode assignment (enable/disable)
Added uv mirror collider and hp to game mode (flips them correctly
Added uv mirror separate to autoTile for angle slopes to flip correctly
Fixed weapon shoot times on automatic so there’s not an ‘extra’ shot that happens
Fixed shell, hitspark, hitdecal and muzzleflash to work in all angles (like bullet)
Fixed weapon hitspark and hitdecal uv directions
Weapon – changed uv to image rotate so you can clamp or repeat images without issues
Adding weapon mirror option for tile (shell, muzzleflash, explode, hit)
Updated: TileData with uv mirror option (currently available for all tiles)
Fixed slider startup on subpanel for weapon
Updated tileguy cartoon with tiletooth ai and changed properties of different ones
Cleaned up WeaponShell file
Refactored how weapon shell is created to remove any issues with animation clips playing
Removed rate of fire (1,2), using only rateOfFire min, max range
Updated tile guy cartoon project
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed check on rate of fire updates in rt_mode
Added labels for direction on locking and angles for weapon edit
Fixed weapon auto charge shoot and standard shoot to work with same values
Added TileTooth to TileGuy platformer cartoon
Fixed issues with TileTrigger and enter/exit on player and weapon on death
Fixed player hurt – checks correctly for hurt animation states
Changed debugs in weapon
Fixed issues with weapon charging (enter,exit), charging autoshoot on complete, reset after, and some bugs
Added VS Code support.
Added UI images
Added start of learn icons
Added an ignore rule for .vs folders.
Fixed links on the learn buttons for starter tutorial and learn button
Fixed: escape (back btn) during scene loading from gwl scene and others
Updated videoplayer prefab
Added ui mouse checking on gui in tileSlider (subpanel mode)
Cleaned up tbm for videoPlayer
Fixed videoplayer close btn on click in editor mode
Fixed videoplayer menu buttons hide on fullscreen toggle enabled
Removed ui mouse follow (not needed)
Changed eye color to blue
Reworked dev faces (added blinking animations, eye tracking and distance)
Changed learn btn on main menu to match editor version
Added editor version btn for video player toggle
Cleaned up video player (removed close) moved minimize over
Added EyeTracking and FaceManager classes
Removed png files for notepad and tileHeads
Added layers of tutorial heads with eyes
Added and Updated heads for learn tutorial
Removed and updated the ui widgets system
Added checking for mouse on videoplayer panel in bag editor (still needs to be fine-tuned)
Added videoplayer to bag editor
Added btn on toolbar for videoplayer
Fixed some bugs
Changed learn lightbulb image
Updated Learn Player Icon
Updated Learn Icons
Added depth for camera buttons
Updated content on pitch deck
TileGuy Cartoon Images Added
Fixed an infinite loop bug.
Fixed a bug where tileset group xml data would be corrupt when certain characters were in a group name.
Added videoplayer in to Bag
Still has several things to add/fix and then will be ready (tomorrow)
Fixed some minor issues with tutorial
Updated prefabs for main menu and tutorial
Learn page is only accessible from unity editor
Added checking in main menu for tutorial status and btn pressing on other btns (incorrectly)
Added firstTimeToPlay check for tutorial to popup on main menu
Added remaining elements to tutorial system
Added rollout for learning button (youtube, videoplayer, learnpage, tutorial, manual)
Added support for the learning modes
Added content for each that was needed (and button images)
Testing audio with no audioclip – appears to be crashing audio tile
Added mouse tracking on UI elements while in bag editor
Finished tutorial images and setup (first pass)
Needs testing to make sure it’s intuitive and works 🙂
Added tutorial ui to prefabs
Added dynamic tutorial system 🙂
Added: turn direction four to list of turn directions
Added: player animations for push idle, pull idle, hold idle
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: player hold onePos and playerDir – checks correctly for both and offset dist
Added: characterAnimations now support push, pull, hold idle states
Added: event for player interact mode (on button pushed for interact only)
Removed: player toggleAll options for physics, attack, jump, die, speak/read – not needed anymore
Added: player tile now has support for interact animation, audio, player state -> checks on btn pressed -(and not if interact push,pull,pickup)
Fixed: player dash Physics.IgnoreCollision -> gets both parent and child colliders
Fixed: TBM -> on drag from longpress -> now works and doesn’t messup when going in to subtile panel mode
Moved: player gravity reverse options to 1-5
Fixed issue with killbox on trigger exit (other object not triggering correctly on remove)
Added isTriggerLocked check to exit state on DisableTriggerEvent call
Fixed: slingshot – pull distance make multiplier smaller value for more option
Fixed: slingshot – need to have bands ‘wrap completely around’ bullet object not just center – aka offset#
Fixed: base tile – triggerExit should have option for onClick event to exit/activate exitMode checking
Fixed: editor – subtile mode – display text at bottom of screen showing name of stuff going on (remove or make part of whole)
Fixed: editor – settings label should come up the first time when you go to subtileproperties
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – tool does not work with terrain yet – go to eyedropper and do a special case fix <—– just skipping for now. Fixed: editor – eyedropper – tool is messed up when it copies the waypoints – it keeps the list from the original one -> if parented is on, then it removes the orig and the other on creating new tile
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – tool – when you make a copy of one that has ‘createsubtileoncreatetile’ on – then disregard that 😉
Fixed: door – is group on side of door multiple (and they were rotated) didnt see them in run time ?
Fixed: door – door – needs to check for if players are around it and then head back
Fixed: door – door – bumpers need to check direction, then stop ‘if’ player in that direction (only)
Fixed: nullref with door missing subtile btn
Fixed: eyedrop – doesn’t allow for terrain, waypoint or subtiles in direct copy
Updated slider brush subtiletype to be consistent with its own tile parent type
Fixed: image size for btn on waypoint
Fixed: search bar inputfield for joystick, keyboard and mouse support
Updated: prefab for market_center
Updated: prefab for main menu
Fixed: (?) background tile disabling in pause mode in game
Fixed: nullref in gui for init and load
Added: tutorial arrow to textures
Fixed: nullref bug on gui – tileText checks for null and assigns it
Added: some automated tests for Game World Level data.
Updated the ID for Tile Guy 2
Added tests for the recent fixes to the product page.
Development item data now properly updated from the product page.
Fixed: an issue in development items where the published price would show instead of the unpublished one.
Fixed: the test report generator skipping some failure nodes.
Fixed: the test results path.
Updated: the CreateTestReport script to grab the hash from a file.
Added another failing test to make sure the email system works.
Finished the test report upload script.
Began adding an automated unit testing feature.
Possible fix for gwl not writing save data sometimes.
Reduced garbage collection when saving GWL data. Also, updated FileBrowser from external library.
Re-enabled build all for the release builds menu.
Property missing warnings are now excluded from builds.
Fixed a null reference bug when going to certain product pages.
Fixed a bug where the next level wasn’t being loaded and would go back to level 0.
Updated external code in TB.
A folder now is automatically entered upon creation in TB.
Made it possible to close a bug from its info screen.
Fixed a bug with the Developer level testing system.
Fixed nullref bug on gui – tileText checks for null and assigns it
Changed order for pickup and hold on player tile so that pickup dir then move dir after pickup options in sliderbtns
Added check for playBtnPressed in sdh so that background tile knows how long to show edCam image before removing
Changed position for slider_hitpoint_settings above the teamId
Added tutorial folder, images, and setup for ui
Fixed a bug when setting up a new set of levels.
Updated tilesets – sunnyland, background, tile girl pixel
Added tiles to tile girl pixel set (autotile row for fence) and fixes on settings for tiles
Cleaned up volumeTrigger
Cleaned up code changes
Fixed: player using grapplinghook connecting to object while in volume, and pulling out
Fixed: player using grapplinghook connect while in volume, and disconnect in volume
Fixed: grapplinghook isgrounded check if not grounded but in trigger state
The search bar now auto searches as text is filled in after a short delay.
Tileset testing should now work properly.
Changed directory for terrain cache.txt to be in external folder
Removed unused package – transitionmanager
Removed unused folders ferr
Fixed: teleporter and porter had a bad bug on trigger exit.
Fixed: logo screen selection – up/down works correctly for selecting buttons
Fixed: a bug where you couldn’t play from edit mode.
Refactored how the gwl system is passed within BAG.
Titles are now different when playing games vs testing tilesets.
Fixed a bug with reporting corrupt data on macOS.
Working through fixes to menu and ui elements for bag
Fixed: color theme – gray – top buttons don’t have dark color for rings – check on all colors and setup like the lower ones
Fixed: refresh button outside ring – needs drop shadow like quote box
Fixed: player – doesn’t jump ‘up left’ – fix
Fixed: player – on die in fly – spawns – but ‘fly move’ becomes move ani. ?
Fixed: player – two players set to same joystick – disable one player. turns both joystickMaps off because the ‘playerMaps’ control the user.
Fixed: player – char general settings
Fixed: player – fix turnaround on player – needs to be smarter for all angles
Fixed: editor – rare: slider bar – selected brush – didnt remove the enabletools side bars from the start
Fixed: editor – rare: settings – switch between ‘disable subpanel mode on grid click’ and when out, it didn’t actually get out of settings mode.
Fixed – weapon locked ‘shoot dir’ needs word not numberonly – already done wth autoshootturret
Fixed: player onDie – if ‘scaleonDie’ on, then respawn uses its value
Fixed: player – reduce character controller stepUP – 10
Fixed: player – turn on player parent connect
Fixed: ladder – set triggerbox left/right to 5 for ladder
Fixed: platform passthrough – offset -1
Fixed: slingshot – on creating front/back quads – dont layer it, till built and textured, then add to visible layer
Fixed: slingshot – pull distance make multiplier smaller value for more option
Fixed: if mouse (fg) – then its if pos is over the collider of projectile
Fixed: just happened – slingshot – creates multiple copies of all of itself – check on triggerEnter for that
Fixed: slingshot – need to have bands ‘wrap completely around’ bullet object not just center – aka offset#
Fixed: editor – subtile mode – display text at bottom of screen showing name of stuff going on (remove or make part of whole)
Fixed: hang movement/idle on locked directions – only idles in locked dir
Fixed: nullref on slingshot with tileTrigger if not enabled
Updated: tileset default with passthrough value changes
Updated: TileData.xml
Changed: tilePassthrough vert/hori increment amount (doubled the amount for better movement option)
Changed: does require all tilepassthrough platforms to be updated accordingly. ex. if it was 5, it now needs to be 10.
Added showSubTileName option to TileManager to toggle the quick tooltip at the bottom of the panel for tileslider button names (dev tool)
Added: slingshot bands front/back start and end offset positions in rt_mode and gameplay
Checking on tileset projects
Removed unused tile from sunny land
Removed nonused options for player tile type. It’s just ai on/off
Removed defaultjoystick for show option in base (not used)
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed autotile slope/corner enum on init/load diff
Moved slingshot pull options to pull slider btns
Added slingshot trigger to lockOnRotate options for init
Replaced ‘showDefaultjoystick’ with false in joystick obj – not going to show it till things are ready for all of them.
Added object checking for ‘any’ trigger object in TileTrigger
Added extra check on isTempLockOn for TriggerEnter if triggered object doesn’t have tilebehavior on it (ex. bullet, slingshotbullet, physicsscribbleobj)
Added checking and debug for CreateSubTileButtonObjects() to see where it might be happening
Fixed: slingshot projectile offset works correctly when moving and attached with group to another object
Fixed: hp obj, collider, tileCollider all toggle correctly based on moveTo, load, loaded, aim, and shoot
Fixed the rest of the slingshot bugs
Adding, but going to remove ferr in root
Fixing slingshot issues
Added some notes.
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixing issues with slingshot tile
Fixed threshold issue with waypoint follower on pause then go again on node points
Removed some editorTool and caching from ferr
Added bezier curve ratioToPoint in LeanTween
Added leantween bezier ratioToPoint for accurate checking on nodes
Removed outOfRange issue with editorTools in ferr – after upgrade to 2017.3
Added meta
Reverted scripting backend back to .Net 3.5
Possible key not found exception fix.
Updated assembly definitions to also contain editor only code.
Fixed and updated some of the export settings.
Renamed Grid.cs to GridManager.cs – conflicts with Unitys Grid now
Renamed Accordion – for uiwidgets menu – conflicts with Unitys accordion menu
Added TileOffsetter – for gui offset with mouse option
Added hitpoint trigger collider angle to autoTile slope when used
Fixed: TileEffect gravity gets applied correctly to multistate block and disables rb when called
Gui Joystick is hidden for slingshot till systems all using it
Fixed autotile collider slope on base – turned off. Need to fix hp trigger and replace with mesh triangle if slope
Updated BAG from external libraries.
Fixed a bug where local files wouldn’t load when using WWW.
Moved the anim and audio order for die and dead in base
Some settings for a Tile Builder prefab got updated.
Added some assembly definition files to Build a Game.
Removed some orig files
Added some assembly definition files to Tile Builder and the Review App.
Fixed a non-existent folder exception.
Added: tile tooth player to tile guy 8bit set
Updated Sprite Editor to Unity 2017.3
Updated Build a Game to Unity 2017.3
Updated Tile Builder and the Review App to Unity 2017.3
Moved instance assignment to the top of the TileBuilderManager Awake method.
Made the template dialogs more beautiful.
Fixed autoTileMode on init/load
Fixed: Background tile – trigger fade in/out works correctly with onStart alpha value
Fixed: Background tile trigger on exit state – exits correctly with base
Fixed: Trigger tile trigger on exit state – exits correctly with base
Added: Background tile – triggerEvents for turn on/off, and lerp between colors and time
Added: slider btn for bkg tile trigger event options
Removed: slider btn for bkg tile time option (legacy)
Fixed: slingshot tile slider btn image for pos offset
Working over final bug list on slingshot and its controls
Fixed: waypoint node settings options – values now get/set from node only
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: waypointFollower – spline mode correctly sets ratio between points for each node distance
Still a bug in bezier on ratio (default right now is equal values based on node count)
Added: slingshot tile to default tileset for testing
Temp fix for MoveOnPath angle based on ltBezier and ltSpline using tagged tile and its rotation plus offsets and tileRotation
Removed debug
Fixed waypoint controller setting value for controllerId and all
Added waypoint follower settings and options to tile type (a few were added to the exclude list)
Changed label
Updated default tileset project values
Added dragon 3 piece tile to default tile set
Added translate waypoint (followers) to base for all tiles
Fixed waypointFollower to work correctly with changes
Working on Waypoint movers (dragon style)
Enabled the template system for users.
Refactored controller follower brush for waypoint – triggering system tied to waypoint and controlMode on enter/exit options
Added waypoint spline color updates
Added some extra info in TileTypeCamera to try and find a bug.
Possibly fixed a bug in the ProductPage.
Optimized the headless build to be used per tileset submission.
Create Folder dialog now matches the rest of the file browser better.
Began adding a create folder dialog. Looks very ugly right now, but works!
Added the export button to Tile Builder.
Waypoint system v1 ready for testing
Refactored waypoint handle and node system
Updated waypoint handle and line art
Fixed remaining bugs with waypoint tile type and system (about to add a few more features)
Fixed: Light tile to work correctly with trigger activate input on/off
Made waypoint follower variables official spot in tb
Removed meshDirection front,back,auto from enum list
Refactored and fixed bugs in waypoint tile type (nearly finished)
Added/Cleaned up slider btns and images for waypoint tile
Fixed some null reference exceptions, slightly optimized GWLUtility, and updated some external code.
Added Group 1 – 20 – files, bug fixes
Working on smoother system for jumpFromVolume
Updated the steamworks API.
Added some function calls to try and catch a bug in ControllerPlayer.
Updated todo list
ScrollerController now reloads if an item was removed.
Fixed a bug where the first tile image wouldn’t show in product pages.
Color them should now be applied immediately.
Updated my notes, updated the hgignore file.
Fixed 2 spots where nullref might be coming from with tileImageRenderer not being set in time
Checking in background tile type for bkg object before fading out
Removed todo comment
Updated bag projects for tilesets
Fixed nullref in controllerPlayer for checkForTrigger on object dying during check
Added reset time after pause (exit) from bomb tile type
Updated Default tileset with bomb settings
Updated Default tileset with player hold position y 5
Added option to bomb so that once triggered it can continue counting down
Changed player default hold object position on y to 5
fixed: player toss, sets correct isTrigger based on tileColliderEnable option
fixed: damage tile works correctly with activateBy trigger and input
fixed: camera – getriggercamerafollow and all trigger states updated with current system
fixed: background tile trigger to enable/disable correctly on trigger input states
fixed: background tile ‘wave xy’ to work correctly in game mode
fixed: background tile uv edge locking works correctly in game mode
fixed: cloud shadow – intensity for color works correctly in RT mode settings
fixed: cloud shadow – needs option for – show at start, show in editor and use atStart on trigger
fixed: fog trigger state for enable/disable (turn on/off)
fixed: blockmultistate trigger states for input and activateBy
added: top bar shadow line for subtile mode on header label
saved: bag scene
updated: TileData.xml
added: fixme note on TBM for subtile switching issue that happens sometimes
removed: character tile type file (old)
added: grass spring tile type supports activateBy options for trigger input
fixed: collider box and mesh in each stage (collider on/off, physics on/off, triggering on/off)
added: scribble physcis spray offset in case user doesn’t want to change item pos
Removed the line endings file as it seems to cause problems.
Replaced the PauseController dll with code files.
Removed audio trigger setting/range slider btns and images (using just default ones)
Fixed enter/exit on audio when using trigger and input enabled
Fixed nullref on weapon with new tileImageRenderer not init
Cleaned up more code in TileBehavior variables
Converted Sprite Editor files to CRLF.
Removed the AndroidAds app as it doesn’t really make much sense to have.
Added an hgeol file.
Converted Review App files to CRLF.
Converted Tile Builder files to CRLF.
Converted asset downloader files to CRLF.
Fixed a null reference exception when selecting a thumbnail before the image loads.
Possible null reference exception fix.
Added support for joystick direction on activate by input for triggers
Implemented the refresh button and possibly fixed erratic MessageBox not showing.
Removed all tileImage getcomponents with cached tileImageRenderer
Changed all Shader.Finds for default tile shade – runlitAlphaFade
Removed about 60+ log warnings
Cleaned up code
Updated TileData.xml
Removed the dictionary from the template system since it wasn’t being used.
Template Xml file now gets deleted when the reference to it is deleted.
Finished adding a template system to Tile Builder.
Added: Trigger on Input exit option. If you have ‘activate by’ trigger and input, then both enter/exit can be controlled by it now.
Added: Trigger input auto exit – by default is set to true to keep consistent with current tiles
Fixing: tile types that have conflicts with it
Updated: TileData.xml
Began adding a Tile Templates GUI.
Removed external Tile Builder code as it’s no longer needed.
Temporarily saving and loading template data is working.
Added the ability to ignore particular values when saving templates.
Completed Dynamic Circuits v1 for Bag (needs testing)
Updated: TileData.xml
Added ShaderType to enum list
Began adding a template system.
Cleaned up quite a bit of code.
The drives list will no longer populate snap confinement drives on Linux.
Tile Builder now has an export feature.
Added todo notes.
Separated some code out to hopefully find an IO Exception.
Fixed a possible out of range exception in the product page.
Added dynamic circuits tile for tileguy set and default set
Refactored pickupAudio to support pitch increment in both default and clipList
Updated: TileData.xml
Added PickupTimer to keep track of all groupIds and times for pickupTiles
Cleaned up PickupAudio for pickup tile and sdh
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed an exception when a user tries to test a game that has no level data.
Cleaned up code with pickup audio increment
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: Pickup audio increment and 10 audio clips for playing a group of timed pickup items
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: audio clips (testing) to sunny land tileset
Added: slider btn for pickup audio
Added: tileset sunny land opossum idle frames for left and right (tail move)
Changed some values in tilset sunny land
Fixed: player and playerAi TriggerBoxView setup for init and load – now they correctly show/hide based on the settings
Added direction checking (toggles) for player pickup raycasting
Added direction checking slider btn for player
Added: player has auto stand after crouch jump
Fixed: animation fps on ‘create tile’ works correctly now
Fixed teleporter port activate trigger|input on joystick direction
Changed default setup on SunnyLand tileset to have ‘joystick up’ to activate teleporter
Added FollowByPlayerState to LookAround camera – will have it’s own coming soon.
Found bug with Gesture controls on mouse wheel (sometimes) – looses sendMessage ability (goes out to OnPinch().
Fixed: cameraLookAround now percentage based on screen offsets (0-100%)
Changed cameraLookAround default values for offset (now 50)
Fixed: time lock on cameraLookAround when reset on joystick axis 0
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: Camera follow toggle based on player state (jump)
Added: Camera look around auto direction based and timer to reset
Added: tileset sunny land now has lookaround camera tile
Fixed: variable with property saver but not saveonly
Fixed subtiles that are used in triggerActivated states (key, ammoPickup, port)
Added support for subtiles for trigger and input – based on btn and/or joystick direction
Added correct thumbnail image for sunny land tileset
Separated out an asset’s displayed title from it’s name…
… So as not to have colored “(Review)” text when editing the name.
Fixed a bug where tileset previews wouldn’t delete when using the escape key.
Development tilesets now appear in order of their item ID.
Added: sunny land autotile column/row
Added: Trigger activate by button (default) and joystick direction (up,down,left,right)
Removed BagKey interactOnUp
Added colors to the Review tilesets in the Development items list.
Commented out build “All” for Release mode so as to not accidentally use it.
All builds should be debug for now.
Updated: Tilesets blue mist, lemcraft, sunny land
Cleaning up InteractByJoystickDir (needs implemented on user side) for additional control support with triggering
Added comments
Fixed out of range error on weapon laser scope if enabling it (laserScopeAlwaysOn) before currentItemDirectionId is set
Fixed: Teleporter – onExitTrigger state with inputChecking for lockedOnTrigger per base tile waiting for input to enable
Updated: tileset sunny land ladder size, added a teleporter
Added: tileset default autotile box,column,row
Fixed tilesets not loading in local mode.
Added weapon laserscope line to weapon (basics)
Added: Tileset SunnyLand v01
Added: laser scope to weapon tile
Added: slider btn for laser scope and color
Added: default laser scope texture/material
Added: laser scope default controls are ‘g’ and joystick left shoulder 2
Updated Rewired manager for weapon laser scope
Added laser scope key to bagkeys
Added Tileset Sunny Land v01
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: Ladder Grow on trigger states and events
Added: Ladder grow directions and uv repeat
Added: Ladder grow slider btn
Changed ladder grow id ordering
Added animations for sunny land animals
Added ladder grow (ex. vine)
Added events for ladder states (begin, end)
Server folders for Users and Login are now in a single Account folder.
Display settings are now not saved nor loaded in the Unity editor.
Implemented the daily Bible verse reward.
Changing sunny land tiles to hardscale (manually)
Working over tileset SunnyLand
Fixing bugs that come up along the way
Updated my testing tileset.
Fixed hurtColor and hurtColorFlashing to work with all the shader features
Updated the external code in Tile Builder and the Review app to use the new server paths.
Fixed: player pickup/hold on tile base collider trigger not toggling
Working through Sunny Land project tiles and default setup
Fixed a hard tile scaling mode bug when animation is deselected.
Added Sunny Land moveIdle clip to players
Fixed: player tile characterController disables early on die resets on respawn
Fixed: player tile toggles passthrough correctly on die and respawn
Added: hitpointTeamIds
Added: slider btn image for hitpoint teamId
Added: slider_hitpoint_teamId to all hp related tiles
Added: sunnyland player tile animations to fox, frog, eagle
Fixed: onTriggerExit hitpoint trigger while in hurtflashing and impact modes enabled
Refactored: teamIds (labeling)
Fixed: filterMode gets applied correctly for CreateSubtileWithDefaultValues on door, teleporter, weapon
Updated: tileset sunny land with effect range on crates when exploding
Fixed Door Lever and Pad retrigger while door on/off mode happening -(3x) enter-exit-enter-exit-enter – now resets correctly
Added door lockTillComplete for Lever keytype
Updated: TileData.xml
Auto review app now forces the garbage collector after each WWW is done to keep memory usage down as it was crashing on the server.
Fixed: door keyPad states on enter/exit with door on/off states
Fixed: Door Lever reset on time – prevents triggering till timer is completed
Added: Autotile gate type -> complete46, box 9, column, row, rowcolumn
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: tileset sunny land auto tiles as examples
Tileset organizer will now only show approved tilesets.
Fixed an initial screen resolution bug on Linux.
Changed the red color in the image previews to white.
Added some code that disables the debug console every frame, ensuring that it stays closed.
Updated Sub Tile Icons
Fixing gui scale active and gui receiver image box offset position issues
Updated Icons for Review
Fixed gui receiver states and positions based on enter/exit states and changes between each
Fixed gui receiver now accepts fade, pos updates and scaling each time its checking
Splash screen is automatically disabled when making builds.
Refactored the message screen to avoid empty messages in most cases.
Filling out the gui tile receiver panels, image, and movement states
Added SubTile Icons
Updated Icons
Made tilesets show up in the Development tab that are from both the review table and store tables.
Add Art to Project parts 1-5
Art Commit started
Updated TileData.xml
Added example gui hud images to grappling hook for testing (default is thumbnail)
Added gui receiver options to tiles using item system
Added more gui receiver, hud, connection features (will add list later to docs)
Updated BAG rejection notes to fit within the tile.
Rejected tiles now show rejection notes in the Developer tab.
Lots of updates to gui tile, receiver, item to gui system
Fixed gui Receiver on init – cameraGui and cameraGame init differently for each
Added slider btns for gui btn options and actions
Added method in sdh for SetGuiReceiverOn id call to work with any item tile
Fixed: group brush attachToObject disable on parent die when looking for children tiles
Fixed: lightray color 1,2 are applied with 1To,2To in game, not editor
Changed lightray image to dotted effect
Added an intentionally rejected tileset for testing.
Fixed trigger enter/exit states for gui tile on triggered by ‘other’ tile
Fixed a few variables for speed on lightray
Added image option and panning to lightray shader
Added image and options to lightray tile type
Updated TileData.xml
Changed out lightray image for default tileset
Fixed lightray rt mode for color 1,2
Fixed lightray source mode for shader
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed default values for lightrays
Renamed slider btns for lightrays
Fixed tile gui attach during gameMode – atStart can attach, then locked out (for now)
Fixed tile gui collider setup for receiver states and btns – assigned with isGuiAtStart
Updated TileData.xml with lightrays
Fixed some bugs in the cache system.
Added lightray tile to list
Fixed a bug where certain characters weren’t allowed in tileset Xml.
Added a color to the review app finish button. Green if approved, red if rejected.
Refining gui controls and btn clicking systems for gui tile
Added: gui button auto move on/off screen based on direction onclick
Added: gui tracks nav onclick to, and updates on both previous and current
Added: gui global tracking for canGuiUpdate for locking while active
Fixed: various gui navigating issues
Refactoring gui button event, action states
Autochecker now uses less persistent memory.
Updated the review app, the auto review system, and made it so review app assets are cached unencrypted.
Added additional nav slider btns
Renamed navigation slider btns
Added(ing) simplified system (ids) for all gui to gui connections (btns,toggles,panels,receivers,connectors)
Fixed onClickGuiDown and navigating now releases the onDown state to previous selected btn
Added checking for audio files in the auto checker.
Added an ogg file to my testing tileset.
Added a line to ensure the application quits in headless mode.
Fixed some remaining issues with the headless autochecker.
Fixed some threading bugs in the autochecker.
Updated the Review app build system.
Fixed a bug when getting an asset’s server status.
Added a headless auto tileset checker.
Gui navigation system ready for testing
Refactored the Events for tap,down,nrm,onEvent so that just one event call is made
Added one check for OnClickUp and has an option in Events slider btn for gui to enable
Added Navigator options to gui – position, scale and color
Changed navigation to using its own system (navigator) and removed hover states from it
Tested PauseManager.PauseGame UnPauseGame with guiNavigation – works, but commented out till further testing
About to work over navigation ‘selected’ and replace with hover.
Added debugger comments back in to debug in characterController spots
Fixed: back (escape) is not allowed during controlmapping
Removed most debug statements for FileAndFolderCopier to a simple debug statement when it’s done.
TilesViewer now uses async instead of coroutines.
Cleaned up several warnings, mostly of unused code.
Added: pause checking to item and player tiles for gui navigation and other uses if needed
Added: joystick control to gui navigation
Added: bagkey controls through game not specific tile type
Added: additional gui navigate slider btn and setup
Added: additional info to track someone’s first level missing bug.
Removed: meta file for materials in weapon
Fixing bugs and adding features to navigation for gui tile
Added: basic setup for gui tile navigation (keys)
Added: toggle for gui navigation during game (on/off optional)
Added: gui navigation slider btn setup
Added: waypoint tile back in to default tileset to work on
Updated default tileset with font change on images and added jumpdash and movedash
Prevent bug reports from being submitted twice.
Added: additional info for a current bug.
Fixed: a possible index out of range exception.
Removed comment
Fixed: several issues with jumpApexReached in volume on player jump leaving and coming back. Now setting startPos again
Moved controller player jumpVolume in to volume region
Fixed: terrain nullref on SetMaterial after nodes load
Fixed: terrain material brush now checks for assigned material tile after everything is ready
Fixed: terrain material now checks on TriggerEnter for conditional states before passing
Fixed: Door key connection and setup on load works correct in all cases
Fixed player jump in volume – corrects itself on exiting volume, but still needs to check for jumpHeight
Removed: debug from gizmo tool check on scaling gui slicedSprite objects
Updated: default tileset project
Fixed: Pickup tile -> effect correctly disables tile on complete
Added: some code to track some bugs in ControllerPlayer and PlayGame.
Updated: the Steam SDK for Windows.
Updated: Review app notes text.
Added: group brush slider btn | group brush options – can disable connection based on hurt/die states
Removed: temporarily waypoint tile until finished with updates on it
Updated: tiles that support group brush with group brush options in list
Added: impact for primary and secondary projectile on weapon tile
Updated: TileData.xml with new rollouts for impact 1,2 on weapon
Added: player ai text message for hurt state enabled
Added: passthrough for player option so that other players can jump through to the top
Switched: jump height/speed in volume list for player override
Updated: default tileset project with player changes (player applies hp of 10 on groundpound)
Updated: default tileset project with player ai changes (player has passthrough enabled)
Updated: TileData.xml
Smoothing out volume (water) jumping easing up/down
Fixed: remaining issues with Hurt() and ApplyHitPoints where attacker and defender are unique cases
Unity Editor crashing. Commiting 2 files. Then test with revert.
Fixed: appliedHurtDirection now checks for percent from attacker
Added: waypoint images in default tileset
Added: slider btn impact to all tile type
Added: waypoint for fixing, to default tileset project
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: subtile btns (images,prefabs) for char hurt impact and standard impact
Polishing impact system for hurt from hp
Fixed: on player respawn, tileCollider resets isTrigger state based on tileColliderEnable option
Added a fadein image for opening of main menu from ‘loading tileset data’
Updated prefab mainmenu with new panel for quick fade between panels
Added: save option for level during edit mode -> ctrl+save and button on toolbar
Fixed: stop button animates away and fade screen before saving/loading happens
Finished: updates for default tileset
Fixed: some bugs when rejecting items.
Updated: TileData.xml – fixed gui tile rollout ordering
Added: player enemy to default set (basic controls for follow and near enabled)
Added: gui radio btn and checkbox to default set
Cleaned up all tiles in default set preparing for public download
Updated: TileData.xml – overhaul on all rollouts to label things easier to read and find
Updated TileData.xml -> fixed ordering on rollouts for particle and grapplinghook
Fixed: another possible index out of bounds exception.
Possible index out of range exception fix.
Updated: ProjectSettings.
Changed: DontUseTag to true for default in ExploderObject
Changed: FragmentPoolSize to 40 for default in ExploderObject
Noted: changes in sdh for any future updates
Updated: Exploder system
Updated: Camera hrd call
Fixed: exploder issues in tileBehavior, sdh, weaponbullet, camera, player
Updated: Rewired
Changed: the hpObj to move it so that each state can apply hp to triggered object
Fixed: Weapon tile – los all states now check for closest.isDead before returning true
Fixed: override DieUpdateHpBox for player so that onDie resets on respawn
Changed: DisableDie to virtual for player life checking
Fixed: double ‘erase’ (log) -> from dragStart and dragMove updates with controllers only
Removed: all quality settings levels and only included “Fantastic”.
Fixed: subtile erase works correctly with additional controllers (2+)
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: particleImage for tilebuilder – in particle settings option
Added: particle images for bubble, debris, cloud
Removed: tileAnimation and tileAudio from jetpack and builder tiles (they use their own animation sets)
Possible fix for a common null reference exception in the TileManager.TileFilter method.
Made the BugReportViewer much more efficient at closing bugs.
Fixed: player – using ‘btn hold for jump control height’ caused short jump issue on jumppad
Fixed: bkg tileguy – unclamp set to repeat uv
Fixed: tileguy – removed ani from trigger stay and exit on jumppad
Made bug reports load faster and use less memory.
Fixed: the GWL Sync screen.
It’s now possible to add extra info for the exception catcher.
Fixed: a strange issue where even checking if www.responseHeaders are null causes an internal Unity exception.
Changed: scripting back to .Net 3.5
Sprite Editor: Fix – SelectTool now working correclty with zoom
Sprite Editor: SelectTool now copy and move and save correctly, also selection that wasnt saved is reverted
Sprite Editor: Bug Fix – Code in PaintTool moved to wrong place breaking painting
Sprite Editor: Added option to copy selection in SelectTool using Ctrl when dragging
Sprite Editor: Started to implement the SelectTool
Sprite Editor: Adjusted LineTool preview values to match the real paint result
Sprite Editor: User can now keep using the TextTool after saving a text
Sprite Editor: Implemented moving text from textTool using arrows
Sprite Editor: Regaining focus into textField when clicking somewhere in the scene
Removed: a debug statement.
Used LZ4Sharp code instead of the dll in TB and the Review App as well.
Ensured that pressing the edit level button only gets clicked once.
Workaround fix for double tiles showing. Somehow the button gets pressed when it deactivates?
Made setting the text on the MessageBox much safer as it was causing null ref errors.
LZ4Sharp is now built in code instead of a DLL.
Fixed: ‘stop btn’ timing for editGame mode – now animates out ‘before’ any saving/loading happens
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – light makes copy of light radial
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – lightning – had a brush – made copy of whole thing. brush stayed with original parent – BUT looked and worked with copy till scene loaded again.
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – when copying ‘showed’ text for dialog, but didn’t update with new one
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – hotkey works but it does not set the selection to the eyedropper tool in the toolbar
Fixed: editor – multiuser – cant erase subtile objects like subtile – tile brushes (keys,bullets,etc)
Fixed: editor – multiuser – Make autoLockOnCreate, and setup locking as option for user (0)
Fixed: editor – slider bar – escape out of slider subtile mode -> message boxes, connects to ‘non-showing sliders’ -> needs to escape to go back to slider icons (not bars)
Fixed: editor – font text boxes need on escape out to activate subtile bar – not slider bars
Fixed: editor – if you go in to subtile mode with HAND tool, it stays with it panning. fix. sometimes happens.. ?
Fixed: editor – joystick (gamepad) dragging with ‘brush’ button draws ‘two’ tile (alpha edges) when painting
Fixed: to the baseClass – ‘rotator’ a min/max limit for it to go back and forth between
Fixed: shader change to have color rgb/hsba option to turn hurt to ‘white’. currently only black
Fixed: opening screen to main menu – add fade in
Fixed: 1,2 hp hurt/impact direction for bullets – needs each to have their own
Fixed: drawing tool – scribble physics – drawing, then pickup another item (weapon) it messes up controls
Fixed: turn off grouped options from parent on die – and allow for physics to be enabled to each child
Fixed: turn off grouped based on group(child) tile health and physics option
Fixed: save to editor – toolbar and hotkey ctrl+s
Fixed: manager – brush – goal – doesn’t allow gui to click on it. blocks it
Fixed: pickup – fix effect system for tiletypepickup
Fixed: effect – if not parented and set for ‘time’ it just keeps going and doesn’t disable
Fixed: base tile – (Changed to turning player off) collide go through (dash modes) doesn’t disable when hitting multiple – because its just a single ray
Fixed: base tile – text – setting offset height – didn’t use offset when showing messsage in play mode
Fixed: base tile – what is the issue with ‘big tileimage’ on background layer – disappears off side while camera moves over
Fixed: gui – guiCamera not hiding correctly
Fixed: gui – during transitions, make sure you CANT click on the button, be sure you can lock any/all buttons till action is completed
Fixed: gui – Setup gizmo scale to work with slicedSprite scale
Fixed: dialog – bubble dialog alpha background works
Fixed: dook key can connect by group ‘if’ its keyTrigger not keyTile
Fixed: on click – switch to another gui tile
Fixed: if set to 0, then it’s not part of the navigation. you can click it, but it won’t select to it from the other currectly selected one
Fixed: each tile can have an id value – each time ‘new’ tiles come on screen (visible in viewport), they are registered as active and in list
Fixed: pauses all (most) other controls from happening while guiNavigation enabled
Fixed: gui – button – on exit – it triggerevent changes color back – even though it wasn’t set
Fixed: lock all click changing till delay is completed. ALL buttons
Fixed: target brush was hiding it – turned off meshrenderer on start ‘hiding’
Fixed: ability to ‘start’ the gui either ‘onscreen’ or ‘offscreen’
Fixed: deactivate/activate – needs to also use the disable delaytimer so that it wont let you click till done
Released: October 16th, 2017
Fixed: ‘isgrounded’ – on hook, land, jump, or fall, then it thinks you were ground and doesn’t recheck when off ground.
Fixed: hookEndObj – needs to be separated – main obj stays at correct layer depth – hookEnd image offsets (and animates)
Fixed: collider box for player(holder) object has to be fixed or make base collider mesh the same as tileCollider
Fixed: hookEnd – can have gravity applied to ‘toss’ it outward (forceAmount and direction applied to it)
Fixed: hookEnd – can have bounce and wrap – can hit and bounce off of it, leaving behind the linerenderer ‘wrapping’ (new linerenderer) on each hit
Fixed: click on scene objects to shoot – or regular trigger – based on player aim direction
Fixed: ability to SHOOT at the collider of LINE (if enabled) so that you can shoot them and they ‘disable from hookEnd’
Fixed: collider from line can also be ‘game’ where you create a height, then it tips in the direction you are facing. use for a walking path
Fixed: ability to climb up and down on line – currently messy on up/angle/freeMove
Fixed: ability to jump from rope – with jumpForce amount – add to it – either playerImpact() or just force on rigidbody, then switch to player
Fixed: ability – could use it as ‘triggerEnter’ – ‘AIM’, then shoot. The colliderLine is made, then use that to move across – like making a ‘bridge system for use’
Fixed: amount of use (unlimited, etc)
Fixed: for pointClickMode – ‘option to show cursor’ to see where to click (off on isgrappling, back on when done)
Fixed: Checks: Dont allow for passthrough on collision – stop holder and objects attached – make smarter – use the ‘hold’ from player on raycast checking
Fixed: Checks: Allow for passthrough on anything and pull-up to next area (above,below)
Fixed: Checks: Min/Max distance limit for objects moving toward/away holder-to-hook
Fixed: use TARGET brushes – if those are in the scene – it will look for those ONLY (get closest) and connect to it 🙂
Fixed: swing ability – add ‘impact force to player character (or force) while on rope (reach max amount, then decreases to other side or keeps going based on joystick push)
Fixed: fix issue with freeMove – and drop (but wait), the freeMove option for ‘center’ is moving it back inward. should be checking against that
Fixed: slow down – make the grapling hook script raycast direction its going – if hit, thenstop it – check before it goes (pass direction to it)
Fixed: steal item by entering trigger zone, the ‘clicking button’ or automatic (like load runner bad guys) – should be coming from ITEM
Fixed: make sure ITEM is very separate and easy to add to any other ITEM tile
Fixed: fix any issues with grappling hook, separate out everything, clean it up, and smile
Fixed: draw this tile, player(holder) tile, or both – when using it
Fixed: IF LOCKaniDirectionOnGrapplingConnected – make it so if user selects this, that direction is the only playing direction (kinda like ‘focus’) till they release
Fixed: TODO: IF just moving tileImage – then move it back to center when you ‘drop’ exit item
Fixed: TODO: PUTDOWN still doesn’t play correct animation – make sure you get it working before switching stuff over
Fixed: Make sure getItem stuff works super smooth. if so then move things over
Fixed: Check for how much code needs moved, and start moving it all for Inventory and ITEM
Fixed: Start working on just integrating inventorysystem (and s-inventory – check forums first)
Fixed: grappling hook – needs to check for input like weapon – if ‘y’ button pressed to interact, drop or keep item
Fixed: the grapplinghook – grab object when it pulls back ‘without’, its still active – need option for that
Fixed: grapplinghook – pushpullgrab have issues when pulling, can’t get out of that mode
Fixed: grapplinghook – push with TOSS – fix the toss direction use orig-hookEndObj pos gives direction
Fixed: grapplinghook on item – needs to disappear when switching ITEMS
Fixed: camera – gui – 9slice – when you grow it, it correctly adjusts size with tileImage and collider and parenting
Removed Grappling Lock Direction – don’t need anymore – using item system
More updates to grapplinghook
Added grapple input face direction for rotation lock on player
Working over grapplinghook swing state rb
Fixed more bugs in grappling hook
Refined hook system for moving holder to target
Added rope collision checking on none hit but pulling
Integrated grappling with item correctly
Added better speed control to grappling move up/down
Fixed a gravity issue on the hook obj when it triggered
Cleaning up user options for grapplinghook
Updated TileData.xml with grapplinghook
Added grass spring tile type to list
Added grass subtile btns, images and prefabs
Fixed grass vertex y issue
Fixed grass init and load on enum for direction
Added rt_mode support for grass settings and edges
Fixed wind rt for grass
Added grassSpring image for default tileset
Updated settings in default tileset for grass(spring) and grapplinghook
Updated: TileData.xml
Updated TB to 5.6.3 and turned off the Unity splash screen for Tile Builder.
Made the TileBuilder admin login much easier by auto logging in instead of having to hit Ctrl+L.
Fixed a bug where GUI wasn’t correctly loading in the standalone build.
Tile Icons Updated -Fog of War -Refresh
Updated Icons for fow, image effects, grass and particle
Fixed: joystick btn mover no longer checks while dragging if nothing selected
Added grass tile exclude option list
Temp fix to smooth gravity for moveUp on grapplinghook holder
Updated SpecialBuilds with BuildTargetGroup
Updated PlatformBuilder with BuildTargetGroup
Update changed (them) iOS for BuildTarget
Changed GuiElementsPreProcessor texture importer format with textureImporter.textureCompression
Changed GuiElementsPreProcessor texture TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed (was AutomaticTruecolor)
meta files updated
TileBuilder ListViewTiles changed to SelectedIndices
Upgraded UIWidgets
Fixed gravity for player/holder on hook for moveToHook mode – smooth up/down motion, no more drop issue
Changed menu refresh btn to stay on – about to update art on it
Fixed grass tile btn mats with correct settings
Worked through a bunch on grapplehook
Fixed hook world pos with clickPos
Changed default grain value for image effect film grain
Fixing bugs with hook. Will post the full list soon.
Added hook pull up and slider btn elements
Added hook boost and slider btn elements
Fixing disableColliderOnDash to work with any special move to go through colliders
Further updated the Review app. Still broken.
Removed the ReviewApp namespace from some code to make it less confusing.
Fixed the caching system’s call to local files since it breaks in Unity 2017.
Sped up the Review app significantly.
Updated the review text to make it more clear what is happening.
Added pull up activate options – on min rope length, btn pressed (released)
Added pull up combo active option – on joystick ‘up’ with min and btn options
Fixed material assignment from crash
Fixed grappling hook first time show (was white) – material/texture not showing first frame
Fixed playerRigidbody.constraints for rotation checks all directions during swingland state to not ‘rotate’ off edge
Added multi base checking on landing from swing to deactivate correctly
Fixed timing on disabling hook connection during a swing pull up – (sets for half way, then begins checking)
Auto update on sprite editor files and prefabs
Added ability to shoot anywhere (on nothing and/or tiles)
Added target selection for grapplinghook
Fixed bugs in grapplinghook (hook, object checking, grounded check, reattach in air, resetting on btn pressing, etc)
SpriteEditor – updated line tool color start,end, width
Fixed hook pull up on collider checking
Added hook pull up with direction movement
Added hook pull up through anything option
Added hook target list to shoot at (line of sight required)
Changed hook release btn default to down (click once to shoot, then again to release)
Fixed more bugs in hook system
Updated: TileData.xml
icon grapplinghook updated
icon and refresh update
Filter update image
Fixed: grapplinghook – shoot anywhere – when you shoot – it needs to keep up with ‘player pos’ he drops and extends past max
Fixed: grapplinghook – shoot anywhere – gets hit ‘max’length – it connects/stops
Fixed: grapplinghook – shoot at a target – when click – run through ‘closest’ targets and facing direction then auto assign
Fixed: grapplinghook – on angle from last when rotating – the hook is angled instead of straight – its where player ‘was’
Fixed: grapplinghook – now checking on direction for ‘up/down/left/right’ for pullup jump direction
Fixed: grapplinghook – fix boost speed an collider issues (removed)
Fixed: grapplinghook – also if ‘collider off’ during a move (or any triggerstate) it remains in that trigger list
Fixed: grapplinghook – boost – fixed issues with velocity setting
Fixed: grapplinghook – bottom part of chain connects to large tiles below – was checking old vector2 dir
Fixed: grapplinghook – properly clearing ropeline list
Fixed: grapplinghook – rope hits any moving objects and stores transforms for constant updates
Updated: TileData.xml
Updating default tileset
Updated and submitted tileset default single
Updated Tile Builder to Unity 2017.1
Review app now stops loading tiles once a certain memory usage is hit, then loads more after those are submitted.
Improved performance of the Reviewer app when resuming from a previous review.
Further improved memory usage (and freeing)
Changed xInput to true (will need to still be checked for over 4 controllers and turned off – before things start)
Fixed trigger box code to ensure ai triggers have a class instance.
Fixed refresh image on main menu and animation on click
Updated main menu prefab
Added grassspring type to tile and filter
Fixed: fade on die – but if more lives, then stay on (or fade back) this is for player only
Fixed: tile trigger on player respawn removes itself from triggerList only if respawn and not isdead minlives reached
Moved isRespawning to base in case using for other tiles (player current one)
Added: Builder tile type
Updated: RewiredInputManager for map controls (item-builder)
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: Fow trigger (went missing?)
Removed: OuyaGo – legacy
Added: Builder slider brush for tagging tiles to be builder tiles
Added: builder to Tile list – be sure to add to filter list in editorMode
Added: Builder display trigger system for adding/removing
Fixed: builder – display cheecks against holder before triggering
Added: builder – isBuilderTriggerActive for creating/removing tiles
Added: builder – display system updates after item
Added: builder – snapping option for both display and placement
Fixed: platform getting respawn position to update correctly
Updated the Steam sdk for Linux.
Updated code from external libraries.
Further improved review app speed when reviewing previously reviewed tiles.
Fixed a possible missing reference exception in ReviewApp.
Reviewing an update to the same tileset should now go faster.
Refactored tile selections to have a separate ‘submitted’ variable instead of it being in the submission status enum.
Fixed publishing tilesets.
Added: prefab slider btns to builder tile
Added: builder values for create, remove and display
Updated: TileData.xml for builder tile
Fixed: nullref on coroutine startup on disabled tile
Fixed: display block on drop item hides correctly now
Fixed: 8 directional hold and use item work with builder tile
Fixed: tool saveable id now saves on tiles for scene reloading
Fixed: display block trigger resets correctly on otherTile dead
Added: builder settings create by first, loop, random
Added: default tileset builder images
Fixed: tile damage – trigger_hitpoint correctly sets up regardless of current hp state
Fixed: tile grass spring – trigger on origin still assigned to the others fixed
Fixed: tile light creates two points – fixed for spawn
Fixed: particleSystemRenderer.alignment issue with two different modes on angles
Added: additional checking for shapeType on circle and circleEdge
fixed: particle – render_alignment – facing, world, view -check which one(s) needed to face particles correctly – all states/type
fixed: particle – tileimage/icon disables correctly now when spawn/build
fixed: platform: grab wrong pos for platform drop – when builder tool put somewhere else
fixed: door: works on spawn/builder with NO key. Can set key to auto make, but will only go 1 tile distance away.
note: spawn – triggerEvents – don’t carry over with the spawned tile (builder/spawner)
note: spawn – background – parallax layers don’t get made on spawn/builder
note: spawn – ai does respawn with grid system. no attached items, but id can work
note: spawn – reflection rebuilds reflect setup
Added: Tbm has check for cloned tiles in gameMode for currentLayerParent
Fixed: on save-able tiles, builderBrushes are checked (removed) if spawned or builder tool used
Added: Removing tiles that are turned off if builderBrush in it (to not save if disabled)
Added: rigidbody to displayBlock for checking against other tiles
Fixed: builderBlockId is now added correctly for spawn objs from builder tiles
Sprite Editor: Added square brush and square eraser features
Sprite Editor: Implemented Printing for Windows users
Sprite Editor: Removed unneeded compiler flags
Sprite Editor: Implemented exporting a frame to an image and importing an image to a layer
Sprite Editor: Note: New icons for importing and exporting files need to be added.
Added the GetNewSaveId for spawn/builder tiles
Updated project version for Tile Builder.
Added a method to get a new saveId regardless if the tile has an id of -1 or not.
Changed GetNewSaveID call instead of returning a value
Fixed: rigidbody in tile brush modes (trigger, triggerEvent) constrain correctly in gameMode
Fixed: slider btn lost connection with builder mats
Updated TileData.xml
Updated Default single tileset with builder tile
Added: numbergrow slider btns and images
Added meta files for sprite editor
Added button images for file import/export (not added to scene yet)
Sprite Editor: Implemented clearing a layer
Sprite Editor: Implemented simple saving (if file exists, if not it shows filebrowser)
Sprite Editor: Saving project name and path
Sprite Editor: Now the filebrowser opens at current project folder instead of always “/”
Sprite Editor: The project name is now shown in the filebrowser when going to save or export
Sprite Editor: Fixed UI blocker appearing and locking the program when filebrowser doesn’t show
Sprite Editor: Implemented redo
Collider gen dll was updated.
Tile Builder project settings updated.
Removed main menu pop and it now shows after loading tileset data finishes.
Added Icons for Rotate and Scale Toolbar when ready
Fixed a condition where a tile could be skipped over if there was failed connection to the server.
Removed a debug statement that attempted to log png data as text.
Removed showing the message box in Tile Builder Manager as it’s now in ScreenDesignHud.
Significantly sped up both downloading of tiles and checking of previously submitted tiles.
Added a progress box showing when the Review app will show more tiles.
meta files
update on numbergrow tile
Added an auto approval system.
Nearly finished with numbergrow tile. Got all the grid / positions working correct for any board type
NumberGrow tile board piece works correctly on sizing and padding
Fixed a bug where the main menu was showing up after level load.
Fixed a bug where the main menu was showing up after level load.
Added: builder tile – effectOnCreate
Added: builder tile – effectOnRemove
Finished: numberGrow tile
Updated: TileData.xml
Broke the ScreenshotManager OnGUI into it’s own script as it causes GC in the editor.
Changed default tileset numberGrow text to black
Added: numberGrow states – win,won,lose,loss,reset anims
Added: numberGrow – pause toggle with triggerEvent
Added: numberGrow – reset works correctly with triggerEvent and slider btns
Updated: TileData.xml
Updated: Default tileset project
Fixed tiletypebackground – fov on bkg/foreground images.
Added tiletypebackground – scale multiplier on uv and bkg size
Added tiletypebackground – uv option for square to maintain ratio
Removed tiletypebackground – parallaxLayer.prefab
Added tiletypenumbergrow – highscore added to tiletypelist for watcher
Updated: TileData.xml with tiletypebackground additions
Fixed grapplehook disables corrently on item switching and drop
Fixed nullref on rb in tb when not spawning with one
Fixed nullref on effectObj pooling if list has lost one
Changed block damage tile in default set turned off explode on die
Added new tilset – pixel backgrounds
Changed values in pixel backgrounds tileset
Sprite Editor: Added restriction to importing images (to avoid painting problems), they have to match the project size.
Sprite Editor: Updated project version
Sprite Editor: Added a confirmation popup
Sprite Editor: Asking for confirmation for removing clips, frames or layers, for merging all layers and for clearing a layer
Sprite Editor: Fixed printing dialog showing correctly, also checking if there is an image to print
Sprite Editor: Fixed drag and drop making duplicates, now it just moves the element as it should (new order still not being saved)
Sprite Editor: Implemented moving layers, frames and clips saving the changes
Sprite Editor: Removed unneeded code for activating popups
Note: The popups need to be active at startup to work correctly (they will hide automatically)
Sprite Editor: Saving and loading from PlayerPrefs the last directory opened in the filebrowser
Sprite Editor: Avoiding moving layers into frames or clips, frames into layers or clips and clips into frames or layers – Also simplified some code
Sprite Editor: Added a RefreshView class to refresh the view of layers, frames and clips that have been moved or copied.
Sprite Editor: Implemented copying layers, frames and clips when dragging and dropping while pressing ctrl (shift in editor)
Sprite Editor: Brush size now updates to show actually used size switching between tools
Sprite Editor: Images smaller than the project size can now be imported and will show at center of the texture
Sprite Editor: Now the last imported/exported file path will be saved to PlayerPrefs and FileBrowser will look for it
Sprite Editor: Fixed move tool to dont break stuff anymore (changes made in this mode still not being saved)
Added: tile type educate (maybe change to quiz or train?)
Updated: TileData.xml
Changed Tileset pixel background movement speeds for last set
Sprite Editor: prefabs updated. not sure if they needed to be.
Updated tileset pixel backgrounds 0 project
Updated Tile builder from external assemblies.
Added additional consistency checks in case a file gets corrupted.
Removed isWebPlayer from transition manager
Downloading assets and tilesets now continues to retry until it gets the item.
Set the progress process class in Tile Builder to show an error if uploading the tileset xml had an error.
Updated review app code from external assemblies.
Fixed: numbergrow – when triggerEvent set for btn down – it makes 2 tile/reset when playbtn pushed
Fixed: numbergrow – crashes when trying to use eventTrigger with it
Fixed: gui – 9slice – drops slice out of tileimage in multiple modes
Fixed: reflection – lock cam Y – now works correctly on reflec camera and tile pos
Updated: Fog of War systems – supports blurshader, chunk manager on larger quads, separated out shapes system, fixed shader on border issues not erasing
Cleaned up folders for fog
Added fog blur shader to graphics
Sprite Editor: Changes made with the move tool now save, but have to be applied clicking the Apply button
Sprite Editor: Saving automatically was leading to problems, changing to another layer, changing to another tool, etc)
Sprite Editor: NOTE: The saving is not perfect yet, the saved image size seems to be a little bit smaller than it should
Sprite Editor: ImageColorPicker and RGBColorPicker now change the color with just one click, dont forces to drag over it anymore
Sprite Editor: Bug fix – After applying move tool changes, changing tool and painting in the same layer was bringing back the old image.
Sprite Editor: Deleted metafiles for empty folders
Sprite Editor: Bug fix – The apply button on move tool saves now the right size
Sprite Editor: Bug fix – Painting over an “applied” layer was painting with a wrong color
Sprite Editor: Implemented Frame buttons: copy, paste and delete
Sprite Editor: Added Name property to frames
Sprite Editor: Implemented editting name of frames
Moved shader to resource folder
Added shader to graphics settings
Sprite Editor: Updated scene 4 sprite editor
Sprite Editor: Added uidivider image
Sprite Editor: Updated text in the inspector (consistent spelling)
Sprite Editor: Changed images for popupmessage, printer
Sprite Editor: meta files added
Fixed: numbergrow colors now set and save correctly
Fixed: isErasing now checks on create/remove to toggle for tiles being removed connected to multiple tiles (ex.cameragui)
Added: Tiles can toggle hp boxes on die. Now you can leave on the hp after death
Fixed: 2017.2 upgrade changed order of inputTap between files. Fixed to make toggle fullscreen and subtile/settings mode check correctly
Fixed more URL bugs.
Files now show at the top in TileBuilder.
Added buffer room for smaller directories that wouldn’t show the scrollbar in the FileBrowser.
Turned off the Unity Splash screen and defaulted app to FullScreen.
Added: TileBuilder – run in background to keep it up in fullscreen mode
Tile Builder initialization will delete all prefs if it doesn’t have the correct version code.
Fixed controllPlayer passthrough ortho trigger for collider on trigger enter/exit states
Fixed spelling issues with tb in property labels
Sprite Editor: Deleted meta files
Added a “Submit for Review” vs a testing submission mode, but then disabled it.
Added an exit button.
Added correct method parameters in ServerHelper.
Removed unused code from ReviewApp TilesViewer.
Tile Builder ready for users.
Removed some funny testing code I had in the WindowsCursor class in the Review app.
Updated the LZ4 compression library to be one that’s more portable and less crashy.
Updated code from external libraries.
Updated the collider detector, but it looks like it’s been broken for a while.
Changed the column in review app to tell if it will be an auto checked tileset or not.
Changed: Bag for TileBuilder – explode = false //default
Changed: Bag for TileBuilder – damage tile – ‘animation’ label it and audio ‘damage anim/audio’ and all of it damage patterns, etc
Changed: Bag for TileBuilder – passthrough – change name to ‘enable’ and fixed others similar in labeling
Changed: Bag for TileBuilder – dynamic sky – enable fullscreen = true for default
Changed: Bag for TileBuilder – dynamic sky has option for tile animation
Changed: Bag for TileBuilder – cloud shadow has option for cloud shadow tile animation
Changed: Bag for TileBuilder – gradient is setup for tile animation
Removed: tileAnimation from list on rollouts for gradientSky and dynamicSky (for now)
Fixed: block multistate – group id for audio Start (solid and secret states) are now correct ids
Sprite Editor: Bug fix – Project name and path wasn’t being saved when “saving as”
Sprite Editor: Bug fix – Move tool was breaking stuff and throwing NullReferences
Sprite Editor: Changed “Find” to “FindObjectOfType” in 2 scripts to avoid NullRefs if changing the name of the object.
Sprite Editor: Bug fix – Hidding and showing pannels is working again
Fixed several bugs in the Review app.
Fixed a bug where development tilesets didn’t show the tiles.
Delete tileset now shows in a release build.
Updated the LoginAsAnotherUser system.
Disabled the MessageScreen for now by default as it hangs for some reason at times.
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: thumbnail images to several tiles in default tileset
Added: tileBehavior now checks for fog texture image
Added: cloudShadow looks for a separate aniClip to use for shadow and fallback is tileImage
Added: dynamicSky looks for a separate aniClip to use for shadow and fallback is tileImage
Added: gradientSky looks for a separate aniClip to use for shadow and fallback is tileImage
Fixed: fogOfWar texture for screen image works as expected now
Audio files can now be up to 8MB instead of 5MB.
Added fog images for player tile and fogofwar tile
Fixed: Fog of war tracks units added and sets multithreaded based on shapeType (texture) – texture only works if thread off
Fixed: labeling for gradient sky, background, and fog TileAnim image
Fixed: labels for door key text messages in attributes
Fixed label issues and groups for Tile Builder types (a bunch of different ones)
Updated TileData.xml
Updated tileset default (still going to be updating more)
Added support for OGG audio files.
Added a max timeout for uploading when exitting the game.
Added a Warning page to Tile Builder.
Updated the warning for TB and made minor code updates.
Possible null reference fix.
Sprite Editor: Importing an image with no opened project will create a new project with the size of the image (have to use the import image button)
Sprite Editor: Removed Copy and Paste buttons for Clips as their functionality is combined in the Duplicate button
Sprite Editor: Added tooltips for tool buttons
Sprite Editor: Fix – Comented out two lines of the “Tooltip” script that were sometimes misplacing tooltips
Sprite Editor: Added tooltips to clip, frame and layer buttons
Sprite Editor: Added tooltips to menu buttons
Sprite Editor: Added a toggle option to switch on/off tooltips
Sprite Editor: Fix – Eyedropper now works with all the layers of the current frame, not only the selected one
Sprite Editor: Started to implement Text tool
Sprite Editor: Added some improvement to the Text tool (Now saving correctly)
Sprite Editor: Added a blocker for tools and clip/frame/layer buttons to dont allow to click them if there is no opened project
Sprite Editor: Added a fonts dropdown to the Text tool and implemented it
Sprite Editor: Added some fonts
TileSelection is now a separate class and there’s now a TileSelectionButton class for the MonoBehaviour.
Fixed some bugs in the review process.
Review app now lets you reject a batch of files all at once.
Fixed: player dash move distance checking
Fixed: player dash jump distance checking
Changed player move dash (increase/slowdown) max speeds to 100
Changed player jump dash (increase/slowdown) max speeds to 100
Updated TileData.xml
Reverted some files from XportBagTileGuy01 68 6 (got corrupted it said)?
Released: August 9th, 2017
Working over grapplinghook swing state rb
Removed Grappling Lock Direction – don’t need anymore – using item system
More updates to grapplinghook
Added grapple input face direction for rotation lock on player
Updating gapplinghook tiletype (refactoring lots of stuff)
Added joystick direction method for secondary pad to get direction/angle
Changed imageeffect default value to 181 (tv effect)
Added: hud exit btn show/hides when settings tab btns are clicked on
Changed zoom option default on settings
Fixed a crash bug with cloud shadow tiles.
Fixed some bugs in the bug report viewer.
Fixed up 3 other projects
Updated bag tileguy project 1
Updated lem craft
Starting to update grappling hook
Added: die color and die color flash to all tiles
Added: die color,flash subtile btns
Fixed(ing): explode on hurt and die for tiles
Changed: base value for physics weight to 30
Fixed: calculation on explosion force, radius and set mode to default
Fixed: CheckForWatcherAtEnd only applies to lives 0, not health (for player to work correctly)
Added: CalVel to hitDirection for bullets to know ‘Direction force’ if applied – check to see that it works in all cases
Fixed: particle updates trailsSizeAffectsWidth correctly when changed in rt_mode
Fixed: tile light shader shows two selected
Fixed: tile light translatePos works with pingpong on prsTranslate
Updated sliderbtns for light shader, rgb, hsb
Fixed: player and ai triggerBoxes scale up/down correctly with all sets of timer values and timeEnable/Disable
Fixed: player and ai triggerObj editor boxes offset z positions correctly now in rt_mode and create
Relabeled AiTriggerByTime values on edit side
Fixed: ai tile pathfinding grids to show correctly in edit mode
Fixed: grid type checks correctly in Rt_mode for updates
Fixed issue with player gravity on rb state
Fixed rb contraints for player on create – lock posZ, rotxyz
Fixed: imageeffect trigger onstart, enter, exit for showing effects and lut
Updated: TileData.xml with new vars for imageeffects
Added: 170 Lut images for imageEffects option – also separated out to its own slider btn info
Changed default variables for lut, noise tv,1,2,3,brokenglass,led
Added: Image Effect Lut Color
Added: Image Effect Rain fx
Added: Image Effect Snow fx
Added: Image Effect Color rgb
Added: Image Effect Paper
Review App now continues to download assets in the background after the message screen disappears.
Updated/Fixed Image Effects (total 231 different ones)
Updating and working through the shader image effects (100 new)
Fixed: hp editor collider box on duplicate resets editorbox correctly now
Saved project and updated rewired prefab (disabled ignore input focus)
Temp: useXInput commented out on multiple joysticks till internal system fixed
Fixed: tb on hurt flash locking (will update later with better tween approach)
Added: locked hurt flash till all cycles completed
Released: July 31st, 2017
Updated: TileData.xml
Added shader flash to tiles for hurt flashing (intensity increase)
Added flash shader to graphics settings
Added divider between char lives and hp on slider list
Added die_scale, breakable, explode to player tile
Starting to relabel hurt values for clarity (my hurt, and apply hurt to others)
Reworked on die, on dead flow for player so that it works as should be expected
Changed flash shader variable names to line up with unlit fade
Fixed tile die destroy option for player override
Added rb on player for die with rb enabled
Added init to shader unlit fade and flash
Added init for renderer on tileImage
Reworked hurt color system – now uses white for flash intensity
Fixing explode – making smoother on user variables
Fixed hp trigger now checks for attacker isDead state before triggering
Updated: TileData.xml with new hurt color options
Renamed hurt flash labels for tb and editor
Refactored hurt flashing system.
Fixed: PlayerAiTrigger checks if player dead before sending trigger event
Fixed: hp trigger tag is set for collider to correctly check on hits from non bullets (ex.jumpPound)
Fixed: player hurt speed state resets moveSpeed after hurt disabled
Fixed: autoJumpPound correctly checks for height before enabling pound check (if autoJumpPoundHitOnDown enabled)
Cleaned up some variables in player and controller
Added: disableAttackWhenHurt (not implemented)
Removed debug
Added: particle attractor system and target (brush) and/or offset
Added: particle trail system (lots of stuff)
Added: notify images for default on player they don’t have one but want to use it
Cleaned up property groups and ids in particle
Fixed: enum save on particle attractor type
Added: material default to TileTriggerBox (and default option checking)
Updated: TileData.xml
Added player ai properties to playerAi for triggering
Added trail renderer to particles – basic setup. more to come.
Fixed player pathing path so that updates from triggers would work correctly
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed: pathview not disabling at init on player
Fixed: pathview toggle on/off state on each destination check
Updated weapon projectile hit 1,2 slider btn images with setting on corner
Added method for checking odd/even values in base
Fixed: fow hide fogOfWarStrengthMin normalized to correct for checking
Began implementing caching to the Review App. Added caching to the tileset files.
Fixed: prevent drag to select from group using brushmode select
Switched order up on settings for cursor options
Added: selection choice from group – select tool now option to pick from a group of tiles on top of each other
Removed check on back button – advancedModeEnable
Added pickFromGroupList option into cursor slider btn option for settings
Implemented group selection list for TBM
Released: July 24th, 2017
Added: fog shaders to graphic settings shader
Updated: TileData.xml
Scaled main menu ‘learn’ and ‘exit’ button to match the other two
Updated main_menu prefab
Updated all tile type for Fog of War – buttons – unit, hide
Updated all tile type for Fog of War – event triggers – unit, hide
Fixed scale size on fow map size in both editor and game mode
Separated fow unit and hide options
Added gui filter reflection icon for filters
Updated back button to kep lines even in editor
Updated scale of home target reticle
Added: grids to grid list
Updated grid count in code for Settings options
Added onclickcomplete icon
Added 3 more grid images
Updated main menu icons
Added reflection icons
Updated cursor icons and tray icons, improved padding each and outline
Updated: TileData.xml with fog of war variables
Added: prefab/image event triggers to fow – explored, enter, exit (non implemented yet)
Added: fow resetMapOnExplored and amount to reset to
Added: Fog of War tile type
Fixed: jump to pos x,y – min/max -200,200
Put collection event on pickup tile after trigger enter event
Updated: killbox tile (default tileset) turned off collider
Fixed: fuelAmount in jetpack changed to adding for better support of eventTrigger
Changed: eventJetpackOff image to have jets turned off visually
Added: EventButtonOnClick to gui tile for button on click completed (if enabled to check for it)
Added: EventGoalItemCollected to goal tile for items collected as part of goal completions
Fixed: click checking on gui correctly works with numberOfTimes and unlimited clicking
Added: prefabs and images for new events and gui onclick
Reordered events for door
Fixed: Event class names for door triggerEvents (door – atEnd, goToEnd, atStart, goToStart, paused, keyAdd, keySubtract)
Added: missing events for new door states
Updated: TileData.xml with new gui tile options
Added: gui tile now checks for button event (down, up, tap) OnClickCompleted
Added: OnClickCompleted options at end of clicking amount, you can do nothing, disable button, remove button
Added: OnClickCompleted once complete, can be reset based on time to reuse again
Fixed: onTap and onDown / Up for hoever and disable states. Now when it changes does it without moving off tile
Checking on gui tile for buttonIs states on disabled to skip new action
Added: trigger event support for camera gui tile
Added: triggering update for camera gui – standard
Fixed: cloud shadow reassigns after slider disable using event triggers now
Update cloud shadow tile with event triggers
Fixed crashing bug with cloudShadow shader upgrade (fixed to float)
Fixed: reflection tile nullref on checking for quad
Removed: extra yield from delay on create reflection obj
Updated: TileData.xml
Complete update to the particle tile and systems (too many things to mention
Added: particles have collision
Added: particles have shape spawns – box, box edge, cone, sphere, edge, circle, circle edge
Added: particle mode – random, linear, ping pong, burst
Added: particle arc type with arc amount, speed, spread
Fixed: particle burst system
Added: particle gradient color start/end, with alpha options for start, end, and in between with offsets
Removed: particle prefabs – can now access directly
Fixed: collider – tileCollider now checks for enable/disable in edit mode to work correctly with particle collide during edit mode
Fixed: cullmask for game mode wasn’t taking into account current values. Added in checking for it on gui, sky, gradient and reflection tiles
Added shader to graphics settings
Fixed: initial on reflect when created in edit mode
Added: TileTypeReflection – provides a reflective look of water below players (multi dir)
Added: reflection subtile prefabs, textures, materials
Updated: TileData.xml with new properties
Added: default tile for reflection in dafult set
Added: water shader system
Fixed: door – recheck – key pad – needs to ‘get to end, stay, and retrigger at end ‘smoother’
Fixed: door – key – needs the auto create option for keys (ex. ammo, portTo)
Fixed: door – key – needs wrapMode working again (clamp on create, etc)
Fixed: door – lever – active. then wont go back up ani. just is down. and closes door but can’t reactivate it
Fixed: door – pad – seams like it is MESSING up – land on it, move off a few times, then stops working
Fixed: door – on load (editor side) – door keys don’t get their color updated/applied
Removed todo list from door tile (added to main list)
Fixed key wrapmode – gets applied correctly from door now
Fixed key collider and istrigger issue on creating
Fixed: subtile brushes now scale down in game mode so that they don’t conflict with any click/touch elements of game tiles
Added: jumppad tile to event trigger. includes the speed options and copy/last init
Fixed: triggerActivate changing up on input trigger during an event trigger
Added: trigger events to image effects for switching image ids and actions
Added: sky gradient works with triggerEvent
Added: trigger event works with check point tile
Added: Trigger event checking to Damage tile
Fixed: Damage tile start delay random time now gets correct min/max value
Added: Trigger Event support to dynamic sky tile
Released: July 10th, 2017
Updated camera types with trigger event checking
Removed comment
Fixed: refresh bkg anim anchor point
Turned off refresh anim seq image on start. enables when btn pressed.
Turned off the auto splash screen in BAG.
Turned off the auto splash screen for Tile Builder.
Fixed login issues with saving credentials from the early access login view.
Checked if user is admin or not before kicking a steam build back to the early access page.
Added a login screen to tile builder.
Updated the Tile Builder ProjectSettings.
Updated the Early Access Scene in Tile Builder.
Added a login for Tile Builder for admins from the Early Access page.
Added filtering for tiles and audio in Tile Builder.
Added: refresh anim sequence images
Added: refresh onclick use anim sequence
Added: TriggerValues for bkg tile on movement
Updated: main_menu.prefab
Adding trigger events to tb audio and auto tiles
Fixed: DisableUVInfinite to work with pos and offset on resetting in event trigger state change
Removed buttons from the construct panel.
Fixed File Browser previews on Windows.
Disabled the hidden tile builder settings button.
Updated versions 5.6.2
Removed SystemInfoGui.
Added icon filtering to the store. Attempting to ignore Steamworks in the editor.
Updated some Tile Builder items such as the title update coming from the review table instead of the store table.
Added members to infinite for UpdateChangedValues
Added members to Light tile type for UpdateChangedValues
Fixed a bug in light for shader in rt_ mode
Relabeled door tile key numberOfSubtiles auto generated
Fixed: mouseHover option for tiles is applied only in edit and gui
Fixed: autotile slope collider disables base collider if on
Updated main menu prefab
Updated the refresh image
mat updates
Updated bullet_1 prefab
Added refresh icon image and bkg
Fixed: weapon physics material working on both 1,2
Added: basic setup for bouncy and reflect bullet movement
Added: cylinder fbx for mesh collider (if needed)
Added refresh button
Added: community (forum) link to logo, connected to scene/btn/nav
Fixed: product page title an product label – use overflow and increase box width
Added: refresh button on main menu – bottom left corner (joystick enabled too)
Added: rotate option to refresh button while pulling
Added: leftshoulder btn to joystick option in main menu for refresh
Changed up the review app top bar for approval btns and visible options
Added: divider bar image to review app
Added: leftshoulder2 to bagkeys
Added: refresh icon images
Updated: reviewApp prefab
Updated intro screen text
Updated all main prefabs in Bag
Enabled all blockers on for bag ui
Working through weapon bullet
Added FilterMode to the tileset organizer.
TileSelection in the GWL screen should now correctly apply image filtering settings.
Made getting the filter mode from tiles easier.
Fixed a bug where defaults were reset with triggers when it should only happen during loading the level.
Fixed a trigger bug where properties would not save when going from one trigger selection to another.
Fixed: Market Center – Turned the blockers back on for coin system
Updated prefab marketcenter
Updated: TileData.xml
updated icons
Added: Grid depth to settings – it will increment in front/back of tiles/layers/offset
Fixed: nullref on player effects,cameras,ghosting
Fixed: eyedropper can create light tile correctly (icon, light image)
Fixed: base tilePhysicsPlayOnAwake checks for tilePhysicsDelayAwake before it checks on timer
White space corrections on ScreenDesignHud.
Goal now loads the first game, world, or level if the id slider is never touched.
Updating player camera shake effects, ghosting, and image effects
Added slider btns for each state (these are player state changes)
Updated TileData.xml and set TriggerTeamId as separate rollout for trigger in Tb
Updated: TileData.xml with new triggerByTeamId options for Tb
Added: triggerByTeamId to tiles (one more layer of checking)
Updated relevant tiles with the triggerByTeamId options
Fixed a bug in the bug reporting system.
Fixed: subtile brush and collider caused physics to enable even if sleep was applied.
Added: option for physics to delay before awake at beginning of scene load
Added: min/max rotate amount on translateRotate – rocking motion
Fixed: translateRotate speed checking for both +- values on min/max increment
Fixed a bug where default values would not be used if they were non-default in the tileset.
Turned ‘Remove’ off for games on the product page.
Fixed publishing related bugs.
Tilesets can now be ‘removed’.
Removed unneeded files.
ProjectSettings in tb to release build change
Added a inside shadow to gwl icons to see navigation highlight for where you are easier
Removed weapon tile ‘Show Weapon’ rollout to fix list order in Tb
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: hp collider now works correctly if same size as standard collide box
Removed comments from player
Added checks for ai on player events
Fixed: onStickHitPushForTimePrimary (was using Secondary)
Removed ‘Reset’ btn in settings menu (turned it off. still there when needed later)
Removed extra files from Ferr common
ferr cache file
Began wiring in the Yes or No dialog into the Remove store item system.
Updated line endings in some files.
Increased font size on product page
Increase font size on profile
Changed order of gender to horizontal
Updated market_center.prefab
BagSpriteEditor pull
Fixed aspect ratio for +- on pricing info header product
Added check for flag button on product info – shows if not yours (not own, build)
Updated market_center.prefab
bag scene saved
TileSelection now preloads UI objects, but then populates their images one by one.
Began adding a way to remove items from the store.
Updated the Sprite_Editor project.
Checking on tileselection view for rt getheight adjustment after tiles loaded to prevent offset above top border
Fixed layer column divider bar – changed shader and added alpha
Added zoom in/out speeds to toolbar zoom +- btns
Disabled ‘reset’ btn from settings menu
Updated settings prefab
Fixed hover issue in edit mode for bottom panel tiles
Removed script exit from messagebox yes/no
Added messagebox yes/no generic
Added messageboxyesno script
Added messagebox prefab
Games, Worlds and Levels stay selected when swapping them.
Turned the main menu prefab default to off.
Tile selection now loads tiles on the fly if they aren’t already loaded.
DownloadMyStuffLocal now creates the tilesets folder if it doesn’t exist instead of throwing an error.
Moved Instance for ScreenDesignHud to the constructor.
Added a button to hide all admin buttons.
Renamed the login script from having ‘SignIn’ to ‘Login’ and made it auto-login instead of just auto-fill.
Added cache file for Ferr.
Reworked size of home location icon / image is too large on the inside of it
Updated arrows on gwl and prefab
Updated toolbar images to remove pixelation
Added disabled arrow btns for gwl
Removed unused gui/editor icons for filter
Changed material shader for fade on play button shadow
Changed organizer text for none in tileset panel
Updated market center scroll bars horizontal
Updated market center feature page spacing and increased font sizes
Updated market center feature vertical scroll – wider on both sides
Updated market center prefab with changes
Attempted to change cellview prefab with audio on rate, category and coin (needs checked)
Deleted folder
Fixed: main menu grid – LMB+RMB to pan causes the grid to zoom in first time using
Fixed: myTiles column box (right side), has a dead spot where the hover highlight does not work
Updated organizer_tileset.prefab
Bug report images are now centered.
Added showing mouse coordinates to bug reports.
Added user id to the bug report viewer.
Added user_id to bug reports.
Fixed the build system for Tile Builder.
Fixed some bugs with the ExceptionCatcher.
Fixed: tab works correctly on login inputfield with ‘Tab’ key
Fixed: joystick navigation works correctly with login inputfield
Fixed: auto select on tab for inputfield with auto next (up/down) selection
Updated prefab for login system
Updated login scene
Fixed the clear mode in the bug reports and be another user scenes.
Added a GUI for viewing bug reports.
Ignored the error screen png.
Began adding a way for a screenshot to be submitted with a bug report.
Began adding a way for a screenshot to be submitted with a bug report.
Changed some LogError code into Log or LogWarning. Updated some line endings to be CRLF.
Removed “Editor” off of the Mac bundle ID
Fixed a typo, adjusted some debug statements and updated some line endings.
Fixed some compiling issues.
Updated paths to reflect the new macOS way of handling paths.
Updated line endings in some code.
Force removed ‘Editor’ from the path if it’s still there for some reason.
Removed some code meant to force an exception to be thrown.
Fixed a few possible issues and added a more detailed exception for a failed Display Settings read.
Fixed possible null reference bug.
Play button no longer shows if the product is a tileset.
Login as other user button disappears if the user is not an admin even in the editor.
Updated the Steam SDK.
Fixed some account data and encryption parsing bugs.
Fixed a few issues that caused null references.
updated 8bit tileguy tileset
Some values got updated in the Review App scene.
Fixed the login system for Tile Builder and the Review App.
Updated and adjusted tiles
Player changed file name from hurt to moveHurt
Tweeked spike animation up and down
Changed the “other user” login label to only say email since that’s what’s required.
Updated login urls
Updated login urls
Added new code and path to the login controller.
Added a readonly flag onto the login controller so there can be a way to stop it from uploading user data.
Added more save system tests to ensure certain values are being saved… and fixed a bug within the loading system.
Began adding automated tests for the save system…
And possibly fixed a major save bug.
Removed the old unity-tdd system.
Added system info to the exception catcher.
Integrated all of pathfinding and waypoint pathing into ai states
Moved player pathing files to character folder
Added emotes to player when states triggered
Updated TileData.xml
Fixed bugs in player and controller
Added option for showing in game mode for outline on box (eventually have that as user option for image)
Fixed player waypoint movement (after steering), so that player would move to points before changing
Fixed player waypoint movement direction so that player would follow based on velocity again 🙂
Changed slider btns for player ai to the end for easier access
Fixed waypoint init with subTile based on name (subTileWaypoints happens after first pass so skipping it)
Fixed: ai notify clip check between game and edit modes
Removed triggerbox name from saving
Updated: TileData.xml fixed ordering for player rollouts in tilebuilder
Changed default notification image to ‘!’
Added: notify values into TileTriggerBox for ai states
Added: notify (emote) slider btn for player ai
Added: character animations for notifications on player ai (24)
Updated: player property groups
Updated: TileData.xml
Changed ordering on aiSteer
Worked over weapon tile for ai shooting based on los and actions
Added: line of sight options for action 1,2 (weapon) to player ai
Added: action 1,2 options for distance to stop shooting, moving
Added reviewer files
Fixed ui – controller unpluged / plugged no longer prompting with message box (test again. should be working)
Added: interpose option for steering with any number of targets
Added: ai trigger state seek btns
Added: ai steer hide, pursue, wander, interpose
Comment change
Updated ai icons
Added a place for the user to fill in what happened if it crashes.
Add: ui – Remove Game/Tile
Add: ui – Update Tile/Game
Add: ui – Development Tile Page with Publish
Fixed: ui – product page – silver/gold – both started highlighted on enter – but only silver was active
Fixed: editor – selection – messes stuff up too – go through each part
Add: make base level trigger – work with TeamId things – ALL tiles
Fixed: that you can go from a game to world level and back to world game
Add: player – fx, ghosting, camera shake – needs the options available for player states
Fixed: subtile mode to have panel update its collider for sliderbar
Fixed: 4233 if ( tilePhysicsEnable ) mc.isTrigger = false; else mc.isTrigger = true;
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – still has funny issue when coping other object- stops all animations or plays wrong one so nothing shows
Add: editor – depth option for grid – to show in front of all tiles or not
Fixed: go in to tigger event – and it sets ‘layer’ to 0 every time from one of the clicked on options
Add: ability for bullet to hit and ‘bounce’ off
Fixed: turned on blocker – check all for enabled/off
Fixed: review app – remove top bar stuff – redesign and move to bottom bar
Fixed: product page title – use overflow and in title part (bigger now)
Added btn for forum page/community
Released: May 18th, 2017
Changed review app icon
Fixed issue with gizmo tool not going to subtile mode from selection on click
Fixed waypoint path node missingref on tilepathnode on create and load in edit mode when erased
Working through player ai trigger box states during play
Added lots of ai and waypoint systems
Added ai trigger state buttons
Added temp weapon ai setup
Added TileTriggerBox
Added override on TileTrigger for tiletriggerbox
Worked through the majority of ai trigger ordering
Added multiple character triggering on ai
Added nearest find searching for ai, and storing list if others leave
Added trigger setting for fine tuning player ids and events on ai
Added lots of other things to ai 🙂
Added more items for tileset review status. Publish button is now only enabled if a tileset is approved.
Added a call to Save tileset data to the review items table.
Tile Builder now uses “SaveTileset” to add it to the review items table.
Removed legacy Ai from tile builder.
Publishing a tileset now also saves it in the review items table.
Removed more legacy ai code for TileBuilder.
Fixed the TileBuilder submission cache system.
Updated my testing tileset.
Prefab changes
Added: ai follow state with directional checking
Added: ai follow state with facing dir on any, opposite, same, lookaway
Added: buttons for ai follow and dir
Added: idle random dir for ai
Added: immediatePause on ai follow if state or face dir changes
Fixed: ai anim on end for player dir now works as expected
Cleaned up checking on WaypointModeNone
Updated local code to match server changes.
Working through player ai states
Fixed weapon ai states to use weapon system correctly
Finishing with TileTriggerBox properties
Working through ai search and help options
Fixed ai weapon and standard input on weapon checks
Fixed: exit for ai triggerbox on otherEvent changed
Fixed: eyedropper creates player correctly, no duplicate objects. and everything starts correctly assigned with ai
Added: aiEventHelpEnabled for player to call for help and other player to have an event from it
Added: ai help options added in
Updated player ai
Updated TileData.xml
Added slider brush ai btns
Added steering system for player (evade, hide, flee). Will be adding interpose, pursue and wander next.
Fixed an issue where the tileset organizer would show the Url encoded name of the tileset instead of the decoded one.
Changed using FindChild to Find. They are the same method, but FindChild is deprecated.
Updated the review app and external code to Unity 5.6.1
Tile Builder is now in 5.6.1f1
Added a FPS counter. Use “Left Control” + “Left Shift” + F to activate it.
Fixed the build system to automatically resolve backtracking in the build path.
For instance, “basepath/Assets/../buildpath” will now become “basepath/buildpath”
Updated the Steam sdk builder to the latest on Linux.
Removed unused test scenes from the editor build settings.
Added another steam sdk builder file.
Turned the splash screen off and set the Mac graphics API back to auto.
Updated the graphics settings to the latest version.
Updated BAG project version to 5.6.1f1
Set the icons meta file to be “sprite”.
Linux builds now initially resize the screen to workaround a drawing bug.
Fixed the key combination functions for the FPS counter.
Fixed: ai boxes created correctly fixing nullref with player
Fixed: evade on trigger works correct with/without evade brushes
Released: April 19th, 2017
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – copy tile with autoUVtile on – it doesn’t apply that on creating
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – subtile edit mode – eyedropper doesn’t work – make sure it’s checking for it, etc.
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – weird after a while, just freezes up most of the time with the eyedropper
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – subtile clone – it saves saveId -1…but should be parentId
Fixed: editor – eyedropper – copy – the trigger brush didn’t copy over, but stayed with the original object
Added: ai waypoints – check that curent ‘direction joystick end for in air jumping, etc
Added: ai waypoints – at the end of waypoints -> once -> then option to turn ai OFF
Added: ai waypoints – waypointMode is once, loop, pingpong, random, none
Added: ai waypoints – select random point waypoint to move to next
Added: ai waypoints – hit trigger to got to different set of waypoints
Added: Spawn tile obj support for saving values on each spawn type on die
Added: Spawn slider btns and images
Fixed: SpawnOnDie should be working with all tiles again (still need to add btn labels to each tiletype)
Updated: Tiles that can support spawning now have the additional slider btns for it
Updated: TileData.xml
Increased position multiplier for spawnTile to match regular 10 default size
Fixed: door tile subtile button id for CreateSubTileAutomatically
Fixed: teleporter tile subtile button id for CreateSubTileAutomatically
Fixed: weapon tile subtile button id for CreateSubTileAutomatically
Added: spawn on die forces to RT_mode for multi subtile ids
Fixed: door collider on root now checks along with tileCollider during door change states
Fixed door again – turns off collider, not object
Setup spawnTile with option for turning on physics on spawn (in scene) objects so you don’t have to have it enabled at start
Refactored physicsEnabled in base
Added: spawnOnDie has enableGravityAtSpawn in force options for each brushed on tile
Fixed: pickup tile now disables collider and rigidbody on trigger enter (doesn’t wait till fx done) so that if physics on player can walk right through it
Fixed: AutoScaleTexture now checks for hori/vert scale value instead of localScale to get the correct uv tile size
Cleaned up some comments in tile and tbm
Fixed: subtile saving issue with parentId assignment in tile. now works correctly for eyedropper as well.
Added: internal override subtilesetup to TileTypeSpawnerObj to not override material subtile enable, disable on create
Removed: spawnerObj no longer resets to for scale unless subTileParent is valid (Fixes scale issues in various situations)
Updated Spawn on Die Icons
Added the UnityEngine.Profiling namespace and removed it from individual lines.
Fixed two saving bugs that should likely allow for not force saving everything.
Added: Simple Ai for player interactions
Added: playerAiSimple tile to default set to start building on
Changed: tile ai to playerAi (simple)
Added: new image for default tileset on ai
Updated and changed a bunch of stuff for pathing and ai
Removed: unused files (legacy)
Updates: Happened 1.5 weeks ago.. forgot what they all were. Yes, this comment is here. 🙂
Update usedHeapSizeLong in TBM
Upgraded to Unity 5.6.0f3
Upgraded files (lots of shader changes)
Updated changes to tiles on upgrade
Removed: Astar Pathfinding. Replaced with Bag pathfinding
Fixed a display bug where the days since 1/1/0001 was being showed if an item had never been uploaded to the server.
Removed some meta files to empty folders.
Removed 32 bit builds from the build process.
Updated review app to work with Unity 5.5.2 and latest plugins.
Updated the review app code.
Removed some debug statements.
Added unescaping to item names.
Fixed some URL encoding issues in tile builder.
Updated from the external tile builder code.
Updated some csproj files.
Added versioning to the submission cache and fixed some submission issues.
Updated the tiles viewer.
Began adding audio support and converted line endings to several files.
Added a dialog for reviewing audio clips.
Fixed an issue where the review app was holding onto previous tiles when switching tilesets.
Fixed the BG of the audio review section.
Turned off the audio review dialog.
Fixed the review notes dialog since it was too large.
Tilesets now get rejected if a file was rejected.
Added URL decoding to the item description and release notes fields.
Corrected line endings in another file.
Added a review status text to the product page.
Integrating astargrid agent directly in to player
Updated: reviewerapp icon
Added: anim for character pathView
Added: player path viewing in game option (with color, start/end widths)
Added: final piece on astar pathing for character individually
Added: player ai scene checking for full level pathing
Added: player ai switch between waypoints and pathfinding
Added: player ai scale pathing setup
Refactored initializing player ai for player controllers and search grids
Removed testscene folders from project
Fixed: player on path is set moving correctly (no more flipping)
Moved scribblePhysics to texture spot in project
Fixed PathView for multiple players accessing path
Fixed lots of stuff in pathing system for player, tilepath, playerai
Added support for user side (slider btns) on player, ai, and pathing
Fixing bugs and systems in pathing / player / playerAi / waypoints / grid / search
Finalizing waypoint, waypoint path, path grid systems in to one
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: Player ai checks for waypoint but also repath waypoint (like astar path)
Added: Player ai non repath works now with waypoint – repath position updates
About to remove some code for previous pathing waypoints
Added: TileTriggerBox.cs for multi trigger option on player and playerAi
Added: player can find ‘closest to’ position from click if not on grid during a pathing search
Refactored FollowTarget option for player using new triggerbox for ai
Renamed triggerRange prefabs and images
Updated waypoint / grid for repath, targetReached, and follow after
There is an issue if ai player has same joystick id, on endJoystick ai if to close to target uses player joystick instead of ai angle
Starting to develop the ai trigger event states for player and playerAi
Removed some legacy files from project folder
Added: PlayerAiTrigger.cs to control all trigger system events on ai boxes
Added: outline texture for ai – this replaces the flat color
Added: ai trigger options, range, waypoint and settings to player
Added: move and end delay times into waypoint (no pathing) for once,loop,rnd,pingpong
Updated: TileData.xml
Made some more adjustments for the new review table.
Updated the Tile Builder project settings.
Fixed a spelling error
Added a save button to the market center.
Removed menu entry for updating AI from external code.
Renamed AIComponent to SavableComponent.
Moved AiTriggers to playerAiTriggers
Added WaypointMode none to enum for ‘idle’ mode
Added option for ai trigger boxes angle mode – none, exact and 8-dir
Adding options on user side for player ai and pathing
Added action 1,2 for triggers on ai events
Added basic setup for follow trigger and near option
Materials lost the shader unlitfade, reapplied
Released: March 13th, 2017
Fixed: editor – multiUserController – first time switch to particle – it goes’white on plane’, then fades.
Fixed: editor – slider bars – sliding – just wait to update the rest until it stops moving. or check on how the increment is being checked int/float floor ceiling etc
Fixed: editor – slider bar – property – 0-1 set for value not bool. on drag shows image, on click it shows numbers. should be number on method call.
Fixed: editor – RESET all camera stuff in editor on exiting editMode to gwl, etc
Fixed: editor – if you use guiSize – and make it the smallest – then the colorbars for each tab shows that it dont make it to the ends – ani needs stretched out further
Fixed: editor – panels – tileSet_colliderBox – update their widths when screen changes
Fixed: editor – panels – editor panels to reset length each time you go in to it, or click a button
Fixed: editor – panel pops up – push enter on tiles it doesn’t go to right one and resets to ‘0’s
Fixed: subpanel mode when joystick or keypress occurs first time after enableTools – resets correctly for subpanel subtile selection
Fixed: transitionScreen – active – when user presses joystick ‘start’ button it takes them ‘back’, should just go in it
Fixed: transitionScreen – needs to connect to system loading screen and option for user to select color to match screens
Fixed: parentTo/connect to has issues with RB char – slides off on rotating object – rb doesn’t ‘stick’ to moving l/r platforms
Fixed: parentTo sets parent option correctly when making an object translateRotate in the scene – the parent box rotates along with it
Fixed: added: slider_hit_on_horizontal_align to tiles
Fixed: base tile – collider (tileCollider) not properly turned off on tileTypeLight in RT_mode switch
Fixed: passthrough trapdoor should work now when resetting – but is any player stays in triggerbox – would have to re-trigger to reset
Added: passthrough time delay for closing the trap – user side
Updated: TileData.xml – all tiles now with correct exclude groups
Added: Damage tile now functions as an Item
Added: timer check on goal tile for nullref on SetCounterValue
Fixed: ImageEffects on UpdateAllCameraControllersOnStart now checks for if triggerAtStart before enabling effect
Added: Terrain tile now has option to translate (move) – but doesn’t ‘parent’ connected physics objects yet (ex. player)
Removed: Killbox tile now allows Collider to be enabled and used (No longer forced off)
Added: Light tile has AddItemToInventory in, but not used. Still needs to work with all light2D options
Added: Volume tile has uvInfinite
In weapon tile – moved item show button to item group instead of the weapon section
LZ4 script now compiles the correct libname when the editor is linux, but the build target is not.
UV Infinite now is scaled up to prevent white borders and has a speed variable.
Set onStart to true for tile set default imageEffects
Added: MouseIconHover.cs to check for mouse enter exit – applied only in editor mode
Added: Editor – mouse hover on UI and editor tiles – enable in settings / cursor
Updated: UserSettings.xml with mouseIconHover ui and editor options
Updated: editor version to 5.5.2f
Turned off baked lighting in scenes and removed old test scenes whose tests probably no longer work.
Updated the project version text.
Turned off lightmap baking in Tile Builder scenes.
Updated TileBuilder project version text and both project settings files.
Updated: TileData.xml with uvinfinite values
Changed Default tile set for block tile uvInfinite speed to new default of 10
Added: speed and scale options for uvinfinite
Fixed: parentTo sets parent option correctly when making an object translateRotate in the scene – the parent box rotates along with it (optional)
Added: LockTile is now part of general settings in each tile.
Added: Main controller can access any tile and change (override) lockTile settings
Refactored how locked tiles and color assignment happens for save/load
Added: Reset Lock tile in Settings under Tile slider btn
Updated: tiles (that die) support spawn on die
Added: slider btn spawn on die
Added: spawn all from list now waits between spawning based on delay time option
Fixed some project file issues on slider btn
Fixed: color transition issue on screentransition – shader decided to change – fixed call to “_Color”
Fixed: rotation on prs for gui and other tiles should work correctly for create and load
Changed volume speed default y to -30 (10 doesn’t move fast enough to be seen)
Updated: TileData.xml – changed some default values
Added: UVInfinite.cs to keep it separate for LateUpdate and system
Updated and removed variables with uvinfinite that are no longer used
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: OnDisable to base
Added: Spawner tile file
Added: Spawner btn images and prefabs
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: Ghosting on/off when being spawned
Finishing off spawner system and values
Added additional spawner btn images and prefabs
Added SpawnAreaCheck.cs to look for things before spawning in pos
A texture meta file was updated.
Updated Screen Icons
Disabled the screenshot buttons from the product page.
TileTypeSpawner v1 up for testing
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: tilesetMessage to editor panel if no tilesets loaded in organizer
Made ApplyValuesOnSpawn virtual and you can add the needed methods for each tile on spawning
Updated: bomb tile with ApplyValuesOnSpawn
Updated: block tile with ApplyValuesOnSpawn
Updated: spawn init correct works with bomb, tilebehavior, blockmultistate, checkpoint
Working over weapon spawning
Added: tilesetMessage.text = “Your Tileset Organizer is empty” for users that don’t have tilesets going in to the editor
Fixed: ApplyValuesOnSpawn on bomb, weapon, block, checkpoint, multistate and damage tiles
Moved CreateTrigger to base.ApplyValuesOnSpawn for all tiles on spawn
Added: ApplyValuesOnSpawn to light and lightning tiles
Changed blockMultiState pickup spawn call to standard one now being used
Reset the btns for spawn counter, settings, pos, time back to default
Fixed: spawn checking within waves works as expected
Fixed: group spawning works in all modes – if checkOccupied enabled, it checks ‘only’ for the first object
Fixed: tile pickup works with spawning and calls back to parent spawner if picked up
Added: on die, tiles call to spawner parent if they have been spawned in to the scene
Added: autotile works with spawner tile
Fixed: spawner SpawnAreaCheckPos and pos for spawnAreaCheck are set during loop correct if they have to be updated
Fixed: spawnAreaCheck uses snap for pos if its enabled
Fixed: spawn groups are now built correctly and placed
Added: SpawnAreaCheck looks for tileColliderEnable, triggerEnable, and enableHitpoint before using if checking for isOccupied
Updated: TileData.xml
Updated spawner for tileset
Updated spawner for buttons and images
Updated Spawner icons
Added: checking transitionScreensEditor.count before using (nullref)
Updated tileset default single – transition tile exit – turned off stay on at end option
Updated: TileData.xml
Released: February 24, 2017
Fixed: weapon – all weapons and items are in the same call – pickup,putdown,switch,use,etc
Fixed: weapon – occasionally rendering shell and hitspark as weapon tileImage
Fixed: weapon – offset needs to be checking with connected player
Fixed: weapon – item is finished in weapon
Added: bomb Attractor – have it play animation for enter/exit and not exit if triggerEnter is ‘ignite’ happen
Fixed: editor – pause menu shader messes up on window tablet
Refactored all tile properties by hand 🙂 (4000): tileSlider.DisableSliders (); // replaced all disableSlider(int id) for slider properties
Fixed: slider now works correctly when its set to adjust multiple sliders on its update (old bug squashed) 🙂
Fixed: editor – slider bar – drops info on mouse drag (starts ‘jittering’)
Add: editor – make sliders go away ‘automatically’ on every tile – just run through list
Added: screenshot button to game screen
Added: screenshot toggle to settings (pause menu)
Setup screenshot system to work in game test mode
Updated prefabs for screenshot, marketcenter
Added: loading object to viewer if needed
Fixed disabled alpha for screenshot button in settngs (pause menu)
Added youtube icon button states
Added button in product page for youtube, and 6 for screenshots
Updated prefab with product page changes
Fixed an issue with player anim on item pickup holster and drop on resetting animclip from last one
Updated: Prefab for menu – temp removed verse btn from corner till complete
Fixed: Hold/Show Item correct sets audio clip on/off during that stage. Works with cycle item as well.
Added: input button for youtube link on product page (temp placement)
Updated: market_center.prefab
Updated: bag projects for default single tileset, lemcraft and blue mist
Fixed: onDie if ghosting on, it will now disable
Screenshots are now added to the database.
Added a key to download the screenshot data.
Removed a debug
Fixed a few issues with weapon on ammo 1,2 not checking on variables
Updated missing tooltip labels
Updated verses with 365 lines.
Updated verses button to be active in menu scene
Updated: main_menu.prefab
Updated: blue mist project
Fixed a bug where the frames per second was shared when playing clips
Reverted a small amount of code.
Updated screenshot Gui system.
Refactored ScreenshotData to be part of the BAGShared code.
Fixed some external code issues.
Screenshot system now saves screenshot hashes to the save data. Doesn’t load back in yet.
Removed a warning from some older code.
Screenshot system now has a system for downloading screenshots from the server.
The screenshot downloader now checks if the file exists instead of just downloading it again.
Screenshots now download when a screenshot button is pressed.
Changed gradient sky offset values to support -100 to 100
Added: audio clips for weapon because of primary/secondary firing -> needs to be different than regular itemUse audio
Updated: TileData.xml
Updated from external code in TileBuilder.
Fixed a bug when submitting tilesets when an apostrophe was in some strings.
Put a compiler flag around the temp OnGUI screenshot code.
Added a testing tileset
Audio files now load in 4 bit WAV files. Is buggy and has noise for some reason.
Updated from external code.
AudioLoader now uses a temp file instead of trying to manually read in a WAV file.
Updated some TileBuilder code to match an API change.
Fixed a bug where tiles were being deleted but not reloaded.
Working over user options and system for game loading screen between level loads
Added: TileTypeScreenTransition: v1-Load screen for user – background color, text message, loading bar option and percent counter option
Updated: prefabs
Added: Text to EMTransition for startText option in screenTransition
Fixed: screen transition works correctly with editor pause at start option and editgame and game mode options
Fixed: slider bars work on tap or drag if checkbox is set either way for showing
Updated: TileData.xml
TileTypeScreenTransition: Finished off loading system between levels for end user
Fixed: screentransition line length for text checks on char count for multiline display
Fixed: screentransition rt_ mode not updating on load options btn
Released: January 24, 2017
Fixed: player – make GetRaycast() used for all raycasting done in ControllerPlayer.cs
Fixed: player – crouchStand – re-added: door – auto generate key on create available in tb and cloneycast looks for front and back end of radius before standing. (not just center only)
Fixed: player – joystick id enum not reload right back in sliders fix
Fixed: player – a ‘non-enabled”player’ can trigger things (currently)
Fixed: player – reduced jumpHeight to 1 and disabled jumpInAir – hang (top) tile – jump / land multiple times (10), player freezes on ground in jumpState and no longer moveable
Fixed: player – die – in fly mode – goes back as fly mode – but ‘needs to re-instate the playerState mode each time
Fixed: player – player speedDivider and speedMultiplier are separte from TB
Fixed: player – lives reset – checked if going back in are they
Checked: player – in volume – jump – fx does have jumpLand in water effect
Added: player – can be set to disabled and then input touch selected to start
Finalized player (play) activate methods for trigger state
Fixed: player – make sure player type is selectable and adjustable – PLAYER, AI, NPC, NONE
Fixed: player – faux gravity on jump – checked move left/right for controls – visible with animations showing left/right move correctly
Left in: faux – players colliderBOX can be enabled during faux gravity mode, along with players rbSphere – if it’s bigger, then gravity rotation will not work properly
Fixed terrain – 2 nodes (default set) – need to be checked for position and added to list
Fixed terrain – flip collider
Fixed terrain – super slow when updating properties in sliderbar
Fixed terrain – collider – it’s currently reversed – make sure you flip it back
Fixed terrain – nodes – only update if they are moved in edit mode
Fixed terrain – issue loading back in editMode – messes up ordering on nodes
Fixed terrain – infinite terrain – only shows random one screen, then flattens out
Fixed terrain – terrain fill settings – skirt o-x 1-y – only works on ‘right’ direction terrain at
Fixed terrain – infinite fill – starts random, then just does flat
Fixed terrain – on ‘first node (can delete it) and wont’ build from it
Added terrain – randomByWorldCoordinates to image placement on fill area for terrain
Fixed terrain – issue with inverted terrain colliders not working or in wrong spot
Fixed player – connected to ‘parentTo link’, then moved off, then couldn’t jump high at all. check gravity, vel, etc
Added: door – auto generate key on create available in tb and clone
Removed some missing components in the GwlSync scene.
Fixed a bug where sometimes characterAnimations would be null on loading a game.
Added: player checks if ‘enablePlayer’ is off and still sets player up just with no joystick controls
Commented out parts of faux gravity till later (tomorrow). still sticks on jump to land if at an edge
Updated: Tileset_Default_Single
Updated the tilset with goal location for the win enabled by default
Fixed lots of issues with faux gravity jump, fall, move. Behavior is closer to standard player.
Cleaned up comments in player for faux gravity checking.
Added: UIWidgets to TileBuilder
Added: fullscreen playmode update to TileBuilder
Added: New scene file for testing TileBuilder with unity ui
Added: TileViewIcon list for x,y support on dragndrop in tile view
Added: Tb buttons for construct tile
Added: Tb buttons and input for submit files
Tb: Did a first pass on auto corrections for scaling
Fixed: inputfield box on 5 for scaling
Fixed: nullref for pickupItems -> Wrapped the pickupItems[] around a null check
Renamed faux gravity label on player
Removed debug from jump
Fixed: If using limited aniClips for player, on respawn during jumpMode, dead frame gets set because velocity.y is not reset
Fixed: attribut value for goal required amount to lose is 1 (not 0) for min value
Fixed: nullref – on tilebehavior objects with hp trigger on top of object for die at start – now checks if exploder created yet (from sdh)
Updated: TileData.xml
Changed default label value for rotateToMatchAngle
Adding BlueMist and LemCraft tilesets
Updated some code from external sources.
fixed: player – crouchStand – raycast looks for front and back end of radius before standing. (not just center only)
Updated: TileData.xml
Changed label on jump move vertical in ortho mode option
Updated: tileset projects
Fixed: jump delay on jumpStart – was causing Fall() to happen for a single frame – removed yield on it
Updated: blue mist and default project
Cleaned up raycast checks for crouch up to stand (left, right)
Fixed: hangIdle now works when player is hanging and no hangIdle’Direction’ is found.
Fixed: != on hangIdle check
Fixed an issue with player isJumping – button down, same pass in JumpControl, if JumpMultiAir enabled, noGravity, and skipJumpStart was false, multiAir would be enabled. Now checks for first time regular jump.
Fixed an issue with player isJumping – single frame on skipJumpStart true, would pass to fall for the frame
Fixed isNonEnabledPlayer and trigger starting player from input touch work correctly together now
Fixed label spelling on plyaer options in TileBehavior
Changed default value for jump speed horizontal from hang in player
Updated Tile_Guy_01 project and pushed to the store
Changed (temp) TileTypePickup effect image plays once (currently turned off playing again from respawn till animation system works with playing duplicate anims)
Tileguy Tileset Shaded Version Added
Updated some code to ensure that no developer logs show up during gameplay.
Set player/weapon/attachTO so that on pickup it moves to player position then positionOffset is assigned in case player controls are center on pickup or rolls in to it
Fixed: terrain AddAutoPoint now works correctly on segment point distance. If closest to ‘0’ id, it’ll use it now.
Fixed: switched cap uv on fill type
Fixed: nodePos correct aligns itself with terrain offset now
Added: terrain randomByWorldCoordinates to use random image placement for terrain fill area
Cleaned up OnAllTilesLoadedComplete in terrain
Changed terrain node(s) transform to using TerrainNode class for better access to TerrainNodeValues
Fixed; pathVerts.RemoveAt now calls to correct sport for terrainPath to remove all values directly
Added: Node scale option for each nodeId to scale edge. Needs saving correctly before complete.
Added: subClassSaver TerrainNodeValues
Removed: legacy pause manager. Time.timeScale is now main pause system with ui
Added: item scribble physics tile to default set
Added notes to scribblephysics tile
Commented out on start recreateCollider on terrain – nodes haven’t passed to main tile yet
Added: PauseController back in. :\ Other options just not there.
Updated: RewiredInputManager for scribble physics controls
Added: scribblephysics to item type for player and trigger and regular draw mode
Updated: Settings.prefab for ui settings controller maps
Added: scribbleOn input to BagKeys
Starting to work over/ update scribblephysics tile
Refactored: scribble physics object system and creation to support player useage and rewired system
Removed: mouse and touch from scribble (using fg for all of it)
Added: meshcollider option for generating collision on scribbles on end (if not dynamic)
Added: fg drag controls to tile scribble
Separated out player (item) create scribble for coop players to use it / and mouse/touch to use it for generic player 1
Cleaned up TileTypeScribblePhysics
Made the build menu more generic.
Added the new way of doing Local mode builds to the logo scene code.
Turned off force saving all values. May introduce bugs.
Added: scribbleSpark.cs to keep track of turning scribble sparks off
Added: todo notes on to terrain tile
Added: limits to using scribble for mouse/touch – works like triggering now
Removed: enableCursor option in scribble for now. This will eventually be a full manager system
Added: collider option for at start and end during scribble drawing
Added: enable option for ‘showing’ spark effect while scribbling
Added: animations for start, idle, end on sparkEffect
Added: checking for scribble isItem – onDrag checks against itemLocation, and itemType
Fixed: distance checking for scribble – works correctly for tile distance before stopping
Fixed: touch, mouse and joystick/key vectors to work with each other
Added: player – can now push scribble objects (not checking for tb)
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: scribble ink material and animation component
Changed tb label for Spark since scribble anim are in there
Updated: Tileset Default Single
Added: scribble color (rbga) option to scribble tile
Added: slider btn and image for color
Removed: scribble material copy for color
Updated: Tileset_Default_Single project with fresh version of scribble tile object
Disabled all renderer cast shadows, receive shadows , motion vectors, light probes, and reflection probes from editor scene elements
Commented out terrain – vertical infinite – needs revisited from update to terrain
Commented out terrain – node vert scale and id till it’s saved with node file
Added: cameraHitShake to scribble ‘getting hit’ along with attackingHit
Upgraded to Unity 5.5f3 – Lots of affected files.
EditorCamera is now pointing to TileBuilderManager
Began updating the sub tile event code. Still broken.
Fixed 1 more small thing with the 5.5 upgrade.
Removed: editorCameraTarget – no longer needed
Working through camera (ui,editor,gui,game). Pulling everything into 2 groups.
Fixed: Scribblephysics – was only checking for one ray so it would occasionally skip correct collider check
Fixed: guitools updated code to 5.5+
Removed: BetterTrails – legacy trialrenderer – replacing with unity core (new) systems
Commented out trail use in vehicle tile
Finished pulling all cameras back to tbm and sdh
Removed CameraShakeGui from older gui system
About to remove main game camera from bag scene. Generating all 8 cameras now from code.
Setting up system for multi audioListener support
Added: Cameras.cs – root for all gameCameras (8 cameras) in the scene
Working through cameras for multi camera setup
Stubbed in first part on splitscreen audio for multiple audio listeners
Added: SplitScreenAudio tool
Refactored pause camera and blur effect in sdh – connects to cameras and sets each directly.
Changed: characterController.skinWidth to 0.01f for latest version of unity 5.5+
Lot’s of changes and refactoring of the game camera system for splitscreen
Updated: TileData.xml
Bag scene is setup with game and editor cameras for multi screen use
Cameras SetControllerCameraTo now sets camera grid only by column and row
Added imageEffects reference to controllerCamera base
Removed old splitscreen dynamic. If you need it come back to here
Cleaned up SDH for edit and game cameras
Removed current gui audio references in sdh – will use only one with splitscreen plugin
Added: CamerasFor to base TB, and slider btn.
Adding slider_cameras to tiles for support
Refactored: Tile imageEffect is now using standard trigger system
Fixed: Tile imageEffect initializes in default set instead of on awake
Error checking on names list for cameraImageEffects when enable and disable are called
Fixed: outofRange issue in resetEffects
Added: controllerCamera is assigned when .all is called incase nothing is there to assign it but used at start or on trigger
Fixed a bug where the default state would get previous events values on ending an edit.
Fixed another bug where default values weren’t being reset when switching between events.
Removed some mobile plugins that are no longer needed since their functionality is now built into Unity.
A colon can now be used to save congfig files as a separate application from the editor.
Fixed the build system base app name variable.
Added a way to not save audio clips if it doesn’t have any audio.
Changed the audio settings default id to an empty string.
Added “:Editor” to the product name. It gets stripped out when using the build menu.
Added a message when there are tilesets that have not yet been seen on a particular computer.
Removed many debug statements from the watcher class as it was causing some spikes.
Fixed scribble trigger enter/exit when used as an item and equipped, other tiles can’t grab for it.
Added scribble camera shake support with multi cameras and refactored shake portion
Using GetControllerCameraAny for All camera fallback to reassign cameraId value
Added multi-camereas for camera controller support
Changed call in tooltips from sdh instance to tbm instance
Added tooltip for slider_cameras
Fixed: default value for display on camera id is 0 (not 1 unity)
Updated project file for tileset default single (added clips for bomb attractor)
Updated tileData.xml
Added animation images for bombAttractor
Updated Tileset default set with cloud shadow multi camera setup
Removed comment in Bomb tile on clip check
Refactored: Tile cloud shadow to support multiple clouds from one tile
Added tile cloud with multi camera use – so you can have single tile updating correctly with each camera
Odd issue with Unity and cloudshadow shader – if you disable it, the enable, Unity no longer renders till you completely restart unity
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: scribblephysics hit camera shake on multiple
Working over door tile for cameras on door and key states
Added counter from scribble tile to physics object for checking on Hit()
Fixed a bug where the build folder wasn’t being deleted before building all targets
Added door and key checks for cameraFor options
Commented out some game camaeras in weapon
Updated: tileset projects (default single, default camera, lemcraft, bluemist, default player)
Fixed: teleporter was nullref on missing gamecamera (the temp one). works correctly for now.
Added: door auto create subtile key at start in editor option (from tb and clone)
When a tileset is purchased, it is now added to the KnownTilesetList
Updated a few scripts in Tile Builder.
Updated external code to use the Unity 5.5 API.
Made SaveDataPath not use the OneDrive directory that Windows 10 defaults to.
Updated Tile Builder to use the Unity 5.5 API.
Tilset Updates
Added several profiler calls
Updated the steam build tools
Updated the project settings to be 5.5 format.
Moved the Tilesets_Exported outside of the Build a Game folder.
Removed many Tilesets_Exported files x10.
Fixed: door camera shake on key uses controllerCamera from base instead of tbm
Refactored: weapon cameras and states for multi-camera support
Fixed Dynamic sky tile with multi game camera and setting layer to enable render to camera only options (0-3)
Added background skybox shader for tile(soon) gradient color option
Added a flag that forces all values to be saved on release builds for now.
Fixed: skyPlane layer for editor. Uncommented the init part
Finished DynamicSky updates with camera and game/editor fullscreen mode settings
Removed backgroundskybox shader after testing
Fixed: Tile teleporter and port for multi game cameras
Fixed: Tile terrain for multi game camera
Removed: init GetCameraControllers from tiles.
Added: LoadCameraControllers to base Apply at start for Cameras
Fixed: player stayed in jump on land – isIdleAtEdge in gravity then switch during play didn’t disable in fakemoving (no gravity)
Fixed: weapon tile now checks only once during shooting for cameras to update based on last holder
Fixed: nullref issues with cameras on background tile init
Fixed: player now works with cameras and fg system
CameraController is completely removed from TBM. Called directly now from tiles to Cameras
Renamed TileName string for backgrounds – sky, parallax, gradient
Added: gradient tile type for background sky type
Added: gradient shaders to Resource
Added: gradient sky to default single
Added: gradient sky btns, images and prefabs
Added: gradient sky tile type
Updated: Tileset Default Single with gradient sky default settings
Removed some debug from background tile
Added: Gradient tile type is in and working 🙂
Added: scr and dest options in gradient shaders so blendmodes can be changed at runtime
Added: gradient btns, images, and prefabs
Updated: TileData.xml with gradient sky
Fixed: gradient parent is set to tileImage offset on init
Added: icon display back to gradient – testing
Changed: icon to have border with corner image
Tested gradient eventTriggers
gradient mat change
Cameras SetPan2DForListener correct sets listener pos for splitscreen audio
Infinite UV system should now work properly.
Released: December 21, 2016
Fixed: spawnFromDie wasn’t checking for player visibleInGame on reset
Added: spawnFromStart is setup to check first before setting player idle direction and anim
Updated CharacterAnimation list – interact, win, lose, pickup, putdown, holding, pull, push
Removed: id values for group properties in player
Fixed: holding and pulling object checks for collider from obj sets speed correctly on trigger hit
Added: tiles for putDown, pickup, push, pull, interact, holding
Fixed: Spawn from die anim plays once, then resets to loop after
Added: spawnFromDie tiles (directions) to Default Player tileset
Fixed Tilesets not being publishable in builds.
Added: player Character states now check for isSpawningFromStart (and isDead) before starting
Added: player now has SpawnFromStart() option to spawn in at the beginning of the level and a delay time
Added: Win / Lose / Interact in to CharacterPlayer
Fixed: PlayerRenderer on enable – uses player visibleInGame to decide on respawn
Rerouted PlayerIdleDirection through SetPlayerDirectionAtStart to decide if spawning or standard idle start
Added: spawnFromStart animations for Default Player tileset
Fixed: spawn from start direction – conflict between direction and joystickDirection
Removed: string lookups for aniDirection – using ani direct from player ani
Cleaned up spawn at start methods in to SpawningFromStart region
Organizing for win/lose on player
Fixed: player at start if not using spawnFromStart checks visibility correctly now.
Removed: double check spot on visibility for player in spawn
Added: player can now skip jumpStart jumpLand states to speed up twitch jumping ability
Fixed: jumpMulti inAir and onGround check correctly for the skip state on jumpStart jumpLand
Updated: TileData.xml
Fixed: player – joystick id enum not reload right back in sliders fix
Cleaned up some controller player code (pathing)
Fixed: rotation movement direction for faux gravity. Player now moves ‘forward’ correctly after a jumpTo and switch direction occurs
Changed the label on time to include ‘non-team’ since it only checks for single play events
Added: win / won / lose / loss – 2 states a piece – anim play once, then loop
Added: GameOver framework – will be on all play/rule based tiles
Updated: tooltips with goal changes
Refactoring GoalTile to support multistate win / lose conditions
Added: goal slider btns and images
Working through getting a consistent/useable variable set for goal conditions/rules
Working over extended goal system
Added: GoalCondition class
Still working through extending goal system
Full loop on goal is working now 🙂
Added goal slider btn to all tiles
Lots of updates to goal tile
Added: base.EnableTriggerEvent ( obj ); and base.DisableTriggerEvent to tiles to call up goal check
Changed goal_target to goal_items
Cleaned up goal tile and removed pickup checking – just using item for all tiles to use it
Removed goal item brush
Updated: tooltips.txt
Added: single frame win,won,lose,loss to default single frame player set
Updated: TileData.xml
Updated: goal system works for win,lose – through manager tile and back to related goal enabled tiles
Removed: GoalItem.cs
Minor fixes to goal system
Changed the Android bundleId to match the Play store bundle Id.
Added an initial Android app for users to earn gold.
Added a compiler flag around some editor only code in the BipedController
Initial setup of the Ads app
Fixed some bugs with the ads app
Fixed a bug where ads weren’t showing
Added the BAG icon to the android app.
Working over co-op and single conditional system (next up is verses)
Added: Goal Team Settings and slider buttons
Working through more goal integration for co-op play
Goal system (single player, team solo, team tally) version 1 completed. Checking for bugs
Changed slider button labels to match new features in goal
Forcing SubQuality level to 0, which is for highest quality.
Fixed the positioning in the AttachToObject system.
Updated the attach to object system to work with both player and non player tile parenting.
Cleaning up pauseManager
Added: New project and Open image options – creates them correctly now
Fixed: bugs with plugins linetool and shaders
General bug fixing and clean up on scene, code
added hotkeys to brush, pan and zoom (like photoshop)
Added hotkey for undo (shiftz in editor, ctrlz in build)
Updated: Rewired – supports Linux editor side 🙂
Fixed zoom amounts
Fixed buid error on mobile bb
Adding all dll’s from printer and Rewired
Fixed: goal time counter issue with solo play – now you can define which tiles get used in final list check
Changed the label on time to include ‘non-team’ since it only checks for single play events
Fixed: rotation movement direction for faux gravity. Player now moves ‘forward’ correctly after a jumpTo and switch direction occurs
Updated Project Files
Updated Goal Tile Icons
Fixed positioning when a parented item is set to useParentRotation.
AttachTo system should now work properly for local and parent rotations as well as player vs non-player parenting.
Removed compiler flags so now Rewired now works in the Linux Editor.
Updated new property icons
Fixed: most issues with player faux gravity work – but currently commented out till lock issue fixed
Renamed several ui files
Fixed issues with right panel and splitters
Added color pallet and system for picking
Fixed issues with bottom timeline panel – layout region and min/max on btn click
Fixed: timeline clip drag issues – works correctly for drag/drop
Added: mouseTracking – so that each panel can check correctly for zoom options
Added: 25 texture imageEffects for layers/images
Added: apply/revert to imgageEffects for image
Added: ImageEffect selector system
Cleaned up scene file
Updated toolbar icons
Added: standin images for timeline and layer buttons
Added: hotkeys for tools and commands
Added: timeline support for buttons
Added: frame support and buttons
Added: animation preview window and toggle button
Fixed: double click on lists all work correctly now
Added: images for new buttons (nearly all of them)
Added: timeline clip
Added: hotkey manager start
Added: play and loop toggles for animation preview window
Fixed: anim window toggle – removed popup method
Removed: slider_goal duplicate from TileTypeBlock
Added a check to ensure that msgText is assigned to. Was causing a null reference exception.
Commented the asset unloading code since it was causing some issues with games.
Released: November 21, 2016
Fixed: player – base tile – push against physics object (in sideview mode) – straight l/r doesnt work smoothly – catches on other colliders
Fixed: player – tileQuad removed and on pointer spot’x’ arrow – starts,idle anim. then on finish or new pos, it does the end anim.
Fixed: player – left/right collider boxes for player are now in correct positions when built
Fixed: player – crouch raycast check up to see if player can stand from crouch
Changed: player – crouch speeds in slider btn properties
Removed: player – Slide to stop from crouch – implementing base slide system for crouch slide
Refactored: player – moveSlide to support crouchSlide
Added: player – crouchSlide speeds increase, decrease, max
Fixed: player – CharacterAiLerp speed gets current speed factored with all effectors
Added: player – PlayBipedAnimation checks for current animation clip from player and sets animator clips
Fixed: player – TargetPosition for player when clicking to move to spot.
Fixed: player – DisableTargetPositionImage now removes itself when player gets to position
Fixed: player – snapToGridSpacing offset is now 0.5f with standard size
Removed: player – SelectionMode system from player – it will be a playType
Enabled: player – AstarPathfinding on player (again). Only activates if user enables it
Cleaned: player – up InitPlayerProperties()
Changed: player – fall move speed default to 14
Added: player – CreateBipedController is now part of initialization for player (currently disabled)
Added: player – fly force speed – gets applied to gravity when player is in fly mode
Fixed: player – gridGraph.collision.mask is now 22 for tile collider
Added: player – BipedController.cs
Removed: player – Crouch Slide Toggles from player (commented out)
Updated: player – TileData.xml
Added: player – Bag biped character system (files, animations, etc)
Removed: player – old vehicle folder and files
Removed: player – old avatar folder and files
Working player – over the rotation issues with attachToObject system
Updated: player – AstarPathfindingProject
Removed: player – TileQuad – Create.Quad replaces it with additional funcationality
Removed: player – removed and replaced old JsonFx system from pathfinding
Added: player – animation states for arrowPointer, selectionBox, and targetPosition (start, idle, end)
Replaced: player – create.quad and anims for those states
Fixed: player – end states work either on idle to end or on new quad created
Added: player – animations for Default Player tileset – arrowPointer and targetPosition (start,idle,end)
Removed: player – Crouch Slide Toggles from player (commented out)
Updated: player – TileData.xml
Disabled: player – the developer console in builds so we can get line numbers in exceptions.
Removed: player – floating behavior from player, controller, animations. Using volume for now. Will update later.
Fixed: player – lots of minor issues with crouching states and transitions
Fixed: player – slide for move and crouch works correctly for gravityDir
Corrected: player – crouchSlide art for Default player tileset
Fixed: player – slide checks better for gravityDir during a jump while in a isSliding state for crouch and/or movement
Added: player – useCrouchSlideVel to allow slide velocity to play (optional) during a jump from crouch
Added: player – useMoveSlideVel to allow slide velocity to play (optional) during a jump from move
Changed: player – default values for moveDash are now 10 for all directions
Removed: player – jumpDash gravity effectors
Removed: player – jumpStandard art (old) from Default player tileset
Removed: player – slider btns (art) for float and jumpDashWithGravity
Added: player – tile animations for jumpPound (directions and states – apex, down, land) for player default tileset
Released: November 14, 2016
Using richText for gui text. Following are useable type.<color=”htmlcolor”>colored text “red”bold textitalic text<size=20>sized text
Fixed: fallMovementSpeed on fall. Was using defaultup speed.
Changed default setting for fall on collide above – 12 (was 5)
Refactored: player moveDash (on ground).
Player MoveDash: Distance base tracking when dashing
Player MoveDash: Speed option for all directions
Player MoveDash: Speed start up increment
Player MoveDash: Speed slow down increment
Player MoveDash: Lock in direction (till done, hit wall)
Player MoveDash: No lock allows player to switch dashing when ever they like
Controller player – Starting to work over the joystick.SetHorizontalDirection for l,r and angles
Player can optionally set collide above to check while in jump – if jumpState is up, and no check, player can float on ceiling till apex reached
Removed separate way of checking on gavityDir during a jump height check – still need to check for .x on it
Switched player move die/dead checks so that if no animation and player disables die option, it will still transition back to spawn if lives
Commented out Float option till polished. Player can still use volume for water, liquid, etc
Now checking against curjumpPos so that tiny jumps are recognized and apex can still be reached
Removed: MoveEnter,Exit,Stay from player
Removed: CheckForGroupMover checks from Tile. No longer need old group system.
Removed: CheckForGroupMover from subPanel system.
Fixed: Player start direction defaults correctly now when no Checkpoints available on load (game mode)
Fixed: Player onDie explode (radial damage) works correctly now
Fixed: Passthrough works with override and comments have been removed.
Changed: moveDashDistance and jumpDashDistance – With new system for move and jump Dash – now checking for distance not time
Commented out slider_char_spawnScreen from player. Only need spawn settings.
Commented out all float slider btns from player.
Removed SubTileGroupTrigger.cs
Added: ResetMoveDash to VolumeEnter for the first time so that the two stay separate
Added: player supports invincible (no hurt) option during states. currently available on jumpDash and moveDash.
Changed player idleAtEdge distance depth check – works like everything else (1/10 per tile distance)
Fixed: player jump wasn’t resetting prevJumpPos, which caused apex to be reached to soon
Fixed: player passthroughDropDown – now checks for override from base class correctly
Fixed: nullref on boxCollider creating for player in rt_mode
Fixed: trigger base – checks for parent obj before allowing a trigger enter to occur
Fixed: controlJumpHeight – reset apex so any jump state could start going back down properly
Fixed: cloud – dynamic cloud shadow is breaking only in steam build (test and fix)
Fixed: player – idle at edge depth – make standard – 10 is 1 tile for raycast (not 60) – Edge Depth Distance
Fixed: player – reduced jumpHeight to 1 and disabled jumpInAir – hang (top) tile – jump / land multiple times (10), player freezes on ground in jumpState and no longer moveable
Fixed: player – MoveEnter () – heh. its on character and subtile thing. group. decide if needed at all?
Fixed: player – on dead ‘moving back’ spawn still hits trigger-able items – be sure it’s checking for it in trigger
Fixed: player – on ‘respawn’ when hiding the player, he ‘appeared’ before the setDirection was enabled
Fixed: player – case 4: moveConstantDirection = new Vector3 ( 1,-1, 0 ) – all other directions fixed on x
Fixed: player and volume – jumpslider for volume – all right side slider variables need flipped to show up correctly
Fixed: player – climb toggle is turned off – go to ladder – push ‘up’, he doesnt attach but is stuck in up move ani and mode – look at the trigger enter on this one
Fixed: player – ‘non-enabled”player’ triggered camera
Fixed: player – start direction in editMode – toolsEnabled – uses correct id
Fixed: player and hang – slides down – if timed right – it’s counting to the slide point, you jump,land on the other one and it picks up for th slide
Fixed: player and hang – auto slide speed -> set for one (ex. top is 1, next one is 0), if the delay is zero then it doesn’t set the value to it, just keeps on going.
Fixed: PlayerStartState () ex: isFlyingIdle, move, swim, etc – some are non trigger based so be sure you can access them
Fixed: player – jump on top of pickupobject – get it. it sets distance where you ‘were’ so if falling down, its WAY above. fix it or give option for both
Fixed: player – collide check on holdObject that you pickup now works correctly in all directions – stopping player movement while holding – (jumping next)
Fixed: player – holdInOneSpot carry and toss directions – was sticking on one side only and it’s the opposite side on x
Fixed: player – joystick controller that checks direction to stop player speed = 0 for hold/move with object
Fixed: player – push / pull – gets stuck every time moving the object left/right
Fixed: player – toss on non-physic object – timer doesnt seem to go to full amount stops short
Fixed: player – pickupObjectCol.size setting when pickup and holding occcurs. And resets correctly on drop or toss
Fixed: player – added option to ‘skip’ jumpLand check (animations) so on player jumping – and re-jumping – it can be instant
Fixed: hang – on slide down jumped to other hang… and instantly slide..supposed to restart
Fixed: player – pickup option – rotate straight if pushed over, etc
Added: player – pickupAutoRotate as option in slider btns for rotating
Fixed: editor – stop btn animating away (tween) – click and should instantly animate was called first but bogged down by save/remove()
Fixed: pull/push/pickup collider – now scales the actual tileCollider collider when moving
Added: player can constant jump with button down – option in jump slider btn
Fixed: player – rotate speed for joystick rotate needs to be ‘slower’ – put multiplier in there
Fixed: player – point and click – leave spot behind – on btnUp – it does another one. needs to only be once checked till reached or ‘down’ happens again
Fixed: player – point and click – arrow directional – states (start,idle,end) now work correctly – end stays till done, then goes disables
Fixed: player – added isIdle check on move/idle system to fix ‘move to on click’ – didn’t end on idle animation stayed on move dir. also it was set for velocity determines direction
Removed: player – spawn screen transition – no longer calling from here – has tile of its own for controlling when and on what tile
Removed: player – slider_char_spawnScreen and it’s callbacks fromm player
Fixed: player – move to spawn position – if ‘hide’ character while moving – now checks correctly for items visible and disables them during move
Fixed: player – need spawn to check if player has items during spawn move – and turn off -> tileTypePlayer.moveBackToSpawnPositionTime
Released: October 24, 2016
Fixed: highlighter in copied version in rt mode – remove when making it.
Fixed: hud image needs to init with in edit mode setup (example use the variable you set to show)
Fixed: gui – hud – watcher – images – need to relate to #’s (needs implemented)
Added: gui – it can be images that each play (and animate)
Cleaning up some gui hud code
Removed: Highlighting plugin ( 3d model type shader system)
Removed: Text plugins
Updated: effected bag code with plugin removal. About to fixup with our own text.
Removed: 9 old plugins
Removed: old spawner system
Commented out debugs in watcher
Removed: old wave mesh plugin
Removed: old login system plugin
Removed: old files for AudioControlForMenu and Sliders
Removed: old files from plugins including some Android files -> ouya and vibrator system
Removed: slider btns from Gui font options that are no longer used
Removed: meta file
Finished off Gui text rewrite
Finished off first pass to new text system for gui tile
Cleaning up text code for gui tile
Added: gui text scaling
Fixed: gizmo tool scaling for gui on 9 slice
Added: TileText (removed old text systems) – All basic features of text system
Added: textAlignment slider btns and setup to gui tile
Removed: gui gwlSelection because gwlManager controls is across all tiles
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: cloudShadow tiletype back in to default tileset
Updated tooltips
Added: slider btns for message alignment, color, settings
Removed: old text plugin manager from bag scene
Fixed: tiletype message works correctly with updated text
Added: tiletype message has option for trigger events to show message
Added: slider btns for message tiles new options
Fixed: base tile – text – setting offset height – didn’t use offset when showing messsage in play mode
Fixed: player – on dead ‘moving back’ spawn still hits trigger-able items – be sure it’s checking for it in trigger
Fixed: player – reduced jumpHeight to 1 and disabled jumpInAir – hang (top) tile – jump / land multiple times (10), player freezes on ground in jumpState and no longer moveable
Released: October 17, 2016
Fixed: gui – font – fix and be sure scaling is correct
Fixed: gui – font type,size,etc – messes up on sizing
Fixed: gui – issues when putting guiTile on camera- then changing to show in uiOnly and inputUI- doesn’t allow dragging during that state
Added: button for ‘quick lock/unlock’ user that locks it – and tagged by user
Added: d-pad – use to rotate left/right and scale up/down – if over the tile – it auto does it, no need to go to properties
Added: Lock options for tiles – erase and move – setup with multiUserControllers
Fixed: gui image offset rt mode on enableTools
Remove: CheckLayerOffsetParent from gui – no longer needed
Updated: TileData
Fixed: gui – tween scale issue on state change
Removed: parentForSprite, using thisTfm now
Cleaned up gui code (lots of things)
Tile previews in TileBuilder now show as compressed or non-compressed as the user toggles the compression setting.
Fixed: gui now works correctly with the eyedropper for both guiCamera placement and just in scene.
Temp: Re-assigned triggerObj instead of destroying it on eyedropper create
Removed: special case stuff for gui in eyedropper management – works like the others
Updated: tooltip doc
Added Ortho Tile Set for Map World
Updated: Tileset project files for pixel_fox and tilegui 01
Fixed: OutOfRange error on SDH for TileManager using an empty tileset for highlight id
Changed compressed option to false for default.
Exported: Tileset tile guy map 01
Updated bagproj files from exporting
Updated project files for bag tile guy 01 and map 01
Updated tile guy map 01 project
Fixed: player can now jump (ortho) with 0 or 1 set for speed/height
Fixed: player getTime animationClip for JumpState.Apex -> limited fallback to only jumpClips if available
Tileset loading is much more fluid now via coroutines and threading.
Fixed the message box not showing up initially.
Fixed an issue where Unity APIs were being called from within a thread.
Fixed: gui tile text sets correctly (font, type, size, color) when textfxanimation is updated.
Renamed: UV Infinite TileBuilder labels to read easier
Fixed: nullref in effect manager check on value[]
Changed: text font color anim config for rgb defaults to black (no longer white)
Added: slider btn for gui text font settings
Added: Lock options for tiles – erase and move – setup with multiUserControllers
Added: gui tile – started working over auto system for hud type images (ex. multiple hearts for health)
Added: gui tile – check for multiple dragTiles if hud type enabled (and watcher brush connected to tile)
Implemented the gui hud system for animations and works correctly with watcher brushes and ids
Added: gui hud images (heart) for default set – temp at the moment
Fixed: player getting stopped during hurt / impact phase while jumping but on ground and already having isCurrentlyJumping enabled (yea!)
Refactored: gui hud auto animation / display images system
Updated: images for default set using gui hud
Fixed: loading issues with the smoother tile loading adjustments.
Fixed: a bug when a user has 0 tilesets.
Released: October 10, 2016
Fixed: guiTile – bug – onUp, onDown – sticks, won’t do onUp
Fixed: replace gui tile parenting system
Fixed: doubled guitile after reloading
Fixed: add anchor points based on ‘edge’ not percent, but pos / size
Fixed: Switched around pixelSelection option in settings
Fixed: Fixed move/drag option for subtile terrain node
Fixed: Added terrain tile back in to default set for testing – checking for node remapping correctly
Added: tileset pixel fox (v1)
Added: check for adminSetFeatured
Added: tooltip system framework
Updated more TileBehaviors to use thisObj and thisTfm that were previously missed.
TileBehavior gameObject and transform now is based on JunkClass only in the Editor
In final builds gameObject and transform come from MonoBehaviour
Updated Tile Builder code from external code
Began changing the tileset loading from immediately to only just before editing
Finished setting up tilesets to load and unload based on whether or not in edit mode
Art: update tileset tile guy 01
Art: added new files for tile guy 01
Art: renamed player files for pixel fox
Updated: tooltips now have lookups
Fixed: tooltip checks for equals on name type for tb
Updated: bag scene with changes to tooltips
Tooltip system is in and working with Bag (Access with select tool)
Removed: TooltipReceiver – no longer needed
Disabled: tooltip from user side while its being finished off.
Updated: tooltip.txt list with all sliders and tiles
Fixed: some audio issues.
Updated: audio code from external library and removed unused Wav file code.
Finished: Tooltip v1 🙂
Updated: tooltips.txt
Correct texture names for GetList() to save text labels correctly
Added: GetList method in Tooltips
Added: Tooltip is now in Settings options
Added: tooltip to sdh settings list to animate
Changed: ordering of tooltip in settings
Added: compression option to tiles. Default is true. If the property doesn’t exist it will default to off.
Fixed: a flashing bug when loading a level.
Fixed: a bug where the message box was the wrong color in local mode.
Renamed: a method because it was calling the wrong method which caused tilesets not to load.
Fixed: gui check on slider_back – caused Settings mode to exit out (without toggle button)
Fixed: minor bugs with tooltip with text show/hide
Fixed: updating properties on tooltip in Settings
Added: tooltip values to user xml
Updated: slider bar start/end boxes – they (layer id was 8, switched to default) were messing up Settings options for disabling
Added: subTileEventBtn to tooltip lookup for ui events
Updated: tooltips.txt with all Event trigger buttons
Removed: some debugs from tooltip
Separated tooltip and tooltipDisplay for settings
Changed: dist on endCapRight for panel settings
Fixed: labels on tooltip – editor/subtile switched
Removed variables from tooltip display that were for settings only
Fixed: label for brush terrain is now node
Tooltip commented out hide on exit with no title – use blocker for click to hide
Updated: tooltips.prefab
Thumbnails now show up in the organizer again.
Set alpha for tooltip properties to 0 on enter edit mode
Fixed: if moving quickly across tiles with tooltip, it will now show correct tile that you stopped on
Fixed: gui tile on ui layer no longer takes input until in editor or game
Enabled Debug on gui tile for testing
Tooltip fades in correctly with all panels on loading from selectscene to editor
Starting to work over core gui tile
Disabling gui connection to camera for testing
Cleaning up gui tile connection system
Released: October 3, 2016
Fixed: nullref – triggerEvent brush got assigned to subtileTiles – wasn’t checking for subtileType state none
Reduced by half the gameCamera move speed for freeMove pixel border move type
Disabled autoTile anim random start
Removed old code from tween and fixed from/to in method on scale
Added ‘close’ button to gizmoTool (image and prefab)
Added: GizmoTool disable option on close
Unity Editor bug only: bottom panels – look to see the panel drag distance issue on panel updating
Fixed: tiles from hotkey layers (1-5) no longer track with cached file right before saving and move to home layer (1)
Changed title and description on Tileset default camera
Updated filterIndex on reset to be 2 (for showAll btn)
Fixed: EnableTools subTileBtn initialized on Create, lost on Disabled, now resets and is RT_mode able with GetSettings
Fixed: offset direction for gui, player, base (gui – position offset x works correctly for +- values from slider)
Fixed: editor – layers – coming back from editGameMode – enabled wrong layer (random)
Fixed: editor – layers – ‘showed home layer’, but was still selecting layer 4 front (check that it’s resetting)
Fixed: editor – layers – on general settings – keeps slipping to 1 in enableTools for first time (random but often)
Fixed: editor – layers – highlighter – first time needs to be ‘pos’ on a layertile, not at 0
Fixed: editor – layers – resetting cached layer incorrectly
Fixed: editor – layers and viewAllMode options are correctly storing and setting values on tiles during each mode.
Fixed: editor – highlighters positions updating correctly based on hotkeys and selections going in to tabs
Fixed: editor – tilesets added to list for the first time (from organizer) pop in, not scale up
Fixed: editor – breaking nullref – subtileTile – teleporterPort. Place other tile in. Use group brush – connect to the portTo (subtileTile). Freezes up on rebuild (play).
Fixed: editor – slider bar – does not fade-in if initial bar count were less (happens every time)
Fixed: editor – highlighter other tabs need the same thing – not 0, but actual pos
Fixed: editor – 1st time in – went to layers – last one, then put tile, then 2nd, 3rd. then went to its properties (longpress), then clicked on toggle orange button to go out. then UI all messed up.
Fixed: editor – filter tab – when it auto selects back to ‘showAll’ goes to wrong spot – selects the grayedout gui one
Fixed: editor – cursor mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse, touch) now check correctly after selection is made in tile (no longer ‘enter’ to brush tile on, unless active)
Fixed: editor – group brush – if tile angled – it ‘jumps it back to regular’ – useLocalRotation ->
Fixed: editor – group brush – if tile angled ‘after’ – if you rotate the main one, it jumps the groups back around
Fixed: editor – group brush – selection mode has both, use localrot on other. rotate. then when move parent, other ‘resets’ instead of updating to its new pos,rot
Fixed: editor – group brush – applied – played 2nd time (editmode) from groupbox copy/paste with ladder – all but one group didn’t stay connected with ladders and parent (very random)
Fixed: editor – group brush – if connected – add ‘option’ to show/hide correctly with connected tile – if parent visible off, then all others off
Fixed: editor – Reordered filter btns for gui and editor (still just standin for later).
Added: editor – Smooth zooming back to home when clicking on home btn (toolbar)
Added: editor – figure out the breaking stuff on panning -> ispanning while in subtile mode, then orange button out – messed up stuff on UI
Added: settings tile gizmo options
Added: home button depth to settings()
Added: tile selected btn to settings() for tile zoomTo and moveTo when selected
Fixed a bug where tile counts were incorrectly displayed when saving a level.
Added some basic memory tools and logs.
Added: gizmo materials to colorThemeManager – #5
Fixed: ReturnFromZoomToSelectedTile now checks if next selection is editToolMode or back out
Fixed: gizmo rotation to work on int not float while turning
Fixed: tile physics – buouancy – enabled and physics – messes up Rotation (doesn’t lock xy rotation) reproducible -> spins it after awhile.
Fixed: editor – joystick – didn’t zoom back out after completing – add to joystick gamePadController system to check for it
Added: ReturnFromZoomToSelectedTile to DisableSubTileMode to have joystick work correctly on exit of subtile
Reduced Xml loading time and garbage collection by half. – For instance, a 40 MB Xml file would:A) use 1.1 GB of garbage collectionB) Take about 28 seconds to load – It now uses 650 MB of garbage collection and takes 14 seconds
Fixed: tile Light – color didn’t change the tileImage values – double checked – it works
Added: audioObj to AnimationEvent parameters
Added: audioclip options for playing on different objects created through base
Removed: audio options for weapon states that were no longer getting called to.
Added: cameraManualMove is disabled on editor exit after cleanup (checking on it)
Changed Move/zoom to/back selected tile – move must be enabled in order to zoom. Otherwise camera can zoom to blank spot (unfocused on tile).
Added: toggle button 3 (checkmark) for settings option and subtile properties – replaces standard toggle at those stages
Removed: comments from tbm
Added: zoom depth amount as option in Settings for tileSelected and gizmo tool
Fixed: base tile – physics on, buoyancy on, lock rotation on physics, but nothing on move x,y option -> sets none on constraints
Fixed: fade out time – particles – check that time multiplier is being used for that and others
Fixed: make sure weaponHit bullet is checking for player team tags ->self,team,race,faction
Fixed: editor – drag in selectMode tool – it just goes and goes – doesn’t get checked if dragging only tap
Fixed: bug: on multi hit – player should stay slow, but speed doubles – check
Fixed: volume tile – push lots of times and it drops out
Tested the background with multiple to see if character trigger works when camera switch occurs
Released: September 26, 2016
Below are just a few camera commits. There were so many changes and updates, that they were grouped in to ‘camera fixed’. 🙂
Fixed: camera – angels check on follow camera – jittering back/forth – could be tile distance set verses screen distance
Fixed: freeMove – coming from another cameratype (follow), when you trigger FreeMove – it jumps camera
Fixed: nullref with player on no pathing enabled, but trying to use it (checkbox enabled)
Fixed: camera can trigger objects when passing over them
Fixed: camera peek that simply goes to multiple spots with options
Fixed: need option – if you ‘touch’ trigger it, then it sticks to you.
Fixed: camera focus – keeps zooming out based on when triggered, set from first time only zooming issues / keeps zooming in too
Fixed: Border move (mouse,click,keys) – 2 border check dist – mouse supported
Fixed: Border lock – distance edge that camera stops at
Fixed: camera height offset works correctly
Fixed: camera – peek – freeze character
Fixed: background tile works (parallax) with no player connected to the camera – depth current is the issue – should always be following ‘CamTarget’
….Camera Fixed 🙂
Released: September 19, 2016
Fixed: lightning bolt tile – stopped playing bolt after removing the target brushes – goes back to regular state
Fixed: Added a stay check for hpTrigger if attacker/defender collides (enter) but hpEnable is off and then needs to check after re-enable
Fixed: Filling out tile damage states and systems
Fixed: Finished off Damage tile type
Fixed: callback for slider button on damage tile
Fixed: Added triggerEvent to activate mode change in damageTile
Fixed: an argument exception bug.
Fixed: Added: buoyancy spring height to physics – when objects steps off it, tile can bouncy up high.
Fixed: Updated: trigger slider icons for trigger tile
Fixed: Added: InitPRS at start for all tiles to set hori and vertical numbers based on start pos
Fixed: Changed default pool amount for bolt to 3 with max to 20
Fixed: player – hurt/impact (multiple times) sets gravity to 0 and overrides other ones
Fixed: die/spawnTo freezing
Fixed: subtile mode – click on a subtile btn, then click in scene – on a tile – it disables.
Fixed: particle tile – delay needs time multiplier
Fixed: bug with player floating after hit – on hurt (multiple at once) with impact (multiple), EnableGravity would set gravity to 0.
Fixed: issue with jumpPad target player height and speed variables
Fixed: Cleaned up enable/disable gravity for player
Fixed: editor slider icon (click on it, then a tile in scene) was still letting it disable property mode
Updated: gravity for player in pickup init
Fixed: speed and height for jumppad to target location – much closer now 🙂
Added: TileTypeDialogBubble to tile type
Added: Images for default tileset
Updated: TileData.xml
Added: slider images for dialogbubble and event images
Setup Bubble class for saving/changing its properties
Added: tiles for additional animation states (bubble type 1,2,3)
Fixed: tileAnimation that wasn’t being assigned to dialog bubble body
Adding in Bubble subclass properties to slider options
Added: materials,textures and prefabs for slider icons
Added: 2 more sliders for dialogBubble options and settings
Working through user side setup for messages
Updated default dialogBubble images
Added a Hard scaling toggle to Tile Builder.
Spaced out the import toggles a little better.
Implemented functionality for the Hard scaling import option.
Fixed: a possible out of index exception in Tile Builder.
Updated: Tile Builder from external code.
Updated: textures to load based on filter mode (Point, Bilinear, and Trilinear).
Removed: old camp code.
Updated: login controller in bag.
Updated: TileData.xml for DialogBubble rollout check
Updated: keyboard prefab with additional message boxes
Updated: bag scene with prefab changes
Added: support for message boxes in dialogbubble
Finished off DialogBubble
Fixed: a compiler flag where Windows wasn’t being picked up as a platform.
Fixed: letterLineLimit updating in RT_mode
Fixed: time issue on readTime for dialog system
Added: a universal compiler flag for linux builds.
Added: attributes to the PixelBubble class so the values will show up in Tile Builder.
Removed a few files with the .orig extension.
Adding a skipMessageOnClick option to DialogBubble
Fixed: multiple bugs to DialogBubble
Renamed :default tiles for dialogBubble
Updated: TileData.xml with dialogBubble
Added: offsetX on font position in dialog
Added: 9 animations for dialog and audio clips
Corrected x flip on font offset for dialog
Fixed: pickup issues with SetWeaponValuesForStationary
Items now display whether they are public or private.
Tilesets and games can now be published as public or private.
Tileset isPublic setting is now updated locally to match the server.
Fixed: a bug with setting public or private to games.
Removed the disable scripts from the public and private buttons.
When sorting items by rating, they will now secondarily sory by purchase count.
Fixed: nullref with tbm curTileEditTool being used
Fixed: itemMoveSpeed and itemJumpHeight/Speed now work correctly with player on pickup
Fixed: item speed settings are now 0-300% towards player state movement/jumping
Fixed: item jump connected with SetVelocityJumpHeight() setup
Fixed: Jetpack item to work properly with changes
Removed: overrides from weapon tile on item base class
Fixed: Bullet now recognizes different bullets so that it can shoot them, again. 🙂
Fixed: weapon charging value for min/max (0-100) correctly applies a percent toward the final hitpoint value returned from attack
Fixed: weapon recoil RT_ mode lock directional setups
Fixed: weapon recoil on hit RT_modes for lock directional setups
Added: Multiple player checking for CameraPassThrough.
Added: camera default set to tilesets
Released: September 9, 2016
Fixed: goal item – tell connected tile it’s a goal and add to list
Fixed: goal timer timeMultipler on goal counter
Fixed: goal timer time watcher value display whole numbers for now
Fixed: timer pause is for time only, not scaleTime for scene
Fixed: OnAllTilesLoadedComplete fixed GoalItem on connection
Fixed: Added tostring on value for current time
Fixed: ladder – platform not working – double check where the ‘top edge’ is supposed to be
Fixed: light2d trigger states were virtual – needed to be override – fixed for enter/exit
Fixed: teleporter and portTo for enter/exit moveTo start/end positions and bool options
Fixed: teleporter start/end time and positions in moveto option
Added: events to teleporter that were on todo list (lets transitionscreen work with it easily)
Changed: transitionscreen brushbutton option for subtile mode
Fixed: missing image for selection tool in editor – comes in graphic-e dots
Fixed: eyedropper cause nullref if tileset doesn’t exist
Added: eyedropper on click, if tileset doesn’t exist now skips auto selection from panel and just copies in scene
Fixed: if in editMode with tileset id (last in list), go out, remove tileset, back in – on load causes nullref
Fixed: Checking for hudTiles (nullref) on subpanel mode going out and tweening out each tile if there
Fixed: background tile didn’t allow for clamp/repeat option. added slider button for uv and wrapmode
Fixed: ladder jump – switch height and speed placement
Fixed: ladder jump – jump angle bool – is opposite – change to 1,0 for slider
Fixed: UnityException: Transform child out of bounds TileSelection.SetScrollerSize – when no tilesets, and opening tileViewer
Fixed: navigation for scrollbar in marketcenter – automatic for up/down connection
Updated: market_center.prefab
Fixed: escape key works correctly in gwl with tile selection panel up going back
Fixed: default jump and jump speed settings
Fixed: angleJump bool option – sliders were flipped
Fixed: back button (escape) now works correctly in gwl and tile selection screen – calls EscapeDone
Changed: joystick button for title changing to BagKeys.uiPause (2nd center button on joystick) to not interfere with uiCancel
Fixed: hang – values are flipped on the connect to direction – fix/flip
Added: subtile mode exit is now only toggle btn (orange btn left top)
Added: toggle option in settings for subtile mode exit as layer 14 (grid) – default is off
Reported as Bug: Small black text stating what it is that I have selected is appearing on the screen occasionally
Fixed: door padding issues for blocking – on die and move away, both work correct now
Fixed: volume tile – push horizontal – goes wrong direction + should be right, – left
Fixed: volume speeds and height should be defaults
Fixed: reorder volume jumpHeight and jumpSpeed
Fixed: volume override player – default to true
Fixed: volume lock directions need to override player movement/directions
Fixed: volume hold breath and players hold breath
Fixed: eventTrigger panel not moving up on initial click
Fixed: trigger event no longer sets prs at empty values on start
Fixed the remaining known bug with editting multiple the Trigger targets
Initial fix for a trigger bug when switching between multiple trigger targets.
Note: Slider caps still need to be disabled when selecting other target.
Fixed: Recover rate from volume breath works correctly now and restores and hurts at the right times.
Fixed: escape works correctly in all panels now (tile viewer, tile selection, tile organizer, gwl)
Added: breathRecoveryRate to player volume
Fixed: breath recovery for player
Fixed: breath recovery for volume
Added: const jumps, speeds max and default to base
Added: holdBreathTime to watcher tiletypelist for player
Replaced: trigger enter/exit for damage tile type (updated)
Added: collider toggle for each damage state – on hurt and repair
Fixed: on quit – it leaves the grid up while everything is being removed – just close all
Fixed: damage states check independantly for enabled, and health value, to work correctly
Fixed: pan tool – hold then move did mess up screen on transition to properties and back
Added: collider toggle for each damage state. Works with both hurt and repair states
Added: damage states collider options – controls colliders based on health
Added: image slider_damage_collider and prefab
Added: damage collider option to standard block tile
Added: damage collider option to all tiles
Updated: TileData.xml for damage collider options
Fixed: time on startDelay for particle counter
Fixed: player gets stuck during hurt/die and can’t move – happened if jump and hurt/die start at exact same time
Checking option for disabling collider to have smoother movement when push/pull on 2d with gravity.
Made EnableGoalItem and DisableGoalItem public for calling up in override enter/exit that don’t call to base
Added: OnAllTilesLoadedComplete() to block when making new tiles
Filling out damage tile – animations, audio, events
Updated TileData.xml with damage updates
Added a LoadCompletedPauseCompleted virtual method for apply events after pause in game at start
ApplyHit () looks for attacker obj and if it’s still enabled during attack
First pass on TileTypeDamaage – setting up all the basic systems
Fixed: the preview button for audio files.
TileXmlUpgrader now compares based on Attribute.Name instead of Name.Attribute.
Fixed: a bug where a new AudioClipSettings tile was initially getting saved as a generic SubClass instead.
Updated DebugUtils from external code.
Released: August 31, 2016
– Added image for menu message box bkg
– Updated menu message prefab with it
– While messagebox enabled (main menu) it disables joystick buttons for Learn/Exit modes
– Added messagebox for menu
– OnScreenKeyboard no longer comes up when Enter key is pressed – using Rewired to check on controller type
– Fixed navigation on product page going from group to group title bars – Needs testing in Steam build
– Fixed a bug when loading a level from QA
– Turned off items that can be implemented later
– Removed EventAniEnd from files
– Fixed background tile not updating with color change (TriggerEvent wasn’t setup yet)
– Fixed tilegui from excepting edit mode ui clicks
– Added navigationToSelectable for Avatar buttons to correctly select avatar image based on currently visible one
– Starting to fix avatar selection navigation
– Fixed Tile Viewer issue with scroller start position resetting on enabling
– Updated organizer prefab for navigation on cells
– Added reset option for gwl tabs entering edit mode
– Updated gwl and learn prefabs
– Fixed tab reset on gwl when going back to main
– Added reset tab option for Tabs/buttons/toggles – Learn mode uses it
– Updated GWL prefab.
– Initial copy/paste is now implemented.
– Added the ability to create a new GWLContainer based on another one
– Updated some external code from the project code
– Began adding copy/paste functionality to GWL
– Changed the word Level to Scene
– Updated multi-user count to 8
– Added 8 count in Rewired control system
– Fixed a bug where the base values would overwrite the first selected trigger
– Fixed a bug in SubTileEvent where overlayed values weren’t being updated in TileBehavior.
– Colors now parsed directly to byte instead of to int and then typecasted to byte
– Local content URIs now work for local builds. Base values always save now
– Fixed a bug where gwlUtility would sometimes not be loaded in edit mode
– Updated meta files for sprite images (and removed mipmap)
– GWL – story tab icon bkg is now white
– Coin – selection ‘top’ bar gold and bottom bar silver
– Content row – grayed out the following and followers – till we have them working
– Current Sales – fixed font color for ‘chart view’ button
– Removed marketing tab – too messy trying to disable and get rid of all navigation to it
– Marketing – shadow on location is fixed in center on anchor
– ‘a’ button on main fixed joystick button to work with it
– Added market and mystuff to Learn page
– Fixed some bugs with triggers values not being saved and base values not being reset
– All base values are now stored when dealing with triggers
– Trigger values now revert to base values if they aren’t on and the base value exists.
– Changed how base xml is loaded.
– Added a check and note for a bug that a developer can introduce with the goal tile
– Updated Icons Goal / Manager / Weapon / Grid
– Updating learning section
– Goal now checks for items even if ‘0’. If none, and triggered, it excepts it as complete
– Changed hang slide speed for autoslide to match current move values
– Added overrides for Triggers on jetpack enter/exit
– Updated TileData – fixed spelling on rollout for manager
– Fixed nullref on bullet with no animation getting played
– Added camera focus edge button and values
– Fixed issues with camera focus zoom edge
– Added a progress window for when profile data gets updated
– Updated XmlObjectPropertyLoader in the external code
– Updated BaseAttributeSaver in the external code.
– Updated Tool Icons
– Updated icons for jet pack and tool
– Adding in cameraFocus pos and zoom options with padding on dist min/max
– Fixing up focus camera for smoother (correct) zoom in/out tracking (and position)
– Cleaned up jumpPound system for player
– Added jumppound support for ortho character
– Fixed issues with jumpPoundCombo resetting in all situations
– Added default variables for main numbers in character across behaviors
– Added raycastDistance as variable for jumpPound
– Work(ing)(ed) over the values and setup for jumpApex, jumpPound, jumpPoundBounce for a smoother motion
– Adding full support for player jump pound, bounce, input controls and properties
– Fixed up tabbing to work on login screen again
– Added subtile group check for items show/hide
– Added support for particle tile and show/hide for being grouped to an item
– Fixed autoSelectNextItemAfterDrop – checks for useable items (skipping others) in search
– Fixed reloading for 1,2 on weapon
– Fixed directional bugs with shell and muzzleflash
– Removed shells in rt_mode if user clicks on play before they go away
– Fixed: Bullets ani order (start,middle,end), renderering correctly on layers, and resetting onEnable and onDisable, wrapMode on repeat
– Getting things working again for the muzzleflash and shell images and wrapmode
– Worked over Charging weapon states
– Turned off playbtn event call – now goes to gameSelection window – and choose btn from there
– Updated all panel popups, set trackables to each
– Changed out bagButton for default throughout popup panels
– Fixed navigation throughout most of productpage and extra panels
– Fixed cellview ad navigation between buttons
– Updated market_center prefab
– Added prefab for inputfieldscrollbox in case we need an example in the future. unity issue – doesn’t restrict to box for selection mode
– Added navigation (button to inputfield and back) in productpage
– Added navigator to use ‘tab’ and joystick ‘cancel’ button for onEndEdit
– Updated prefabs for productpage
– Added methods for inputfield text in productpage
– Update last parts on title_bar navigation for productpage
– Changed out image panel in product page
– updated learning image source
– Commented out tween on titlebar movement in productpage – needs to work with normalized value to stay within bounds
– Navigation between panels in productpage
– Still updating navigation on productpage panels
– Added ContentSizeFitter back to scrollview for tilesetList
– Added LayoutElement back to tile for sizing in scroll area
– Added exit on right shoulder 1
– Updated prefabs
– Selected tiles can now be submitted for review.
– Approval and rejection of items now function with a three stage toggle and notes are applied.
– Fixed a bug where the event system and input manager were being destroyed.
– Added a temporary way to select all tiles in view.
– Previous tiles are now deleted whena new tileset is selected instead of when the view is disabled.
– Updating ProductPage and all that entails 🙂
– Changed out all tab scripts with just Tabs.cs and updated things that used it and prefabs
– Fixed login navigation on exit (added exit panel like bag scene)
– Fixed the cursor on Windows.
– Working over product page (marketcenter prefab) navigation
– Added a debug message as a note to myself.
– Review app now populates tilesets and tiles.
– Removed the PasswordUtility as that no longer exists in the external code.
– Updated the settings files and the scene file.
– Removed the old Review app code. Will cherrypick the useful stuff later.
– Removed the external class spawner since it is no longer needed.
– Removed some unused code from the SpecialBuilds editor script.
– Fixed the external code copying script to use the updated paths.
– Removed some warnings from LeanTween.
– Reviewer app can now work with or without Rewired.
– Updated the shared code in the reviewer app.
– Setup the cursor to not be huge on Mac and Linux.
– Updates to QA cellview bar (prefab) and navigation
– Updated cellView ad large, small and featured prefabs (navigation, button setup)
– Updating buttons panels with trackable options for navigation
– Added: TrackSelectables to keep track of selection where focus is lost or unknown in ui
– Added “name” to CoroutineRunner for bag hierarchy
– Grid and camera reset on main menu enabled
– Fixed time issue with TileViewer and tiles populating on grid
– Added: vertical offset for grid and cell checking
– Added offset correction for tileViewer tiles when loaded (and navigation)
– Added learn mode to back button (escape key check) and fixed issues with some market center pages escaping correctly
– Joystick left shoulder activates learn mode
– Joystick right shoulder activates exit mode
– Added joystick button options in ui for rewired
– Updated main menu prefab for buttons
– Wallet and bank auto select gold on cancel
– Gold and silver buttons now select the corresponding type when wallet opens
– Fixed gold/silver buttons – alpha was 0, now 100
– Removed comments
– Bottom bars are all consistent now – bar highlights blue.
– Finished changes for cellview ad navigation, button
– Working over cellview ad marketing
– added learning images
– update back arrow and learn screens
– Fixed some of the cursors and their hotspots.
– Added a compiler flag for the linux editor.
– The report data method will use the error callback if the server value is “auth”
– Updated cellView prefab with navigation and highlight support
– Adding highlight to cellview bars and highlight to each selectable object
– Updated UI and prefabs for gwl, learn, menu, settings, tile selection, viewer
– Added todo list for learn mode – saving and silver coins on completion
– Turned off white bkg on learnBtn prefab
– Set some better defaults for the DisplaySettings
– Set the resolution slider to the current resolutionId on loading the settings.
– Fixed some bugs in the MenuDisplay screen with loading and saving graphics settings
– Fixed a bug where store items wouldn’t populate if another tab was selected before the current one had finished.
– Removed forcing a testing id in the flag system.
– Added the flag system to the flag button.
– Added a way to report abuse to the server.
– Renamed images for learning
– Setup first part of learn mode with Menu
– Added audio to new toggles and buttons
– updated learn images alpha
– Learn mode is now working nicely
– Learn mode framework is built out and ready for content
– Added: LearnController.cs
– Getting Learn mode setup with content
– Added: Flag button to product page and message box and methods in ProductPage.cs
– flag icon added to project
– Added new font ‘learn_bold’ to learn section
– Learn section layout first pass
– Removed ‘forward’ arrow for learn. Saved scene
– update icon and start to save out learning images 906×906 pixels
– update icons
– training gui added
– Fixed login panels on/off for ‘reset password’, and navigation
– Finished first pass on Reviewer App (corrected for most navigation issues, panels on/off, login)
– Added: Fullscreen editor plugin
– Fixed some bugs with items showing up in the market center when going from product page back to the list view
– Retrieving items will now retry on failure
– Fixed the rating text when there are no ratings available.
– Updated the Reviewer app to be able to build it via the menu
– Added a logo scene to the Tile Builder project
– Renamed MovieDev to MoviePlayer and updated some of the code
– Began updating the display settings system
– Setup a release flag for the “Turn Release Mode On” menu option
These are just some additional commits and bug fixes, if you enjoy reading through things like this. 🙂
– Slingshot offset projectile object on holder
– Slingshot projectile – check that its doing actually damage on hit
– Slingshot check for button states – doesn’t work anymore – up/down/hover – has issues – doesn’t go back to up
– Weapon on pickup – have weapon rotate to match objects rotation – always keep the same
– Weapon autofire – weapon image disabled now shows
– Weapon weapon Death state – weapon is still enabled
– Weapon MoveOnAttack stops player now, if disabled
– Weapon hitspark – comes in at ‘half’ size
– Weapon hitspark – parents correctly
– Weapon make sure projectile (bullet) CAN NOT hit player if checked
– Weapon bullet – hit/get hit and play correct animations after
– Weapon Added: Hurt stuff to all bullets – correctly in the system
– Weapon on Die Scale up/down option
– Weapon putdown/pickup on triggerenter/exit works correctly now and shows correct animation for it
– Weapon DisableHideOnPickup – when drop weapon that ‘hide on pickup’ – it needs to reappear on putdown
– Weapon hitSpark bug – scale size up (issue with parenting and more). Fix(ed?) on Hit, on Die issue with hitSpark and weapon playing same animation
– Weapon projectile mass/drag is working correctly – had to set properties after object was active (not before).
– Weapon check that speed works if using either one ‘only’ then playing
– Weapon bulletBrush works correctly now with the override settings, etc
– check that the player tile image Pixel filterMode – uncommented the base.CreateTile() which sets it. Check that everything still works
– Player hurtTimedelay is there for player – its on the base class
– Player hurtInhurtState – flashes correctly now and sets color back to tileImageColor (not original)
– Player Added: check lock on ani for player to only play when changed, not constantly hitting it
– Player jumpDefault fallback for apex
– Player Added: fallback for player DIE/DEAD states – make one base level die state
– Player Fixed parameters for RotatePlayerToGroundDirection() to include direction and distance checking
– activeLayerParent now available
– layer (when using hotkeys) set the layerId on Create() to the right depth. Couldn’t break it
– fixed pixelated character – figure it out next
– brushTrigger now checks for depth on which tileImage to connect to in subpanelTile mode – picks nearest
– fixed white flash on loading level (guiFader) is pushed back to not be seen, but still being called…somewhere.
– removed any original color – USE the objects tileImageColor
– ui added show cursor option – currently in camera button options
– ui hide default joystick and buttons on screen for now.
– swap front back – increase the ‘Swap pivot’ increment amount – more numbers smaller increment precision
– parentTo object slider button – Move L/R is opposite – fix
– parentTo – make sure it can jump with it on parent to and jump from it – parentTo JUMP still doesn’t work ‘perfectly’ every time. POLISH!
– fixed the constraint on phyics option – just read the label.text in rt mode (topright value)
– fixed if die loop- then object stays in that loop – if player walks through it, changes back to ‘end’ loop
– Scorepoint and enter/exit trigger animation no longer play if isDead = true
– 2048 game recorded
– remove editorCamera from Settings() bar, etc
– remove cameraAll from code
– remove camera Editor/Game modes from code – just game tile now
– fixed: layer issue sets to 0, make it an option like the others
– fixed: triggerEnable options don’t save from TB to BAG – make sure they are setup correctly
– camera ‘peek’ uses target brush – finds spots (or moving objects) and peeks at it (single)
– added tween ease in/out type for peek move
– fixed: camera zoom example box is correct size – somehow its messed up on zoom camera
– fixed: zoom percentage to be more accurate – uses height with visual box to help visually determine zoom amount
– fixed: sorta fixed parallax fg,bg.
– removed all unlimited and repeat from cameras, its all using trigger now
– fixed: rewrote the prs- translate stuff – lerp, and distance must always return back – currently does
– Physics gravity faux added to all standard physics objects so ‘crates’ can reside anywhere
– parallax layers ‘lock aspect ratio option’ to keep in check with gamecamera zooming
– Removed ‘free view mode’ – now only goes in to Editor mode and Game(in editor) mode
– Camera is regular tile now
– Player is regular tile now
– Added camera follow directional u,d,l,r
– Added ability to follow ‘any’ targeted object — removed target from player exclusive
– Removed (sdh) all ‘pre editor/game’ screen thing that just shows fly through
– Added: Smooth Follow And Zoom – to camera controller – in there with all code, but not hooked in to the system
– Fixed: Trigger at camera location (when no player attached) – scale (target type) and layer placement
– Added: real grappling hook smooth ‘real swing’ rb system
– Added: a player ‘lookAround’ with camera – look in direction and camera moves from player position outward in that direction
– Added: gravity directional – use with faux and physics for base tile
– Added: atStart for all base trigger type – currently used in camera
– Changed triggerRange and others need ‘set amount for offset/move’ 50 not enough – trying 100
– Fixed: Trigger onEnter,onExit,offEnter etc = loading from TB to BAG
– Fixed: grid toggle – not ‘down’ only thing – make it an actual toggle for the key press
– volume with new trigger system and multiplayer working
– ladder with new trigger system and multiplayer working
– hang with new trigger system and multiplayer working
– die plays twice on animation – fixed
– die IDLE – uses start position fed in first in case ai player doesn’t move at all – ex: idle only
– fixed ladder again – walked right off and kept on ‘walking on the ladder’, issues on top of ladder down, falling to it. etc
– removed Controllerplayer from persistant scene – now belongs to each player
– replaced the anim ‘standard’ jump and default ones, uses just 1 label for them
– redid fakeJump (isMoving) – works much better – uses current jump systems
– Fixed multi ground jump – timing, speedmultiplier, height issue
– Added: drop shadow is part of player now
– Added: hitBox for hit on horizontal align option for walking by or shooting player and not being lined up
– Fixed issue with jumpPad cap height – was multiAirJump messing up height
– Fixed jumpPad issue with walk to trigger verses jump to trigger
– Refactored ‘isMoving’ to ‘isFakeMoving’
– player walk through other players (if enabled)
– polished hang, fixed to work with ortho addition
– hang checks for ‘if’ button is still down for jump, if it is, then ‘cant’ grab – no grab till release ‘up’
– Hang land no move – seems to have come from FALL() – isFallingDown to land.
– fixed drop from hang ‘had small jump amount’, then back to normal
– multi dash as an option – make sure you can do multiple time with these
– when dashing if player ‘goes in to different ‘state”, then zero out amount left over
– shadow scale issue with player – load/create
– shadow follows correctly for jump, fly and fall
– fixed issue with FakeJump – use solution so directional gravity and 3/4 iso works!
– fixed Player – jumpDash – landed and then froze – couldn’t walk. drag tile ‘up’ and drop him, then he could walk again
– character controller object – slider values is higher and accurate for more precise move in BAG
– fixed controller sizes for player
– fixed move slide angle system
– fixed issue with slids angle on direction ani opposite
– fixed slide jump issue while sliding
– fixed L/R direction issue on cameraAutoMove for editor and game
– char ‘auto move constant speed from start
– Crouch and move in to box appears fixed
– Removed all input keys that were characters. just use the BagKey.example for them. easier to switch with later
– Fixed / added Crouch controller option in edit mode – select exactly what you want characterController radius, height, pos to be
– DirectionalGravity – make many animations work with this – check on groupnd dist bigger number to say its on ground for anim
– Fixed raycast on crouch – now casts from crouch controller position, not standing position
– TileBehavior has gravitational pull – per object for player
– go back to toss, push, pull, pickup, putdown – finish, fix all
– Pickup, Putdown, Toss, Push, Pull
– fix push above head – ortho – seems to stop pushing sometimes – figure out why
– pickup drop, make sure rigidbody and constraints work on each one with var back to reg props
– make sure push/pull animations work – apply to new character (test with ninja – he has them)
– then start/finish off the pickup/down/hold/toss. be sure it’s all good.
– checks correctly for pushing/pulling
– make sure counter for delays are working every time
– still locks on teleporting ‘back’ to the main one – freezes characters movement – debug
– still happens with teleport – if ‘pause player’ enabled, on the way back to main teleport, it stops
– teleport still either freezes player on re-entry or its delayed super long
– removed globals from teleporter
– fixed prs on PortTo object
– changed up how slider subtile buttons are handled – now ALWAYS through tile only. updates from id list of subtiles
– port properties – ‘on create’ doesn’t set – make sure init happens for it
– slider draggable while changing between other properties -> ex: Teleporter Port button – id can switch from drag and update all values
– fixed subtile filterMode settings – loads from base class correctly.
– updated all subtile ’tiles’ to work with delegate on connection to parent tileTypes
– fixed nullref on triggerPort for teleporter – was calling up incorrect parent for triggerEnter animation
– subtiles can now be accessed from edit mode with tools: MOVE, ERASE, SELECT
– first pass on dynamic swap front/behind tile system to be there and working smartly – checks for ‘height’ up/down to move pieces
– added ActivateTrigger enum. input, trigger. in jumppad. BUT, add to base class soon, for all trigger type
– Jumppad example object – not triggering – on layer 9
– speed is not determined by player speed (unless stated). current if run, then runjump speed, etc. not.
– have input option to enable – should be standard for all trigger objects – triggerOnEnter, triggerOnInput
– for some reason a tile with ‘follower’ from waypoint – has the alpha faded. keeps it that way – in options for object subtile
– targets dont seem to actually be deleting (removing the cp00 part). it stays in some instances during edit.
– make slider button NodeId – switches between nodes with its properties – make it like the teleporter port ones 🙂 nice and easy
– Tile scribblePhysics – lots of changes and additions – Hitpoint system added, Bullet detection in static and dynamic mode, hurt ability, hurtFlash, health
– scribblePhysics – dynamic connected with bullet shooting – capsules
– flash before destroy – needs to check first for ‘Ends: dynamic, destroy’
– scribblePhysics – draw – counter for ‘number of strokes’ length, etc
– scribblePhysics – region drawing space – works correctly on previz and rect canvas
– terrainTile collider (on main) didn’t turn on coming out of subtilepanel mode – CHECK on this
– make node ‘placement’ work on left or ‘right’ side – currently goes only from left (node 0)
– made materialBrush work correctly in all states. And checks correctly for skirtAnim from tile animations
– the brush conflicts with materialTriggerBrush because it is set for a limit amount. Fix so both brushes can be made.
– terrainImage – needs to check for the tiling scale on the top one not updating – make skirt/fill default — couldn’t get it to mess up again
– Smart AutoSwapping Front/Back – Height Based – Bottom – close – Top – distant – have this done – check on script
– Added boomerang as a projectile type for weapon
– weapon bullet- ‘number of times can hit’ – should read – ‘extra number of times can hit’
– torque on bullet stops after OnHit() happens no matter what state
– check on player tile – when ai set in TB, playing says joystick not found. check it
– update weaponLock direction visually in editor if you move that so you can see bullet
– onHitRecoilWeapon – if groundpound – hits target, ‘poof’, then pushes back up (or direction) using recoil-like
– Fixed arc issue on boomerang when width set to 0 (old comment was: arc distance at 0 doesn’t know when it reaches the end)
– added “random” scale option for muzzle flash on weapon
– a “random” rotate and scale option for hit spark on weapon
– checked and it works as intended for now -> if you make the weapon transparent in the visual settings it—makes the displayed image transparent the projectile image not the hit spark image transparent
– works as intended -> if you make the weapon invisible on the setting option it still shows up in the play mode -> must select the hide weapon option for it to remain hidden during use
– boomerang – 0 straight, 1 big circle now switches 1-100 is reversed to work with 0 being ‘flat’ and 1 being full circle (for user side)
– multi shooting – ‘is issue if not pre-pooling bullets’ then bullets drifts out slowly on boomerang mode
– added PlayerState { idle, move, crouch, climb, fall, fly, hang, volume, jump, hurt } – checks if weapon can shoot during those states
– added SwingType for grapplingHook { freeClimb, dynamicSwing, lockMove }
– grapplingHook – make sure swing move up/down stops when player stops pushing button
– grapplingHook – fixed slider stuff
– ability to swing back and forth on real swing
– fixed issue with ‘holder’ object not checking if is player -> for player movement resumed – then gets stuck
– quickSelectToolEnabled gui with 3dtext gui
– pan issue – move joystick and when connected triggered, it jumps to that spot instead of resetting
– panning has an old lastPos that is setting in with the ‘smooth finish’. need to fix.
– panning – first time using – ‘jumps’ to some other location. fix it.
– there is a real issue with the screen zoom in/out and then (joystick) it moves up ‘extra’ each time
– make sliderbars have extra back image for ’empty’ space. Functions, but needs to be prettified
– Swipe down/up messes up on tabs – will do the up/down down thing. instead of just once correctly
– refactoring and cleanup the hierarchy for bag scene – lots of changes all over it
– removed old script files no longer using
– reviewed files / Cleaned up the project folders
– removed / deleted all ‘extra’ window_screens in bag hierarchy – anything that’s not directly used for game or menu screen
– removed Animation COMPONENTS from tiles. Now using tween for scale up/down effect on gui
– cleaned up script – and all scripts connected to it. Rename, remove, condense, etc
– main menu – has issue with rollover – on click it stays – does something to resource mat, instead of clean – checked on mobile – works fine.
– grid size at start is now smaller – and grid setting size allows for 1-50 on sizing
– added slider and joystick movement to LayerTab buttons – now they act like all the others 🙂
– added divider bar for layer tab buttons
– added divider bar for filter tab buttons
– added divider bar for tileset tab button between market and tiles
– highlights for sliders pushed in front of slider bars
– grid ‘pops’ when going in/out from other screens on loading – make sure it’s resized first. then fade out
– filter mode cursor switching – works correctly – if no tiles available in filter, then changes to move tool
– mostly got rid of stuff you don’t need supporting bag scene 5 anymore
– added/fixed audio Listener component to game camera and editor gui camera
– fixed issue with color themes not staying set when entering edit mode from menu
– separated colors for better control of materials on color themes
– audio – make sure audio/music just works. nothing special, but go through code and scene and be sure everything is working from the start
– groupbrush – was 1/2 smaller box when in slidermode. make sure its bigger to be able to erase
– groupbrush – when connected to object – seems to pull the tileImage to it in gameMode
– groupbrush – offset of player/object tied together with groupBrush is pulling them together – parentTo
– fixed spelling issue with myTiles and store icons,material,textures
– [Removed] subtile tile property option] subTile – switching between – subtile property and subtileTile property
– GUI Blocker fixed this issue – subTile – the subtile tile is totally messing up if you go from one subtile property to the next subtile – it switches, then reswitches to the last selected sliderButton settings
– [Removed] subTile – check on subpanel trigger – if the tile ‘was’ connected, but the parent tile is on a different layer, then the current subtiles need to know and not disconnect on their layers to stay on that and be workable in the scene
– fixed Method makes ‘hotkey’ true and bypasses the TileManager tabs setup, etc. correctly handles layer switching now
– added Pan tool and support systems
– added Home tool/button – click to move camera back to 0,0 in edit mode
– fixed issues with pan spacebar – brushMode now sets correctly on buttonUp for tile and brush modes
– fixed brushMode on enter/exit editor – from level select – it’s brush
– added brushMode auto set for gameToEditor mode. resets brush, cursor and highlight to last used tool
– cursor hide/show correctly on enter/exit from levelSelect and gameToEdit mode
– Added: Pause Menu – need the official ‘pause’ button and options – this provides ‘game paused menu options’
– Added: Extras Menu – links to extra sites, etc
– Added: Options Menu – available in 2 spots – at main menu and in editor mode
– Added: link to forum/’community’
– background – (doesn’t happen anymore..) – background resets right after ‘die’ – need to make sure it doesn’t reset at all in gameMode or out of.
– background – (doesn’t happen anymore..) – put a background tile in – turn off enableAtStart – then erase it – freezes up BAG
– gui – issue with the color border on gui camera – and major issues with it on ‘realtime’
– gui – Fixed wireframe issue – set 1 for edge to show, if bigger the quad doesn’t work now
– gui – need trigger box base class
– gui – toolbar -> go to home (0,0,0)
– gui – get screen wipes to work
– gui – snapping issue when going ‘back in to edit mode’. works going to game mode – loses vector3 number or zeros out as default
– gui – connect with button. only button element connect (on drag/drop) not on just dragging around
– gui – fix issues with panel connect autostick, etc
– gui – “WATCH for it” – it’s toggle active/deactive shows on triggerEnter/Exit. Remember it can look like the wrong one, but is working how designed
– gui – can make a gui tile — move object over trigger for the tileover -> the tile gets bigger and centers itself on the screen
– gui – make sure it can use trigger by object
– buy advertising button from backButton is not assigned. – be sure to fix that
– cInput – replace with ‘rewired plugin’
– Trigger states – start,enter,stay,exit,input – need to work with everything correctly
– saving out / the ‘GWL’ shows up before the saving is complete – make sure it’s complete first (or hidden in background)
– layerOffset for tiles works in EnableTools and DisableTools
– get the ‘other scenes working smooth with the transition to/from main menu
– door – make the ‘movement’ better – replace current system with tween stuff
– removed – make sure the ‘brush checkers’/bumpers are looking for objects that enter all the time and then use them first to see if they are still there before moving
– added activateOn touch, input, enter, exit – option for ALL triggers, nearly.
– make thumbnails works for everything. and make first animation correctly play for every tile
– ability to start paused on a game – press a key to start it – tiles dont do anthing till you do
– make sure that layer slider bar (0) works for everything – moved to core part in 1
– fixed anim editor issue – when an object is erased – the other ones ‘stop’ playing their animations
– have all animations for trigger in Rollout labeled -> Trigger Animations (enter,idle in base with thumbnail)
– WiredInput – ability to set keys for ALL actions – ex: jump/attack same button – done and available in control map (setting/pause menu)
– removed ALL tile ‘Animations’ from legacy component
– Camera AtStart – messed up – check on it – doesnn’t work at start
– updated door with all the ‘new’ stuff and trigger elements
– fixed physics system ‘onAwake’ – reworked it
– fixed all todo with rewired system through ‘most’ files
– realtime grid update based on tile size – if big, then grid matches and places correctly, etc
– player – automated feet placement for box and raycast checking
– fixed player idleAtEdge issues for gravity down (default)
– player – fixed issue with player move state lockup (stopped) IS from exiting a tileType after jumping from it, but NOT getting to apex so stuck at Debug1,2 on jump.
– fixed head hit ceiling and ‘hangs’ up there
– refactored the passthrough to check for everything
– added ‘box’ movement stuff to camera for follow states
– added bumpers – front,back,top,bottom – player moves, nothing happens till you reach the bumper areas – from box movement
– i think this is fixed from base class corrections -> EnableTools() rt trigger setup – manual move, depth on camera to -5, etc
– weapon wont drop and stay out – just turns off renderer on tileImage – needs to complete ‘TriggerExit’ it for controls to be gone
– FlyEnabled not inside toggle check. Didn’t allow fly to get in to fly mode.
– CrouchEnabled not inside toggle check. Didn’t allow crouch to get in to crouch mode.
– player option for crouching – holdButtonToCrouch. Can be one click down to crouch and holding down crouch.
– comment in player tile for isFallingDown not reset when switching to isFakeMoving while in air / falling.
– comments to BagKeys
– passthrough looks for flymode and optional flythrough (ignoreCollision) mode for player
– weapon rewired issues (just hadn’t gotten there yet). 🙂
– auto enable and manual enable on weapon for trigger enter/exit
– trigger number of times and unlimited to the use of weapon (default on all tiles)
– issue with unity 5 trigger/parenting/character – triggers twice sometimes. Fixed it with a delay on exit/enter check
– boomerang was coming back and floating away. Needed all hitObject type to be filled in.
– fixed ‘idleAtEdge’ raycast – uses center of tile + characterController.height offset. then other cool stuff to scale correctly downward
– Hang: player grabs position for hanging based on each direction
– jump dash works with single button – uses same mapped button (different names) as moveDash for easy play
– jump dash disable colliders -> disableColliderOnJumpDash – needs support from TileBehavior for all tiles (think about it first)
– pivot point (anchor) for editor tiles – move and create. defined in each tile
– fixed slider 10 is used by pivot point on player – changed the joystick id to 5
– all players teleport with the first one
– teleporter – move player to pos then port
– hang, push down, then jump – in no-gravity mode- he floats off with velocity – fix
– ‘close button”x’ or exit something button to leave/close bag
– fixed pan tool raycast must work through a gui camera – ‘ignoreRaycast’ was the conflict on CameraGuiGrid
– fixed subtile ‘drag’ mode when moving – goes’away’ if you try to move it over another tile
– add effects system to player -> play animations, etc during behaviors (ex. walk, run, jump)
– add a ‘hide’ default joystick option for play type
– subtiles move – CANT move ontop of regular tiles
– update for UpdateTilePosition(), if you move screen to fast, the tile can ‘fall off’ the guicanvas and get removed. DON’t allow that.
– fixed ‘line’ on gui not showing up for tileOrganizer middle column on right (panel issue for both left and right sides)
– pickup needs ‘item’ to also can option – define it for health, lives, etc 🙂
– added typing in gui text box for slider buttons (name, description, messageBox enter/exit)
– loading screens for steam – loading screen for each one (account, updating files, sync games) – all consistent and pretty 🙂
– one of the tabs loads marketcenter featured page – be sure it doesn’t. fixed it.
– set collider size on subtiles to their original scale size (except for z which is 1.1f)
– terrain ‘screen’ size needs to cover past the screen when building infinite tracks
– faux on player – debug raycastline goes ‘depth behind player, wierd stuff happens
– EDITOR: pan tool – make sure it can go through the gui tile camera objs. – check for tag ignoreRaycast (?)
– fixed TB groupPanelIds – weapon (others too) come in wrong places
– pickup – finished the list property selection
– fixed: multi-trigger – all triggers need to store ‘triggered Obj’ in the triggerobjs file. not trigger file.
– fixed: exploder – secretly blows at start of scene – all stuff is turned on, they keep moving. very bad.
– fixed: exploder/astar – level going to next one – make sure files are all cleaned up correctly follow it
– fixed: exploder – needs to check if tileImage has children child.count – if so, remove them to parent. then blow.
– save/load a level position to come and go from – test that these work and fix them
– bkg camera (tiletype) – not showing box blue on it in RT_ mode when adjusting size
– goal has trigger system – need to ‘click to activate’ then can start on top of it
– color for light tile – added HSBA
– added trigger states to light tile
– decal – added random toggle for animation
– added CheckPoint to list of tiles. saves position of player when triggering it
– ability to fire in selected directions only – left/right ‘only’. up/down’ only
– added to joystick – now actual 4,8,hori,vert options for control – in player and weapon
– weapon – drop on die – or keep – make an option toggle tonight
– add effect to checkpoint, add particle option to checkpoint
– fixed boomerang not sticking /stopping when hit
– platform phycis not playing falling animation
– bound/bumper camera – doesn’t move till you
– on platform tile – mover – make sure its on the LeanTween.move and ADD the EASE type for fun bounce, etc
– added trigger system to platform
– make HitPoint collider box adjustable
– triggerActivate – and all trigger parts need refined in ALL tiles
– UI – added a ‘training button’ to here – that will take you to the new scene.
– UI – Text-box needs to have a scroll-bar turned ON
– UI – Change Title to “Product Page”
– UI – change color based on the selection of game/world/level
– UI – GWL to Edit Mode LOADING – Add a percent complete counter
– UI – fixed backspace on all ‘text input boxes’ needs fixed – in that mode doesn’t use back, its ‘erase’
– UI – fixed escape in every mode
– fixed fill out text – it goes away on click – gui text (or any of them). make them all like ‘name,descr’
– bag editor ui – info bars on top – about to add buttons on top bar to ‘show’ more info -clickable-
– add scrollbar to gwl – genre and theme modes for gwl – auto detect for bar to show up though
– Set the texteffects values to more consistent default for all tiles
– made info bars on top in subtile mode all work together and using -> (settings has toggle on/off global)
– cloudshadow – fixed shader issue on it and other tiles transparent-1 setup, etc. (not sure how, but it currently is working in all modes)
– Tiles that work for greenlight submission -> Manager, Goal, Gui, and Transition
– level id setting (value for w,l through goal and gui)
– level loading to startPosition tiletype. This is temp loading during a user play session
– basic setup for weapon on die- keep what, lose what, drop what, etc
– removed all ongui everywhere
– cursor for game (option or always on?) – on in editPlaymode
– Added initAudio in to the wait method (for paused game) to prevent it from playing earlier (during load to play).
– fixed scale issuse on first time up – tileset button – the tileicons flash funny – fix it!
– gizmo tool – scale needs to work – set the values when scaling
– camera type – doesn’t update in RT_mode for editor snap – weapon, ladder, terrain, manager
– main menu – joystick pressing it message box pop up want to exit
– fixed back button bag should go back from editGame
– physics delayed till after pause/Start mode
– removed animation enter/exit from all (700+) subitle components
– slider_ghosting_color_hsba – added
– player crouch – needs to move all collider boxes to scale correctly – ex. left,rt,top
– fixed issue with brushes – triggers and events that don’t attach when triggered from subtile mode to tile mode exit.
– cursor on during editorPlay mode
– character collider box Y position on stand/crouch
– updated editor animations to tween (removed all animation components)
– joystick does work with bag gui from main menu to game for big picture more (steam). still need market center
– removed all Animation Components from objects. use LeanTween only
– blue dot on blue color scheme doesnt let us see the number on the slider
– slider stick when you pull them all the way out
– About 60+ bugs that weren’t listed here for Item / Weapon conversion
– in testMode – if you pause, then go back with pause on – its still on because sdh didn’t switch buildagame.currentmode to .menu
– select settings/an option – color for instance – then select and hold on a tile in the scene…bottom bar gets messed up
– added load/save % on message boxes for each way
– updated changed prefab names from sliderbuttons for weapon
– weapon – no gravity(messes up player)-> jump LEFT – and you fall
– shell is messed up – creates outside of parent and ROOT
– muzzleflash is messed up – creates outside of parent and ROOT
– muzzleflash – messed up on animation when more than one in a row – couldn’t get it to happen again. Debug is still there in case.
– temp fix – tileTypePlayer.isDead true, then skip any trigger stuff
– weapon look for orthjump on trigger enter – only on jumpLand right
– weapon brushBullet – is ‘double’ the size when using it on other tile – be sure to assign the actual tile to prs (difference it override toggled)
– weapon bullet physics checks for brush tile if connected
– land or walk to an edge (no edge animation) and then turn and move it hangs on one frame and does not switch to the move animation.
– fixed: ‘escape’ doesn’t wrk on main menu
– fixed: ‘escape’if click on x button, doesn’t actually close anymore either
– made it auto close – turn off all toggles when you click the back button (and the other 2)
– fixed ui for gwl on stretching screen, scaling, etc
– auto name manager – reset up words, and setup correct order
– fixed DirectionalNavigator – make sure it’s how you want for key movement and tab for gui
– fixed gwl gets stuck on color green – when coming back from level
– fixed when pressing the delete key while filling in the title and game descriptions, it skips to the next box, as if I pressed tab or enter.
– fixed on colliders – if off, and rb on, then it throws error on multistate
– fixed jumppad – if you jump with it, then hit the ceiling, and forced land, it stays up (and need to make jump still go)
– fixed on ‘hurt explode radius’ – if something else is going on
– weapon now item, so keep gun on die, or it goes away or is left behind, etc is part of its options
– added in with item -> On Die Drop item option
– added in with item -> On Die -> item pickup, option – stay, delete, reuse
– added in with item -> On Die -> item drops and return player to ‘regular state before’
– added autoshoot for weapon ‘look’ at – lock player/weapon angle but allow player rotation to happen
– fixed remove weapon pickup from ’tileImage’. should be connected like the other items through parentToObject
– teleporter – place one, auto (if enabled) drops number defined right by it to move around
– made only tileimages load at start – skips the rest of their scripts
– made pan on bottom panels if you move up into editor space, it doesn’t do anything else in there. safe.
– fixed setting the trigger box position | Move L/R – is opposite | just needs flipped for the value to work right
– added ‘+’,’-‘ buttons for tools at bottom – click to zoom in/out
– fixed highlight image doesn’t go to right thing on more then one in list on event trigger icons and buttons
– bag edit settings – tile feature – drag in front doesn’t work with tiles
– bag edit – drag on subpanel and then ‘up’ causes it to get out of mode and spray tiles – onDrag – only
– added pause menu – bug report button and prompt
– eventTrigger needs endCap for toggle on/off of using it. button (y) to activate it on/off
– fixed smaller grids working with move and create on grid snap
– fixed all editor snap pivot points and grid changes
– fixed translate move pos – starts in middle, fixed to work correctly
– fixed translate rotate arrow stays and duplicated
– fixed not doing RT_ modes for EnableTools() even on block tile
– removed all guiskin
– added fix for when you ‘slide’ the bar at bottom it keeps with your first drag and doesn’t change modes
– string issue with ‘ single quote. comes in as ‘%27’.
– need more feedback in marketcenter when play/purchase/downloading/etc 🙂
– added global scale, pos, speed to everything
– if no controller/joystick found, just skip it.
– check for ‘camera/weapon’ issue
– on drag sideways in gui bars (editormode), disable brush/eraser clicking
– item -> smart system to put item on correct side – when switching between joystick states on items (top to left) etc.
– fixed issues with ‘triggerbrush teleporterPort’
– added icon to represent brush trigger for port
– jumppad now works smooth on jump and ‘spring’ either in or out
– jumppad checks direction magnitude for if to activate or not (currently ‘if jumping or falling’)
– added player joystick direction – to know which way ‘position’ gets updated and which animation gets played – all 8 directions checked for
– added jet pack style (pickup) for player flying with ‘gravity at a level’ of having to hold or push to go upwards
– idleAtEdge – messes up slide if both enabled and player on edge. If no edge animation, stays at previous (ex: jumpDown, instead of move)
– character completely split from the system – and the camera and the hud – tie hud to player since its the only thing that matters with it
– on weapon pickup – shoots both at one time instead of cycling through them
– keep watching, but seems fixed – switching between shapes – if you turn it off during – needs to ‘get rid of, or play through the current stuff
– switch muzzleflash during shooting to another weapon – it keeps looping and doesn’t stop – because it turned off – just turn off renderer in this case
– make sure weapon RT_mode with bullets shooting – disable any remaining on screen
– fixed enum for ‘repeat/clamp’ on weapon
– When picked up, ‘who’ does it belong to – if ‘enemy’ tagged, then ammoAmount goes to them, not to player – and ‘can’t’ get it till ‘dropped’
– Check triggerTypes from weapon tile – player, tagged, anyTile
– fixed bullet picks up other bullet if you shoot it –> shouldn’t. only ‘tagged’ objects could/can or player, etc
– fixed die -> with weapon – putdown, keep – and ‘option to refill or keep the current, figure out ammo drop or keep or add to startAmmoAt in weapon
– ammo – id set for who shoots and gets hit from it – Use TeamId from player to check if ‘can’ be hit by bullet
– weapon – check if autoswitch on drop or loose last weapon
– Tracer could be particle so they could have a ‘particle’ trail
– Screen resize issue appears to be fixed.
– on launch – # of joysticks -> 8 controllers but test first
– GWL – story tab icon bkg is now white
– Coin – selection ‘top’ bar gold and bottom bar silver
– Content row – grayed out the following and followers – till we have them working
– Current Sales – fixed font color for ‘chart view’ button
– Removed marketing tab – too messy trying to disable and get rid of all navigation to it
– Marketing – shadow on location is fixed in center on anchor
– ‘a’ button on main fixed joystick button to work with it
– Added market and mystuff to Learn page
– finished camera ‘focus’ system with variables in and labeled right
– fix tab on learn should go back to main and reset others each time exiting/entering
– fix tab on GWL – should reset at bottom to story tab each time
– organizer scroll mover up/down messed up – changed to center when navigating
– tile viewer – doesn’t reset when clicking on an image and opening page
– account – avatar selection – still allows background with keyboard,etc. make sure it’s locked in
– removed endTrigger from event list and tiles
– navigation -> product page -> description box to -> review title bar – navigation doesn’t work in ‘game owned’ portion – broken
– make sure bkg color change applies to bkg actual image thing
– keyboard messed up – click on textInput -> type with keyboard -> auto pulls up virtual one
