2D Game Development

Tile Builder connects your custom content to the Build a Game Universe. Designed specifically to make the process of crafting new content easy and efficient, you’ll be up and running in minutes. Enjoy the process, and enjoy seeing your content in the Build a Game Universe!
Tile Builder refines and simplifies years of game industry experience to produce a process focused on 5 steps. Simply Add Files, Assign Type, Set Properties, Construct Tile and Submit Files, to have your custom content ready for use!
With Tile Builder’s streamlined approach to crafting new content for your Games and Tile Sets, its time your ideas were made into a tile.



Tiles contain the images, audio and behaviors that create the identity of your assets.

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Our 5 step process streamlines developing and importing custom content in to Build a Game.

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Submit your Tiles and have them ready for use in Build a Game and the Market Center.

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Discover the tools and options that connect your custom content with Build a Game.

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Save time and energy by making Tile Builder a part of your development pipeline.

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Work Flow

Work Flow

Improve your workflow with a proven process for constructing your content in Build a Game.

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Tiles are an amazing collection of all that you put in them. For instance, put in a picture and the tile will show your image. Add a series of pictures and the tile will animate your images. Drop in sound and you’ll hear your tiles make some noise. Choose a Tile Type and set the behavior of your tile bringing it to life.
The life you give Tiles through images, animations, sounds and behaviors is how you create the worlds you play in. So feed your tile some creativity and look out!

Tile Assets

Create tiles using images, animations and audio assets that you import into Tile Builder.
From there, assign a tile type and your assets will become everything from characters and particles to background music and pickups.
With your custom assets creating unique Tile Sets for use privately or publicly enables handling whatever your project needs are.


Create images by any artistic means necessary as long as it fits in a Tile. Whether a stop motion animation of a play-doh monster, finger-paint with the kids, photos of your world or painting with pixels or oils, they all work and they all provide the most unique form of expression for games like never before.


Animate anything and everything by creating a sequence of tiles. Load all the frames you need and set them in motion by assigning them to the tile states.
Remember it’s about style, 2 frames or more, bring it to life the way you envisioned with a tool that knows what a creative mind needs.


Tiles make sound and tile sounds can be added to every behavior state of a tile.
Import your sound effects and audio to a tile behavior and it’ll know what to sound like and when to make noise.

Behaviors and Settings

Tile Types are added to the mix providing your content with an identity that defines how it behaves.
Choosing between the various tile types and their settings are a powerful component to constructing your tile sets.
Search through our long and growing list of tile types available as you define and establish what your tile is supposed to do. Explore the equally long list of properties and options available for each tile type to make your content behave the way you want.
Take a tour of the tile types today and see what you can build!


Keep it simple and make it robust.
Our process for crafting tiles is just that, a simple and robust approach that enables users to quickly and efficiently develop 1 tile or 1,000’s of tiles. The focused 5 step process keeps it quick and encourages an iterative design philosophy enabling best practices for constructing highly polished tiles and tile sets.

Step 1. Load Files

Start by creating a project and loading your content in to Tile Builder.

Files are automatically copied and stored together in the project folder for you.

Step 2. Assign Type

Next determine how your tile is supposed to behave.

Choose the Tile Type that represents the behavior. And remember this is a safe process, you can select different types and see what they have to offer.

Step 3. Set Properties

Next we define the rules of our chosen Tile Type.

Scroll through the list of options and setup the tile to act the way you want.

Step 4. Construct Tile

Time for the final details of your tile. Build your tiles hard surfaces and adjust the object.

With this level of control you make every detail count and ensure the highest level of quality for each tile made.

Step 5. Submit Files

The final step is sending the tiles to Build a Game Universe!

Submit the tileset and start using them in Build a Game.


Review and use!
Build a Game Universe is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment to its users and honor the license agreements of our distributors. To ensure a consistent and positive expression we provide a free streamlined review process by our dedicated staff of Content Reviewers.
The Review process has 3 modes which focus on your needs during the development and publishing process.
tb_review_1Development Mode
In Development Mode you may instantly test new content on your target platform in Build a Game. No submission for review is necessary in this mode. Take advantage of this mode to experiment and iterate with tiles while you prepare your tile sets for Build a Game. 
tb_review_2Public Mode
In Public Mode your Tile Set is submitted, reviewed and upon a successful review available in your account for pricing and publishing.
tb_review_3Private Mode
In Private Mode your Tile Set is submitted, reviewed and upon a successful review available in your account for your own private development. This mode secures your content and IP from becoming available to others.


Peek under the hood and see what features Tile Builder offers. With our focus on delivering a solid first version that streamlines development and enables a whole new market to game development and content creation, Tile Builder creates an impressive list, and these are just for starters!



Intuitive Process

Streamline your process with our focused tile crafting environment. Simply load your custom content, choose your tile type, set your tile properties, construct a collider and submit!
Tile Builder supports a fluid iterative, creative process helping you make the best tile sets possible!

Tile Set Organizer

Organize your tile sets and define how you want the end user to see and use them with Tile Set Organizer.
Arrange the tiles, set the product icon, and label each one to create an exciting product for yourself and the Build a Game Universe community.

Tile Types

Choose how your tiles behave by assigning a tile type. Tile types contain all the logic and rules for what a tile can do. Select from a long list of type, such as a ladder, character, pickup, and even particles.
Experiment with the various tile types and watch your vision come to life.

Clone Properties

Simplify setting up your tiles by cloning the properties from one tile to another!
Just select your tile, copy it’s properties and then paste those on one or multiple tiles.


Ignite your project with custom particles from your favorite images. Create particles from simple smoke puffs to complex trigger events.
Bring it all together for an explosive event that will add excitement to your tile sets and games!


Establish your theme by using our custom fonts. Letters and numbers are just the beginning of our font options. Quickly edit and adjust a long list of font options. Choose and edit from more than 40 font animations to bring your message in and make it stand out!


Tile Builder is tested and ready for small and super sized development needs. We’ve put it through the harsh and sometimes brutal environment of game development to make sure it can handle the thousands of images and audio files needed for games.

Auto Optimizations

Auto-magically have your projects optimized for peek performance on supported platforms.
Our auto optimization system makes sure that across all target platforms your products and content will always look great and perform solid. Just submit the tile sets and we handle the rest!

Tile Sets

Packaging all of your wonderful tiles together in to one convenient file that can be shared, sold or privately used is handled as a Tile Set.
Tile Sets store everything together and are a great way to organize your various styles, game types and products.

Submit Tiles

One click and you instantly have your tiles ready to review and use! Submit process is designed to accommodate iterative development.
Tile Sets can be submitted instantly, while final setup happens in your product center in Build a Game.


Tile Builder fully supports Windows, Mac, Linux. We give you the option to develop where you want.


Tiles make up everything in a game, from characters and sounds to GUI and special effects.
Tiles have three layers of exposed properties allowing for various depths of control and editing. Access thousands of properties to make the tile sets you want.


Maximize productivity and reduce your time and costs by streamlining the crafting process for game tiles. Tile Builder supports and innovates with 2d game development technologies letting you lead the way as a game developer.
Accelerate development with Tile Builder. Whether rapidly prototyping an idea or finding a unique style for your project, Tile Builder’s streamlined approach will boost your development cycle and reduce the time and cost for your project.
Building community support is vital to your products and Build a Game equips you with the tools to test your products easily with users. This ensures that your product and customers are going to enjoy the experience and strengthen the relationships for success. Earn money for your time and efforts by selling your Tiles and Games. Time for your great ideas to start making money, using Build a Game and Tile Builder, that time is now!
Download Tile Builder now and see how it will change your development process and showcase your ideas to a new market.


Tile Builder brings an experience driven design which streamlines the creative development process allowing artists and designers to effectively implement their ideas and content with ease.
Designed and developed to support an effective process for importing user generated content and enabling a quick and robust approach for the crafting of content to the target development environment.
Through a focused 5 step process, users can take their projects, large or small and develop and iterate their content in a fraction of the time compared to other game software.
Iterating on tile designs is a focus of Tile Builder and with a straight forward approach to tile creation and adjusting options and settings you can experiment and perfect your tiles with ease. Your user generated content makes the Build a Game environment unique and Tile Builder makes it possible.
Grab up Tile Builder today and craft your custom Tile Set!